I might be a little strong

Chapter 483 I am Li Er

Chapter 483 I am Li Er

"I do."

Li He expressed his affirmation of this plan, because it is impossible to be sure. Without Bai Yujing's human beings, they will lose their absolute core advantages. Even if they survive the smart world, it is impossible to completely defeat fantasy.

Li He decided to do it, but Wahuang didn't agree so much.

[If this plan is to be carried out, then from now on, everything about human beings has nothing to do with those 1000 million isolated survivors. 】

[Because, in order to ensure the uniqueness of history. 】

[Dead things can only be truly confirmed dead if they are not observed, and history can be changed. Therefore, they can no longer return to Blue Star, nor can they take over all the war facilities prepared by humans. 】

[They have to rely on themselves to persist for two years. 】

【And they only have three space cities...】

【Have you considered? 】

Li He looked back at Jiangcheng, looked at his relatives in his family, and said, "Su Ke is in the space city, right? Although there are not many heroes left, but... I trust them."

"It's only been two years."

"I believe they can persevere until... I come back, wait until the great empire recovers."

After finishing speaking, Li He wrapped himself in the heavenly tribulation thunder, fell into the sky, and fell into the Pacific Ocean. In the deep seabed, the thunder formed a cocoon and fell into a deep sleep...

And Emperor Wa no longer looked at everything, no longer paid attention to everything.

It seems that the outside world has been frozen after this. When you don’t look at it, it may not happen. Things that are not observed have the possibility of changing and collapsing...


Zhou Royal Family, Library Pavilion.

An old man with a white beard stopped writing on the bamboo slips, and said to the young man beside him: "I am going to finish writing the last article today. After you finish reading it, you can go on a trip for me and witness everything I think about." ?"

The young man wondered: "But I don't even remember who I am."

The old man said: "Since you don't remember who you are, you can use my name. Why, my lifespan is probably coming to an end. In this library, I have studied for a whole year, and finally got some explanations about heaven and earth." .”

"Of course, I also gave up the power between heaven and earth."

"I think that only as an absolutely ordinary person can I witness the Tao more intuitively. Therefore, my lifespan should end today."

"However, my way has not been taught to the world."

The old man said very sincerely, the young man thought for a while, and said: "Okay, but, there is still the last article of your article, can I read it first? I think it has a very special feeling .”

"of course."

The old man agreed, then smiled and picked up the pen.

[Trust is not beautiful, good words are not good... the way of heaven is beneficial but not harmful.The way of a sage is to fight for nothing. 】

When the last stroke was made, the young man felt that the whole world suddenly became clear. Then, he understood something, and he didn't understand anything. He saw everything in the universe, but he didn't seem to see it...

When he came back to his senses, the old man had passed away with a smile on his face.

The young man suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to ask the old man's name, and then, at the end of the bamboo slips, at the end of the article, he saw two words... Li Er.

Li Er?

The young man memorized the name, rolled up and hid the last book of the old man, and put it in the bookshelf. After thinking about it, he felt that there was nothing to take away.

He appeared here suddenly, and the old man took him in, taught him to read, and gave him food.

Now that the old man is dead, he will inherit the old man's behest.

He wants to travel with the old man's perception of the world to see if his perception is correct, and then, when he meets some suitable people, he will pass on the old man's theory to them...

The Zhou royal family has declined, and even the most important library is not guarded by anyone.

He left easily while the guards were sleeping, walked out of the royal palace, and came to the city. The people who came and went were dressed plainly and were very tired.

The low earth country does not look like the capital of a dynasty.

He has no previous memory, and the name was given to him by the old man, so he didn't know where to go, so he grabbed someone and asked, "If you want to travel, where would you go?"

The scholar was taken aback, looked at the young man, and felt that his mind might be abnormal.

Then he said: "Outside Hangu Pass, there must be very interesting."

After finishing speaking, he left, is it interesting?Of course not, there is a barbaric area, Qin State, Manzier, and the area west of Qin State is even more barbaric Xiqiang.

What can there be?It was wild.

What the scholar said on purpose, the young man took it seriously. He nodded, and then grabbed a farmer and asked, "Excuse me, do you know where Hangu Pass is?"

Farmer: "West."

After finishing speaking, the farmer left, and the young man confirmed that the sun had not reached noon according to the method of distinguishing directions taught by the old man, and after identifying the east, he began to walk west.

He walked out of the city.

There were still scattered farmers living outside, and he walked for a long time, it was getting dark, and he was very hungry, but he didn't reach Hangu Pass, it was far away.

Sitting under a tree at night.

He looked at the moon and murmured: "I should prepare some food. The journey is actually very long. The scholars are looking after me, and the farmers don't want to talk to me. Is there something wrong with what I did?"

"My name is Li Er now, and it was given to me by the old man, but who am I?"

"Where did I come from, and where am I going?"

He was talking to himself. In the wilderness, he didn't have the slightest sense of safety. Such an interesting and foolish existence made a vixen standing here couldn't help it. What a fool who doesn't understand."

Hearing the sound, the young man turned around and looked at the fiery red fox, and asked strangely, "So you can talk?"

"I'm a demon, why can't I speak?"

"Demon? What is it?"

Young people don't understand. In his concept, animals are animals, and people are people...

His ignorance made the fox show a sly and mischievous smile, and the fox pretended to be fierce and said: "Wow...then it must be a human-eating existence."


Behind the fox, the black shadow swelled, more than ten meters tall, with teeth and claws, quite terrifying.

However, the young man did not respond in the slightest.

He just said like this: "This is a demon..."

(End of this chapter)

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