Chapter 470
To what extent can the T virus do it?
In Resident Evil, in the third part, Alice has awakened her spiritual power, and she can destroy satellites in space thousands of kilometers away.

Although it only destroys the chip.

But there is no doubt that this is a very powerful force, because the essence of the T-virus lies in recombining the characteristics of biological genetic factors and allowing them to change at the biological level. only after the gene lock is released to 30%.

Therefore, to be able to perfectly adapt to the T virus, the infected person can at least increase their gene liberation rate to more than 30%...


There was the sound of bones twisting, followed by a sound like popping beans. The licker in front of them finally jumped up and killed. Pei Man closed his eyes and squeezed the trigger in despair.

The licker was in pain, but he didn't change his culling action.

Just when everyone thought that Negan, who was at the front, would be bitten to death, a knife tip pierced the licker's head and hung it in mid-air. This scene was extremely shocking.

"Chen Jie?"

Alice turned her head in a daze, and looked at the man who showed shocking strength. She didn't expect that it was a teammate she had just met, a cowardly boy before...

His eyes were blood red, and his height skyrocketed to about [-] meters.

The tall and slender body is very aesthetically pleasing, his arms have become sharp and sharp blades, and his eyes have fierce killing intent and partial violence. After nailing the lickers in his hands, he is like a tiger out of the cage, and kills the army of lickers. go.

One person charged.

That ferocious aura is no weaker than Wu Lei's. Moreover, during the fight, he even bit off the licker's neck and devoured the opponent's flesh and blood...

This is an existence more terrifying than monsters.

Everyone was stunned for a while, but the lickers were different from the previous situation of besieging Wu Lei frantically. Instead, after losing more than ten companions in fear, the other lickers were actually retreating...

"This is……"

Pei Man looked at the situation in front of her in shock, and couldn't believe it.

In her cognition, zombies and lickers should be irrational and fearless monsters, and they should siege desperately to drown their prey in numbers.

However, he retreated?
Li He looked at this scene and said appreciatively: "Naturally, they will retreat, just like the wolves met a stronger wolf king, Chen Jie is the king of those monsters at this moment."

"The biggest difference between him and Wu Lei is that he is a monster transformed by the T virus, but Wu Lei is not."

"So, in the face of a more powerful kind, the licker flinched."

"They don't want to be eaten."

In terms of combat power, Chen Jie should be about the same as Wu Lei. Even, as a senior player, Wu Lei must have some trump cards. Chen Jie's defeat rate is very high in real fights.

However, the identities of the two are different.

Chen Jie, who took the initiative to embrace the T-virus in order to gain strength, perfectly adapted to the virus. Although it was due to the warrior's strong physique, it was more of his own chance.

In the original novel, Alice is unique.

Naturally, Chen Jie is also unique to the T virus at the moment, he is even stronger than Alice, and he has a stronger foundation.

That guy Wahuang won...

"The opportunity is rare, run away, us."

Li He glanced at the army of lickers who were just retreating, but still coveted this side, and immediately reminded them that they are now under Chen Jie's power, but there is no guarantee that they will not be dazzled by desire and come to kill them .

"Hurry up, let's get on the train and we must catch up with Wu Lei. The detoxification serum is all in his place."

Negan also regained hope and immediately suggested.

After saying that, several people acted immediately. After boarding the train, Alice started to drive the train, and behind the train, a group of lickers kept following, like a pack of wolves that were chasing after them.

They are looking for opportunities.

Fear only affected them for a while, but they will not admit defeat, but look for opportunities to tear Chen Jie apart...

In particular, Chen Jie, who boarded the train, regained his human form.

Chen Jie was sitting at the back of the car, feeling a little dazed. Li He came to sit next to him, looked at the lickers who were chasing frantically, and kept running up and down the tunnel, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"I'm no longer human..."

Chen Jie was very emotional. Li He said with a smile, "It's not like there is a saying that human beings have limits, so..."

"But I...don't have a girlfriend yet."


Li He was silent for a moment. He understood Chen Jie's words, and felt very empathetic, because he was not a normal person, and he even doubted the possibility of having children. This feeling...


Li He patted Chen Jie on the shoulder with the attitude of someone who has experienced it, and said, "Don't be discouraged, work hard to improve to the immortal level, and you will no longer be limited by genetic problems."

"... Immortal level."

Chen Jie felt that life was already gloomy. Human beings are only a few immortals now, and he is only the bottom group of the pyramid. Even if there is space for the main god, he doesn't think he has much hope of ascending to immortality.

It's no longer possible, the eight generations of the Chen family are single-handed, he is sorry for the ancestors...


Chen Jie was about to say something, but the train suddenly collided, and the strong sense of weightlessness had already taken over everything. After a brief moment of distraction, he understood that the train had collided.

and so……


The group of lickers who followed like hungry wolves finally waited for the opportunity, and rushed forward recklessly. Chen Jie's pupils shrank slightly, and at the same time, he drove the T virus with all his strength.

The body shape changes rapidly, elevating, expanding, and appearing in the shape of a blade.

After cutting off the two lickers in the air, he squatted on the top of the train and asked loudly, "What's going on?"

"Train! The train that was abandoned earlier, we crashed into it."


Chen Jie also remembered at this time, there is another train in this tunnel, the one that the task force took when they came, because it was also broken, in order to hurry, the task force did not repair.

Now, in retrospect, that train was behind a bend.

On the way back at this moment, there was no time to think, let alone see, and we ran into it without slowing down.

Lost the train, and the remaining half of the tunnel, if Wu Lei has already run out, then the licker who followed him is in front, isn't this a dead end surrounded again?

It's just a level 1 dungeon, what's the use?

Chen Jie had scolded the Lord God a hundred times in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay for a millisecond. He immediately said: "After I come to break it, you all run, be careful that there may be lickers ahead!"

"No matter what, I want to get out alive."

"Live to this Dogecoin God!!"

(End of this chapter)

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