Chapter 487

Shops and houses are closed, and they have no choice but to buy clothes and food.

The young man thought for a while and said, "How about we go to the east of the city? Maybe the gate is not closed there yet."


The fox responded, and the two began to walk eastward. As they walked, there were more people, but when they saw the fox's ears and tail, they all screamed and avoided.

But no more troops came over, and no one else stopped them.

The royal family of Zhou has indeed fallen.

Finally, they met a family who was not afraid of them. It was a little boy. Not only was he not afraid, but he even walked up to the two of them and asked nervously, "You, are you monsters?"

"I am, my son is not."

The fox said, the child nodded, then swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty: "I, I heard that monsters that can transform have very strong magic power."

"You, do you have any?"

The fox originally wanted to say no, but when he recalled the kick he had kicked before and the true energy in his body, although he didn't know how to spell, he did have a lot of mana.

"Well, I have."

She nodded and said, the little boy's eyes suddenly became more joyful, and he said, "Then, can you help me save my sister? I, I will pay."

The fox and the young man looked at each other and decided to help.

"I can try," she said.

The two of them followed the little boy to the home. The dilapidated house could be described as a barren house. It didn't look like they could afford medical expenses, but neither of them cared.

Only the little boy was nervous, and he said, "I, I have money."

He ran into the house, came out after a while, and took a cloth coin, which was a bit worn out, and there was only one coin, the fox didn't know what the purchasing power was, but she still accepted it with a smile.

The two entered the house.

What I saw was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old woman, lying pale on the pile of straw, coughing from time to time, she did not turn over, but asked weakly: "Xiaoshi... is there any visitor?"

"Well, sister, I found a doctor for you!"


The girl struggled to get up, but fell back weakly. She took a breath and said weakly and sadly: "Doctor, I'm sorry, please don't trust my brother, our family has no money to pay you."

"Already paid!"

The fox took out the cloth coin and said.

The girl froze for a moment and said, "Although I'm sorry, can you return the money to Xiaoshi? I'm already ill, and he still needs that money to buy food. He hasn't eaten for two days."

"If this continues, he will starve to death."


The girl spoke very sincerely, and the young man knew that she was not lying. The little boy was indeed very weak, and he probably hadn't eaten for a long time, so he replied for the fox, "Okay."


The little boy yelled, he yelled almost desperately, he would not get the money back no matter what he said, he didn't care if he would starve to death, he just wanted to save his sister.


The girl yelled weakly, but the boy didn't listen. Seeing such siblings, the fox suddenly made up his mind and said, "I've already collected the money, so let's start the treatment."

As the fox squatted down and approached, the girl saw her appearance, was stunned for a moment, and then said in shock: "Demon, monster... monster."

"Sorry, I, I didn't mean to, forgive my rudeness."

"Please, just eat me, don't eat my brother, please...please."

She begged repeatedly, the fox sighed, stretched out his hand to cover the girl's forehead, and said dissatisfiedly: "Who is the kind of low-level monster who likes to eat people?"

"Also, those monsters don't like to eat sick people, okay?"

"Don't disappoint your brother's love!"

Talking on and on, the zhenqi in the fox's hand continuously entered the girl's body. She doesn't know magic, but she knows that things like zhenqi and demon power have their own vitality.

As long as the strength of crossing in is sufficient, ordinary diseases can be cured in one go.


Passing the true energy, the fox was puzzled for a moment. It wasn't that the girl's condition had deteriorated, but that the girl's physique had absorbed more true energy than she expected.

About, consume a tenth of it?

Can the body of an ordinary person really hold so much true energy?Or is this girl born with a strange pulse?However, her zhenqi wandered in the girl's body, and she didn't realize that this is an ordinary person.

Or is her genuine energy so gentle?
Some people don't understand the changes in themselves. The fox finds that not only has he lost his evil spirit, but even his true energy has changed. Although he doesn't understand, it should be a good thing.

Looking at the girl who had recovered, the fox thought with a smile.

"elder sister!"

Seeing his sister who could already sit up, the little boy threw himself into his sister's arms, while the fox stood up with a smile, held the young man's hand, and was about to leave.

"please wait."

The girl behind suddenly called out to the two people who were about to leave. She didn't know how the monster entered the royal city, but it must be very inconvenient to go to the city as a monster.

If found by the guards, they will come to exterminate the demon.

So, she stopped the two of them, and after seeing the clothes of the fox and the young man, she realized that the clothes were originally a set and belonged to the young man, and the fox had no clothes.

After thinking about it, she took out her latest set of burlap clothes.

"If you don't dislike it..."

"I won't dislike you!"

The fox took the clothes directly and was about to start changing, but the girl came to her senses, she let out a cry, and then dragged the fox to another room.

After a while, the fox came out.

She turned around in front of the young man and said, "Dangdang, how is it?"

This is the joy of getting new clothes, and they haven't deteriorated in the slightest because of the shabby clothes. The young man looked at her, and for some reason, subconsciously raised a smile, and praised: "Well, it's very beautiful."

It's beautiful, you seem to have asked me this right in front of me...

With clothes, the two also need food.

It would be best to have another car. If they go out, they will be feared by others. Therefore, the fox gave the gold to the girl and entrusted her to exchange it for money and supplies.

The girl hesitated, but went anyway.


A little boy named Shi Shi sat at the door and said boredly, "Why hasn't my sister come back..."

"Yeah, I'm hungry..."

The fox lay faceless on the pile of straw, while the young man watched the sunset. Suddenly, he remembered something, tilted his head, and asked Shi Shi, "Where will your sister go to exchange money?"

"It should be the palace, right? Before my sister got sick, she was a maid in the palace."

"Let's go to the palace."

The young man said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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