Chapter 452

"Very good work."

Seeing this scene, the Yellow Emperor not only didn't panic, but praised with relief that Zhuan Xu could inherit his will and lead the next generation of human race to complete the great cause of Jedi Tiantong. This is an important node in the historical process.

It's a pity that I didn't see Qin Shihuang this time.

If you can meet the first emperor, the founder of the centralized empire.

Presumably, there should be many things to talk about.

It was a bit of a pity, and then he had to raise his sword horizontally. Xiang Yu had charged forward at some point, and that powerful blow struck down directly, causing the ground under Huangdi's feet to sink.

Then, he could feel his zhenqi fading quickly.

There is no aura in the world environment to replenish, and the spiritual fusion core he created before has also been disillusioned and disappeared due to the effect of Jedi Tiantong, mainly relying on Ning Fei to provide infuriating energy.

And Ning Fei didn't have much zhenqi stored in his body, and it was rapidly passing away by a percentage under the consumption of Huangdi's Golden Immortal level.

The power gap between the two sides is too large, and one force will drop ten times.

Even though Huangdi was good at martial arts, compared to Xiang Yu, it was far from enough. If he continued to fight like this, he would lose within half a minute. No, he was not that optimistic.

Zhao Yun is also here...

Well, as soon as Jedi Tiantong came out, those who had a tacit understanding rushed to attack him and Li He directly, because they all knew that the only way to win was to drive them out of the game first.

"It's a little troublesome..."

Glancing at Li He, he saw that he was being besieged by Lu Zu, Li Bai, Mo Zi, Nezha, and Nie Zheng. Presumably, if the existence of Monkey King had not been dissipated directly by Jedi Tiantong and Xuanzang's martial arts were in a slump, then he would have It takes two more.

No one cares about Liu Xiu and Zhuge Liang.

After all, in the case of Jedi Tiantong, all the treasures were sealed, and Liu Xiu appeared in the world as an archer. After the meteorite was sealed, his martial arts were ordinary, and his combat effectiveness was already stretched.

Zhuge Liang is a wise man, not good at fighting.

So, don't worry about them, as long as you kill him and Li He first, drive them out of the game, and then decide how to fight, you can win or lose.

"never mind."

The Yellow Emperor sighed helplessly, and continued: "I probably won't be able to win the championship. Let me help you secure the top five, Master, this is the end of my battle, and you still need to work harder on your own."

Barely dodged Zhao Yun's charge, and when Xiang Yu came down again with his halberd, Huang Di turned into aura and dissipated.

After the aura dissipated, something flew towards Ning Fei.

There was a spot of light on Ning Fei's chest, and then the spot of light shone, and then phantoms erupted around him, and a set of mighty Kamen Rider armor took shape instantly.

Ning Fei's momentum soared in an instant, not losing to those famous generals who shone in history.

"Isn't there a Jedi Celestial Master?"

It wasn't that Yu Ningfei was shocked by the aura of the mask, but that he was shocked by Huangdi's methods. Under such circumstances, he could still use his methods. So, if this Emperor doesn't want to lose, how strong should he be?
As the Master, Elizabeth is a member of the Historical Research Committee and knows more about technology.

She said in a concentrated voice: "It's not a fantasy method, but science. The Yellow Emperor directly constructed a set of conceptual weapons for him in Baiyujing, and then transported the conceptual weapons over with the help of the ether channel."

It turned out to be the case.

Only then did everyone understand the reason, the existence of conceptual weapons, everyone knew that it was the equipment of the Yanwu Order, and only those who joined the army and became the Yanwu Order could be equipped.

It has long been heard that after the conceptual armament is strengthened, it has the ability to leapfrog fighting.

Looking at it now, it really is.

However, there is no need to hunt down Ning Fei. Although that guy's strength has increased a lot, he is not a threat. The most urgent task now is to surround and kill Li He!

Even if Jedi Tiantong has been launched, no one dares to rest assured.

For fear of giving Li He a little more time, let him have an epiphany or something, and then directly hang and beat everyone in the forbidden environment, this is very possible!
Therefore, Xiang Yu and Zhao Yun immediately went to kill Li He.

"Hey, hey, don't force me to use the throne."

When Xiang Yu entered the arena, the pressure suddenly doubled. Li He was tired of parrying and couldn't help complaining loudly.

Although he is perfect in martial arts, he has not reached the peak of pure martial arts, and more of the overflow of Dao makes up for the lack of skills. If it is just Xiang Yu, he can still fight.

But now, how to play seven against one?
Li He complained that the besieging heroic spirits did not reply, but speeded up the attack to prevent Li He from cheating. Zhuge Liang on the side said with a smile: "Your Excellency Li He, as the emperor, you can't break the rules of the game, right?" ?”

"That's out of status."

Come on, the old man blocked Li He's way with one word.

And Saito Qianxin finally couldn't supply his true energy, and fainted to the ground. Li He's true energy was cut off instantly, lacking strength, and died gloriously under Xiang Yu's force smashing Huashan.

The body of the heroic spirit turned into aura and scattered...


Only one word was left, and Li He's consciousness returned. Then, the Tai'a sword on the ground soared into the sky and flew towards the main body, and the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Li He doesn't really want to win.

Everyone knows that if Li He and Huang Di don't let go, they can't fight even if everyone besieges them. It's just that the ranks of those two are too high to compete with them.

"Li Bai!"

The moment Li He disappeared, Elizabeth shouted loudly, and at the same time as she shouted, one of the Command Seals in her hand disappeared, and then Li Bai appeared behind Zhong.

A sword flying immortals from the sky, from top to bottom.

Chong, who was supporting the sky with his hands, couldn't defend himself, so he was beheaded by the assassin. His huge body dissipated, the grayness of the sky also began to fade, and Jedi Tiantong...disappeared.

Watch the battle group over there.

Zhuge Liang looked at the Master standing in front of him, and Mao Jiajun blocked Nie Zheng's sword with his human body, and smiled slightly on his face, and said, "It's not advisable to favor the past over the present."

"My lord, also has the courage of a thousand men."

"And let Liang come to help the Master."

Now that Jedi Tiantong dissipated, as a mage, Zhuge Liang's various methods naturally had their place. Immediately, three consecutive talisman seals flew into Mao Jiajun's body.

His strength, speed, and true qi recovery have all been greatly blessed.

Then, Zhuge Liang shook his fan with a smile, and his treasure unfolded—Qimen Dunjia·Wuhou Bagua Formation.

Immediately, within the halo of the formation, everyone felt a sense of dislocation in space. After a while, they couldn't see anyone, and they couldn't see the formation under their feet. They wanted to rush out, but they stayed in place for a long time.

Like a ghost hitting a wall...

(End of this chapter)

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