I might be a little strong

Chapter 489 The Great Zhou Luck

Chapter 489 The Great Zhou Luck
Sui desperately shook her head, with tears and pleading in her eyes.

But Lian didn't pay attention, instead she continued to scrape Sui's face with her nails, and said softly: "Look, this skin is so tender, it's completely pampered..."

"Are you still a maid, Sui?"

"The only thing that can achieve this effect is mana, right? Can you tell me what you encountered, Sui."

Lian'an continued to speak, Sui's eyes became more and more terrified, but she didn't relax at all, and she didn't have the slightest intention to say anything, which made Lian'an's eyes gradually turn cold.

She left her hand, glanced at the red-hot cauldron, and said with a smile: "It seems that you will not cry when you see the coffin."

"Sui, I remember, you still have a younger brother, right?"


She chuckled, Sui struggled even harder, no matter what, she didn't want to hurt her younger brother, let alone her benefactor who rescued her, so she was afraid of death, but she didn't dare to resist.

But now, Wang Ji is threatening her with her younger brother...

"Are you looking for a rock? Here he is."

Suddenly, a familiar voice appeared, Sui suddenly turned around, and saw the young man walking with the fox and her younger brother, a guard wanted to ask him, but he easily knocked him away.

He walked up to Lian'an and asked in a condescending and soft voice.

Lian swallowed her mouthful of foam, she was still nervous, but suddenly smiled, she showed the demeanor of a princess she had never seen before, lightly bowed to the young man, and said softly: "Your An, your lord."

"I will take her," said the young man.

Lian froze for a moment, continued to smile, and said, "She is my maid."

"so what?"

"...Of course you can take it away, but I have a small request."

"What's the matter?"

"Pass me spells and make me immortal."

She couldn't refuse and said, it's not that there are ascetics above the immortal level in the palace, but they are finally in the royal family, but they refuse to teach her spells, saying that she has no fate!

Now, these people, monsters, they can even save a little maid.

There is no reason not to teach her!

She is a princess, and she can give more than that maid! ! !
"I can't spell."

In the end, the man answered her this way, walked past her, untied Sui's rope, and asked Sui if she was okay...

Lian stayed there, and for a moment, she seemed to have returned to five years ago. At that time, Tian Yanju walked past her like this, so did Qi Jinggong, and so did her father...

"Presumptuous! When will I allow you to take my maid away!"

She was bizarrely angry.

However, the young man just asked lightly: "Are you going to block the way?"

"This is the palace!!!"

Lian'an shouted sharply, but the remaining guards hesitated and did not dare to step forward, and the ascetics in the palace did not show up either, no, they shouldn't, the safety of the royal family is threatened, they should show up !

"Are you waiting for those men in black?"

The young man asked, but he didn't get an answer, but he didn't care. Instead, he continued: "They probably won't come. When they were outside, they stopped me and I beat them back."

After finishing speaking, the young man pulled Sui away and walked past her.

They walked towards the outside of the palace, and the fox asked boredly: "That Wang Ji wants to torture Sui, young master, you should punish her, let her try to tie it to a red-hot cauldron, what is it?" taste."

"No, sometimes, if you don't punish her, she will suffer even more."

"I don't understand. Anyway, if it was me, I would punish her well. She swallowed our gold and slandered Sui. It's really disgusting! Ah! Our gold! Go back! I forgot to ask for the gold." !"

"It's okay, someone will deliver it."

The young man said calmly but confidently, when he walked to the gate of the palace, it was indeed the case. Zhou Tianzi, who was wearing a uniform, stood in front of the four of them and bowed long.

He said, "Your Majesty, this is ten times as much gold and money."

"My lord, please accept it."

However, the young man didn't accept it. He looked at Zhou Tianzi and said, "I just want my own share. Please exchange it for money. I need to buy some clothes and food. If possible, I also need a car." .”

"They are your people, so don't embarrass them, not in the future."

"Can you guarantee it?"

Zhou Tianzi glanced at the young man unexpectedly, and said, "Yes."

The young man said, "Tomorrow I will come to the palace to pick it up."

After finishing speaking, he took his people and left, leaving only Zhou Tianzi standing there alone. It was already dark at this moment, and in the middle of the night, he stood for a long time with the cold wind blowing, and then returned to the palace.


In the middle of the night, the Emperor Zhou said so.

Someone bullied him, but he didn't care, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting the crusade. Luoyi's politics was abolished, soldiers and horses were shattered, and even the dignity of the royal family was repeatedly trampled on. Is that what he wanted?


It's just that he can't work hard to be strong, and he can't work hard to govern. If he does this, the pilgrimage of the nations will come, and their soldiers will replace all the guards to maintain the order of the so-called alliance.

Then, all unstable things will be removed...

This is tacit agreement.

No one dared to touch the Emperor Zhou, but no one would allow the Emperor Zhou to return to the original emperor. All they needed was a puppet, a puppet who kept the throne, and after they decided the winner, finally The victor will come and take the throne, that's all.

He didn't want to comfort his daughter, she should understand this.

If she doesn't understand, she will die.


The next day, they got what they asked for yesterday. Emperor Zhou prepared a luxurious carriage for them, which might even be Emperor Zhou's own car.

Many new clothes are made of silk and brocade.

Food was also piled up in the rear car.

And a box full of money...

The fox picked up the clothes happily and kept asking him which one looked better. Shitou looked at the horse in surprise and compared them constantly. It seems that he likes horses very much and has also studied horses.

Sui kept his distance and looked at them with a smile.

After thinking about it, the young man entered the palace. I don’t know what he talked about. The carriage was replaced with a more ordinary one, which was only pulled by a horse. Xiao Ban, and then they drove away in the carriage.

Under the city wall, Stone desperately waved his hands, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Sui sincerely blesses the two who are far away...

In the carriage, the fox asked: "What did you say when you went to the palace? Isn't that gorgeous carriage not good?"

The young man said: "That is the emperor's car, we shouldn't sit in it. The emperor Zhou gave me more things. As a reward, I told him that there is the original "Tao Te Ching" in the library."

(End of this chapter)

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