I might be a little strong

Chapter 480 Civilization 6 Years Ago

Chapter 480 Civilization 6000 Years Ago
Chatted with Emperor Wa for a while, and almost came out of the settlement space. This woman is not only a poisonous snake, but also all his income, saying that strengthening a dog is better than strengthening him.

This is the reason, but these words make people's eyelids twitch.

After returning to Bai Yujing, Li He found that quite a few people had teleported back. Regarding the time in the dungeon world, it is a unified 24 hours. No matter how long you stay in the dungeon, the outside time is 24 hours.

Shen Qian, Carol, and Su Ke also finished the experience.

Everyone came back intact, and there was no downsizing. Carol's strength was the lowest, and she experienced the world of "A Nightmare on Elm Street". It stands to reason that this world of ghost spirits is more difficult to deal with.

However, Kahlo has an S-level equipment, Angel's Guardian.

Basically pass the level without injury, and even Freddy will be purified by the power of the angel as long as he activates Carol's necklace, which belongs to the standard that can lie down and win.

For other reincarnations, with this kind of equipment, Emperor Wa would probably be directly thrown into the second level, or even the third level dungeon.

That woman still counts.

Because there is no potential for extreme oppression, everyone has gained a lot in a world of comparable difficulty. In fact, they all want to enter the instance again, but the cooldown is one month.

It's a pity.

After getting used to it in Baiyujing for a while, after seeing many people selling props, Su Yu thought for a while, he seemed to have some T-virus and blood serum, but they were swallowed by Emperor Wa.

Some things in the dungeon world can be brought out.

Even...you can bring out the characters in the plot, but you need a corresponding degree of favorability, and each character will be out of print. After being contracted, you will not contract again.

Covenant rings are also quite expensive.

All in all, people have a place to spend their money. With Emperor Wa, they can get almost anything they want, and the inflation problem that has lasted for several months has finally been resolved.

people back to reality.

It is discovered that all materials are free and distributed according to needs, and the living environment is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Using Bai Yujing's productivity, human beings have completely entered the post-intelligence era.

Looking at the ground as clean as glass, there is no trace of dust in the city.

People are walking in the city, and disappearing as they walk, they... are teleporting, using the power of the wishing machine, and the empire has made a major breakthrough in space technology.

Traditional means of transportation are no longer needed.

Technology has advanced enough for ordinary people to use teleportation daily. Looking at the clean, tidy and simple city, Zhao Jinyun exclaimed, "Is this still Jiangcheng..."

There is no doubt that this is Jiangcheng.

The Great Lakes and the Yangtze River in the distance proved this point from the geographical location, but the entire city of Jiang was higher than the horizon, about a hundred meters higher, it was floating in the air, and only one axis was connected to the ground.

If necessary, it can fly into space at any time and become a space city.

This is an empire in the post-intelligence era, with enough productivity to support trillions of human beings, and it only serves 40 billion human beings, completely meeting the standards of Datong society.

The previous space exploration quota is actually not very valuable.

According to the current purchasing power of credit points, about [-] points, you can buy a curvature-powered space battleship of your own from Emperor Wa, and then set out to explore the universe...

Compared with the mental power consumed to open up the dungeon world, this kind of creation is actually not worth mentioning.

In a few days, battleships will be even cheaper.

Standing in the city hall, Carol looked around and said, "Brother, I don't seem to see the building. Where is our home? There are many things inside..."

Li He casually touched the air and said, "Let me see..."

"There is."

"Just choose to go home."

After finishing speaking, Li He made his choice, and then sent it directly to his home. The field of vision is higher, and there are large glass on all sides, so he can perfectly enjoy the river view and sunset...

"So that's it, space folding technology?"

"All the houses are on the towers in the center of the city, right?"

In the center of the city, there is a tall antenna-like tower, very small, with a radius of only two or three meters, and it will not be too high, and it will continue for a hundred meters.

However, all the rooms are in this tower.

The space folding technology has been used to the limit, and every family can enjoy a luxurious river view room. If the river city rises to space, it will be a star room.

The technology of material training has allowed the material recovery rate of human society to reach [-]%.

Everything can be reconstituted into basic molecules and energy, and then reorganized. The only thing consumed in this process is energy, and energy can be directly stored in matter and annihilated by antimatter to generate energy.

All in all, this is more efficient and convenient than burning stones.

When a single Jiangcheng flies into the universe, it will almost never have to worry about energy and material issues. It can maintain its operation just by absorbing floating energy and material in space...

This is the power of miracles.

When human beings' conception of science is realized through the wishing machine, the extent that can be achieved.

Now, in fact, the doomsday fortress is no longer important. All cities are basically at the same level. The original level only determines the order of construction. Now there is only one center for human beings, and that is Bai Yujing.

Civilization has "turned away from the real to the virtual".

The family members like this beautiful river view quite a lot, but Li He thinks about more things, such as the meaning of being a human being, this leisurely life that has never been seen before, even before the mutation.

The vast majority of human beings will enjoy this leisure and peace, and then... will get bored.

There is no value, or in other words, the only value lies in cultivation, in the level of life, but the ordinary people who enjoy peace and peace are originally those who lack talent and understanding.

At that time, how to deal with it?

Undoubtedly, he rejected the human multiplication plan, so everyone must be mobilized, and everyone must continue to work hard to transcend the inherent self-image and become a strong person.

Let human beings be like dragons.

However, in the current situation, does it lack a sense of crisis...

【It is very simple. 】

"What do you mean?"

【Just keep going. The Yellow Emperor said before that in the underground of Antarctica, there are traces left by the civilization that reached the blue star 6000 million years ago. It is a civilization that resisted fantasy and persisted for 6000 million years. 】

[Although I don't know what it will be. 】

[But obviously, being able to persist for so long, whether it is its civilization itself or the fantasy it faces, is dangerous enough, so dangerous that everyone must move. 】

[That way, it is also conducive to the collection of spiritual power. 】

(End of this chapter)

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