I might be a little strong

Chapter 463 The Experience Begins

Chapter 463 The Experience Begins

Negan and Chen Jie looked at Wu Lei warily.

And he touched the gun with his hand. However, Wu Lei just looked at them jokingly, without any intention of making a move. Guns are still gunpowder guns, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

If it was the Gauss rifle currently in service in the empire, it would make him fearful.

Forget about this kind of small-caliber pistol, killing zombies may not be able to solve it with a headshot.

Wu Lei didn't move, but Negan and the others felt even heavier. After all, only if they cared would they react, and if they didn't react, they didn't care at all.

Negan had already considered it before.

If Wu Lei objects, there is still a task force here. They can discredit Wu Lei and ask the task force to help them, at least they will give them some help.

As a result, the plan fell through.

People don't even care that you have a gun...

James saw that although the atmosphere was a bit strange, but there was no conflict, he stopped meddling. He turned around and asked, "Has the car not been repaired yet? Guys."

"Now, there are three seconds left!"

Ryan's voice came from below, and then, after three seconds, the train shook twice and then started, and Ryan also got up from below, covering the floor.


Arrive at the end, the interface of the hive.

After getting out of the car with the equipment, the task force found something was wrong. The hive was completely closed, and they couldn't get in at all, even with the access card, and the gate didn't respond.

"Damn, I have to do it manually."

After James cursed, he asked the team to copy the guy, the large chainsaw was moved out, and the work of steel and sparks started.

Wu Lei was watching with an old god, as if he was watching a play.

Such a sense of superiority makes the newcomers extremely dissatisfied. What, isn't it just a little bit of strength?They are practicing martial arts in the martial arts gym, which of those masters is not strong?
have you?
It's just a villain's success!
In fact, they really guessed right. In Wu Lei's setting, it was the villain who got his wish. He was originally at the bottom of the dungeon. During the design, he also participated in the riots of the revival meeting.

Then, he was arrested.

He was thrown into the main god's space for testing, and then escaped from death, became a veteran, and gained the power he had always dreamed of.

kill, power.

As long as there is the strengthening of the main god, Wu Lei believes that those lofty heroes and powerful warriors are just eliminated people who will be surpassed.

What cultivation mind, what realm.

Who needs that kind of thing!Killing, fighting, power, how simple and clear, no matter what means are used on the battlefield, constantly wandering between life and death, the power gained in this way is real.

He will surely surpass those eliminated who have fallen behind the times.

It's conceit, actually, low self-esteem.

Of course, the more tragic thing is that he is actually just a robot. No one told him about this. Although Li He knew it, he didn't point it out.

Emperor Wa put a group of villains in the space of the main god, and she had her own plan to practice.

If this group of newcomers can complete this dungeon world under the pressure of Wu Lei and complete more tasks, it will be considered good.

But guess, it's not that easy.

A guy like Wu Lei, who is like a war dog, will definitely squeeze this group of newcomers to the maximum. Li He can imagine how Wu Lei will threaten him when he is in danger.

The rookie has completed the main task, but there are 1000 points in the account...


With the sound of steel falling to the ground, the door was sawed open, and the task force immediately entered in orderly and professional investigation, and everyone had to follow behind quietly, trying not to make any noise.

After checking that there was no danger for the time being, James tried the elevator.

I found that the elevator was broken, so I had to go down the stairs if I wanted to go down to the control center to get the red motherboard. At this time, Alice, who had not recovered her memory, stopped James and asked: " what happened?"

"Five hours ago, the AI ​​Red Queen here killed everyone and sealed off the hive."

"We have received a mission to shut down the Red Queen."

Alice got the answer and didn't stop her anymore, and James was about to go downstairs, but he looked at the reincarnations again. After all, if these ordinary people continue to follow, they will be a burden.

But...forget it, let's go.

When necessary, it may be useful...

Going down the stairs, James was surprised to find one thing, that is, isn't the physical strength of these ordinary people a little better?Forget about the men, the women barely panted.

Go to the server room outside the control room.

Some people stayed here, and James led the technicians to the control room, while the remaining task force members such as Renn guarded boredly, which also meant to keep an eye on the reincarnated people.

Especially staring at Wu Lei.

She wondered if that guy laughed too lightly. Since entering the hive, those noises and dead people, no matter how you look at it, are rather weird and terrifying...

The newlyweds get together.

Chen Jie, a high school student, said in a low voice: "Are we really going to fight zombies here? Those zombies... Besides, should we take the initiative to do something, such as find the serum first."

Negan said: "We don't know the way, only the hacker on the task force knows."

Chen Jie whispered: "No, there is another person. Have you seen the man in handcuffs? He is Matt, from the Umbrella Company. He knows the way here, and he should have recovered his memory by now."

Negan: "You mean..."

A few minutes after James led the team away, the electricity stopped immediately. With a loud noise, many doors were opened, and the whole environment became much darker.

"This efficiency is too fast..."

Still remembering that many people died in the laser tunnel, Chen Jie couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

In fact, a lot of things happened in the laser channel, but the whole process only took a few minutes. After the lights dimmed, those uneasy sounds became more obvious.

Ryan suddenly raised his gun and pointed it in one direction.


She said in a cold voice, and after walking slowly across a row of servers, she shouted in shock: "There is a survivor here!"

The rest of the task force immediately followed.

However, the reincarnators who are familiar with the plot swallowed and understood that the zombies are coming. Negan thought for a while, handed the gun to the middle-aged woman, and said, "As long as the headshot is enough, I will kick it with my feet." of."

The middle-aged woman glanced at Negan gratefully.

Then, the reincarnators walked forward together, ready to fight after the zombies appeared. After all, everyone is a human in the fantasy era, and they all have martial arts.

No matter how weak people are, they feel that they are two or three times stronger than the old days.

This slow zombie...

how come!
Everyone was stunned after seeing Renn being knocked into the air by that zombie in a white coat. This, this is different from the script, the speed and strength...

Wu Lei laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha...that's the expression!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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