I might be a little strong

Chapter 458 Opening the Lord God Space

Chapter 458 Opening the Lord God Space

The reason why Emperor Wa risked being classified as a "rebel" and wanted to delay the appearance of Jishi Mountain to the Smart World was for this reason.

Because in the empire's plan.

She will become the spirit of Jishi Mountain, no, not just the spirit of Jishi Mountain, but with the help of Jishi Mountain, she will complete the integration of Bai Yujing and officially transform into... the main god.

She will be in charge of all running of the empire.

But at the same time, she also lost her freedom. Under the integration of Jishi Mountain, Blue Star Light, Ether Channel, and Bai Yujing, the four human miracles, she was given the priesthood.

It's not just her anymore...

In Antarctica, the projection of Emperor Wa has changed. Whether it is image or temperament, it is close to the saint who created man. Her brilliance shocked everyone.

Looking at the final winner, looking at Mao Jiajun, she asked: "So, do you want to realize your wish?"

Did not ask what the wish was.

Because she already knew that Mao Jiajun felt the same way, so he nodded, and after Emperor Wa knew about it, he put a finger on Mao Jiajun's eyebrow.

The aura let him know the answer he wanted.

In fact, he already knew the answer. Poor and lowly couples are sad. If there are mistakes in this world, most of them are too poor. Only a small number of people can live clearly and not be changed by material things.

And his mother, even he, was an ordinary person...


"Lord God."

The empire has undergone a lot of changes during this period, including his own becoming the emperor, the empire has achieved extraordinary development, and the voyage quota for this battle of the Jade Emperor is actually not that valuable.

Because, the human beings who got Jishi Mountain.

Emperor Wa, who has become the main god, can directly use Bai Yujing's spiritual power to directly shape space battleships. She was the central artificial intelligence before the main god, and she knows all human technology.

She knows everything from theory to component manufacturing.

Therefore, there is no problem in directly shaping the space battleship. The next production must be carried out simultaneously with industrial production and fantasy shaping. The most critical engine production may be replaced by fantasy shaping.

With fantasy shaping, Wa Huang can reason and verify more efficiently.

The level of scientific research of human beings is bound to go up to a higher level, and the Emperor Wa has become the main god, which can show that the world of copies of the infinite flow can start.

Very distressed.

Do I want to download a copy, or continue the voyage...


Carol poked Li He's stomach and said to him, "Brother, let's go back, I always feel... the universe is still too lonely."

After all, human beings are still social animals. After leaving society, they will have a strong discomfort, especially when they are facing strange creatures in the vast and boundless universe.

Since my sister proposed to go back, let's go home.

Things like traveling are enough, and it is not necessary to wander far away.

However, going back this time, it seems that there is no need to let the Sky Seat fly back. The current ability of Emperor Wa...is there no problem with teleportation?

In fact, Emperor Wa has always had the ability to teleport, but it was too expensive before that, but after having Jishi Mountain, it is different, using the spiritual power accumulated in Baiyujing to realize it by means of fantasy.

very cheap.

About ten people stay in Bai Yujing for a day, and the spiritual power collected by Bai Yujing can support a single person's teleportation, and it will not be consumed by distance changes within the same space.

Only through different spaces and planes will the consumption increase.

By the way, after Emperor Wa became the main god, he further developed the power of the blue star's light, so that he could collect overflowing spiritual power from all creatures in the entire blue star.

The energy level has been raised again.

In all respects, there was no problem with this teleportation. After receiving the reply from Emperor Wa, Li He asked everyone to come back, and after notifying the triangle people for a while, he carried out the teleportation.

Seeing the appearance of teleportation, the triangle people have a "sure enough" attitude.

Human civilization is too strong!

In things like civilization, the bubbles propped up by removing the moisture of fantasy are actually very limited, but after all, it is the period when fantasy comes, and there is no such thing as hard power.

If you can improve your strength, there is no problem.

The teleportation did not directly transfer Li He and others to Blue Star. First, they would go to Baiyujing first, and then to Baiyujing again. The first thing Li He discovered was that there was a sea of ​​people.

How should I put it, Bai Yujing has undergone several months of expansion.

It can already accommodate hundreds of millions of people, and it is a super big city, but at this moment, it is not enough. After the miracle of Jishi Mountain appeared, and after Emperor Wa became the main god, the people logged in one after another to watch the excitement.

Normally, in order to limit the flow, login needs to consume credits.

It costs 100 points per minute.

However, it was already full at the moment, and there was almost no room to set foot on the ground. Everyone raised their heads hard and looked at the big ball of light like the sun on Jishi Mountain.

Then, expand your own properties panel...


Emperor Wa digitized all the existences that were logged into Baiyujing, and what's even more amazing is that the current Baiyujing login is different from the past.

In the past, it was just pure consciousness entering.

This is just an empty spiritual space without material attributes, but now that it exists, everyone's bodies in the real world also disappear, and entering Bai Yujing is directly in the form of teleportation.

Mind shapes matter.

This is the essential power of Jishi Mountain as a wishing machine. Bai Yujing has been accumulating these days, and there is no place to use it. After accumulating for so long, he built a huge main god space in one go.


In order to solve the current limit, Li He saw the actions of Emperor Wa.

There was a subtle flicker in Bai Yujing, others didn't notice it, but Li He saw it. Emperor Wa processed Bai Yujing into multiple spaces. To explain it in the words of the game, she divided it into partitions.

In this way, anyone who wants to log in can log in.

The ability to support such a large number of teleportations is not because Bai Yujing has enough spiritual power, but because of the effect of the light of the blue star, the light of the blue star can allow humans on the blue star to come to Bai Yujing with zero consumption.

In this way, Emperor Wa will open up.

Otherwise, mental power has a more important role and won't be wasted here...

After partitioning, it was not so crowded. Li He also looked at the big ball of light, and clicked on the homepage panel of the main god, wanting to see if a complete system such as the dungeon world had been formed.


When he opened the panel, Li He was stunned. How should I put it, it was probably the sense of shock when he saw the bank account suddenly cleared?

"What about my billions of credit points?"

Li He asked Emperor Wa, to which Emperor Wa replied: "The currency has been reset and cleared."

(End of this chapter)

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