I might be a little strong

Chapter 492 Partial Memory

Chapter 492 Partial Memory
"Jin soldiers besieged the city, Zheng Guo's army should not open the city gate."

In the morning, the two were eating at the inn, watching soldiers pass by from time to time on the street, the young man said so.

"How about we go out directly?"

The fox suggested that, after all, they were very strong, so it would not be a problem to fly out of the city with the carriage. The young man thought for a while and nodded in agreement. After paying the bills, the two left the inn.


The fox drove the carriage and began to speed up. When he appeared around the city wall, he was spotted. Hundreds of soldiers stared at them closely. Then, the fox activated his true energy, wrapped the carriage completely, and the carriage immediately lifted into the sky.


Deng! ! !
It was the sound of bowstrings ringing, more than a dozen feathered arrows flew towards them, not only the arrows, but also a kind of aura attached to the arrows, which was the kind of evil spirit condensed by the army. If it was an ordinary monster, under this kind of arrows , must break the true qi shield.

However, no penetration.

This made the school lieutenant on the city wall narrow his eyes, he slowly raised his hand, and ordered: "Form up, kill!"

I saw more than a hundred soldiers behind the captain lined up neatly, cutting down at the same time, a knife light appeared in the air out of thin air, and flashed towards the sky. The carriage must be cut in two.

The young man stretched out two fingers and caught it. He glanced at the soldiers on the tower and said, "Let's go."

This time, the captain did not attack again, and let the carriage fly over their heads and went outside the city. He was very puzzled, why would someone forcefully leave the city at this time...

Is it from the state of Jin?
Thinking about it, the captain came to the battlement and turned his head to wait and see, but to his surprise, the Jin army did not accept the man, but nervously thought that the enemy had come out to charge.

The Jin army base camp five miles away was a sensation, and then an array of hundreds of chariots broke out.

"Could it be that it's a friendly army?"

The school lieutenant muttered, facing the army's chariot charge like this, and attacking the army with personal force, it is impossible for ordinary people to do it, even immortals have to stay away.

However, that person went...

In fact, no one wanted to attack the Jin army's camp, but after they flew out of the city wall, they were in this direction, which happened to be facing. The plain outside the city was full of Jin troops, and there was nowhere to go around.

The carriage rushed past, as if charging.

It's just that the Jin army's training was too well-trained, and their reaction was extremely fast. In less than five breaths of time, a chariot unit rushed out of the camp.

Moreover, young people feel that something is wrong.

Can a horse, pulling a chariot, run so fast...

"Master!!! They rushed over!"

The fox also yelled in shock, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with the chariot, because in her memory, the human chariot was indeed such a terrifying existence.

That kind of crushing momentum will overwhelm everything.

When Wan Cheng charged together, that terrifying force was enough to crush all enemies, even Da Luo Jinxian didn't dare to resist that force head-on.

Today's hundred chariots are enough to crush demons.

"This is much more powerful than a tank..."

The young man suddenly uttered a sentence, and there were more scattered memories about weapons and equipment in his mind, but his style was obviously incompatible with this era.

"I may not be from this era..."

He muttered to himself, but did not answer the fox, so the fox could only turn the car around and start racing, but this is an ordinary carriage, even if she provides the horse with true energy, the speed will not be fast...

The chariot has already followed.

The archer on the car pulled up the bow and arrow with sharp eyes, and then, the arrow with rainbow light...

This is much sharper than Zheng Jun's arrows on the tower. The fox doesn't know how to use spells, and he doesn't know how to use his true energy.

However, the young man flicked his finger to the rear.

The arrows all dissipated in the terrifying fluctuations, and the force of the chariot hit the shock wave head-on. After a shocking noise erupted, dozens of chariots overturned...

"Take a detour and go east."

The young man said that, they had no intention of attacking, and if they did not attack the camp, under such circumstances, the Jin soldiers would not stop them anymore. After all, they defeated the Hundred Chariots with just a flick of their fingers.

Such a person's strength is at least at the Golden Immortal level.

After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, there are not many Golden Immortal level powerhouses in the world...

As the most powerful country in the world, the Jin State is naturally not only the princes with a hundred chariots, but the emperor with a thousand chariots. The rituals and music have collapsed, and there are thousands of chariots in the Jin State.

In this attack on Zheng, [-] chariots also accompanied the army.

In the face of young people and foxes, it is not impossible for the Jin army to continue to encircle and suppress, but it is not necessary. Although the chariot army was defeated, there was no death...


Walking out of the siege of the Jin army, he walked far away on the plain, seeing the Jin army behind him gradually blurred, the fox reluctantly turned his head and said, "My lord, you are so powerful, you should walk from the front!"

"If they dare to stop them, they will snap their fingers again."


The young man looked ahead and said flatly: "There is no need, and there is no reason for this. Besides, Jin is not so easy to be humiliated. The country of ten thousand chariots has a flood of humanity."

"If you had seen it, you wouldn't have that kind of thought."

"Tianzi Zhou has fallen, but during the Battle of Conferred Gods, the princes of the world followed, and Jiang Ziya led Wancheng to attack the country. In front of the torrent of humanity, everything was crushed to pieces."

The fox was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is the young master also afraid?"

The young man paused and said, "I'm not afraid, because... that's my torrent."


"It probably belongs to me, but it probably doesn't belong to me now. I probably remember who I am, fox."

"Who is the son?"

"Li He."

"Li He, is your son's real name Li He? Then, the old man asked you to use his name before. Are you a family?"

"Probably not."

Young man, no, Li He, he recalled some memories and finally remembered who he was, but he couldn't remember why he was here, in this era...

He felt a faint force blocking him.

So, after so many days, he slowly remembered who he was, but he still couldn't remember what he was going to do, why he was in this era, and...how to go back.

Lao Tzu is dead.

Those who died in front of him, he could not have died. Lao Tzu, who wrote the Tao Te Ching, has completely demonstrated the existence of Tao. As long as he is willing, he can even live forever and integrate into the Tao of Heaven.

It's just that because he came, I handed over the future to him.

Since ancient times, a sage with great wisdom and one of the two sages of this era, Lao Tzu has died. He wants to know why he came here and how to get back.

I can only continue to find Confucius...

(End of this chapter)

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