I might be a little strong

Chapter 455 Clearing Fields One by One

Chapter 455
Orderly control can cope, but what about disorder?
Yagami deprivation!

Immediately, the spiritual light flickered, and Xiang Yu burst out of strong blood energy standing on the spot. The tragic scene made people's scalp tingle, but he still stood...

"Can you still stand?"

Daoist Qingwei was a little surprised, after all, he had never encountered such a situation before, after the vector deprivation, even the blood would lose its direction of flow, and everything would be messed up.

Basically, it will explode on the spot.

The existence of the immortal level, because the body is no longer a biological body, will not die because of this, but the disordered, chaotic true energy that has no concept of direction at all cannot be solved.

Xiang Yu, however, was still able to stand.

Not only did he stand upright, but he also slowly raised the halberd in his hand, and raised his drooping head. Being stared at by those eyes, Daoist Qingwei felt creepy.

That, unlike the human eye.

Almost like a beast.

Xiang Yu, in order to resist the side effects brought about by the deprivation of vector sense, he actually gave everything to his instinct, no longer thinking, without thinking, naturally there would be no such thing as different directions.

The breath in the body stabilized all of a sudden, moving according to the original direction of life...

The rage brought by the Berserker class is working.

At this moment, Xiang Yu seemed to be on a rampage, and his combat power reached the peak of sublimation. The war halberd broke through time and space and blasted towards Qingwei real person. In this state, Xiang Yu, Qingwei real person's sense of time control did not work.

Senses, that's what thinking has.

Xiang Yu, who ran away violently, only had instinct and was not affected at all!


Looking at the unparalleled halberd, the real person Qingwei's pupils suddenly constricted, and activated the time law of Dao Yun that he had comprehended when he became an immortal. Seeing the adjustment of the time flow in the two areas, it slowed down and accelerated at the same time.

Finally, Daoist Qingwei narrowly escaped a blow.

Then, a more fierce pursuit came. Xiang Yu, in this state of berserk, had reached the real sublimation of combat power. If he had enough true energy to unleash the power to lift the mountain and surpass the world, I am afraid that the iron-eating beast would not be able to parry it. .

Daoist Qingwei was thankful that Xiang Yu lacked genuine energy, but he was still shocked.

Even if the other party lacks true qi, it's still hard to endure. There is a gap between the two people's realms. Daoist Qingwei is just a heavenly fairy, and Xiang Yu is a golden fairy, and the two people's martial arts only focus on different points.

Daoist Qingwei is the Great Vajra, Xiantian Zhixuan, and Xiantian Xiang, but Xiang Yu is the Xiantian King Kong, Xiantian Zhixuan, and Datianxiang.

Compared with Mao Jiajun, Xiang Yu's has an advantage in astronomy.

What's more, this person has experienced exaltation and sublimation. After Qingwei's supernatural powers didn't work, he suddenly fell into fatigue, and could only run wildly for his life in Xiang Yu's pursuit.



Looking at the overall situation, Zhuge Liang looked at the battle between Master Qingwei and Xiang Yu with a little pity. If this continues, Master Qingwei will win. Although he is embarrassed, he will indeed win.

After all, Xiang Yu no longer has a master, no source of true energy.

If the fight continues, it will only become weaker and weaker. Although Daoist Qingwei is forced to be very embarrassed, in the end, it can't cause substantial damage, it just consumes a lot of true energy.

Fortunately, Daoist Qingwei does not have an innate diamond realm, otherwise the consumption would not be valid.

You have to let the master seamlessly connect to this battle...


The master Mao Jiajun went to solve first was Duo Sang. After all, his servant Nezha was too powerful. If Duo Sang had not consumed two Command Seals in the Kyushu world, if Nezha had the support of Command Seals at this moment, Wuhou The gossip formation cannot be broken by him.

After all, just hit it with the Qiankun Circle.

As the disciple of the Great Master, Duosang himself is the reincarnation of the living Buddha. After he cultivated to perfection, he has the Xiantian King Kong and the Xiantian Zhixuan. However, he doesn't understand the celestial phenomena, so he doesn't insist.

With only two realms, he became a land god, sublimated his martial arts, and reached the realm of monks.

Martial arts cultivation is quite high, but it is not enough. Now Duo Sang has not soared, and is only a monk. When facing Mao Jiajun who is also innate and has perfect astronomical phenomena, he can only smile wryly.

The realm is not comparable, and the cultivation base is even worse.

How do monks fight angels?
"Ami Buddha, the monk has surrendered."

They didn't fight at all, Duosang directly conceded defeat, but he had to bear the expectations of the people of Tianzhu, and there was one condition. He said: "Young monk can admit defeat, but you need to enter the top five."

"Can the benefactor, come to find the little monk later?"

"At that time, the monk will definitely release the command spell. If the benefactor is not willing, the monk will not mind casting the command spell to let Nezha break through the formation."

top five?Can.

Mao Jiajun's goal is only Jishi Mountain, and he only has the quota to make a wish, so, for the top five, Duo Sang will give it to him. Immediately, he nodded in agreement and said, "Well, I hope the little master will keep his promise."

After speaking, Mao Jiajun turned away.

When he went to the place where Elizabeth was, Zhuge Liang heard a voice transmission and said, "Master, the battle at Daoist Qingwei must be seamless, so please solve Elizabeth as soon as possible."


When he was answering, Mao Jiajun had already rushed through the last door and arrived at the boundary where Elizabeth was.

Immediately, without further ado, he burst out with true energy, and rushed towards Elizabeth at lightning speed. Elizabeth had absolutely no chance of resisting that kind of power gap!

"Li Bai!!"

Immediately, Elizabeth used a command spell again and summoned her servants. Li Bai, who appeared out of thin air, stood in front of Elizabeth and greeted Mao Jiajun with a sword.

Kill ten people in ten steps, and stay in a thousand miles.

Such a fast sword.

However, I have always mastered martial arts in the world, and I am the pinnacle of martial arts. This sword can break!
In the blink of an eye, I don't know what happened, I saw Mao Jiajun's whole body was condensed like steam, and Li Bai was punched in the abdomen, and he was knocked back!


Although he was a celestial being, he didn't have all the real blood, but he still spat out, and the blood scattered on the ground like aura and dissipated, Li Bai's face was a little golden and pale.

"Unfortunately, I didn't manifest as a swordsman."

He said a little unwillingly that his swordsmanship and martial arts were not at their peak when he appeared as an assassin. If he appeared as a swordsman, he would at least have dual talents and be able to fight against them.


It's a pity that such a master can't really fight against each other. I think he learned swordsmanship for fifteen years, worked for the princes all over the world, cultivated sword energy all his life, and absorbed the spirit of the prosperous age in his chest.

But it can't be used.


The body gradually turned into spiritual light and scattered, Elizabeth's face was full of unwillingness and struggle, she said desperately: "No, no, you can't disappear, I still have the last command spell."

"I need victory, I want Jishi Mountain."

"I want to make a wish..."

The command spell was used, but it still couldn't bring back Li Bai's disappearance, because Mao Jiajun's punch just now is the ultimate secret of martial arts, and his unique move has no tempo.

Originally, it was a move used to deal with Daoist Qingwei.

(End of this chapter)

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