Chapter 499

The Yaoxian is powerful in battle, and when he leads the army as a general, his power is even more powerful.

In the past, the Song Kingdom was able to maintain the aura of a big country, and even be able to dominate for a while, relying on the generals led by demons and immortals. Therefore, there are slightly fewer generals of the human race in the army than the generals of the demon race.

Xiang Rong was able to easily raise troops to rebel because of the veteran generals in the army.

The fairy generals that the country relied on for survival in the past, and the former comrades have now turned their backs. Xu Jing is very aware of the power they possess, and he also knows that he will lose in the next charge.

But, it doesn't matter anymore.

This country needs a group of people to finally witness for it...

During the fierce military collision, Xu Jing managed to parry one attack, but it was too late to parry the second one. A demon fairy had already broken through his force and slashed at his chest.

He staggered two steps and stood firm, his injury had reached an irreversible point.

Before long, he too will die.

Death is not scary, but, this time, that fox and that young man named Li Er were implicated...

Xu Jing turned around staggeringly, wanting to say sorry for the last time.


He saw that Li He easily received a slash from a demon fairy with two fingers, which caused the other demon fairy to change the route of piercing the army formation and come straight to help.


The knife, broke, easily broke the previous knife with two fingers, picked up a piece of broken blade with a finger, and shook the hand casually, the army of the fairy general who rushed to help was wrapped around his body like smoke, easily Through, through the neck...

The fairy with the broken knife intends to kick it with his feet.

But he stepped on it with his foot, and the sound of bones cracking meant that the fairy's leg was broken. Then, he slapped his chin with his palm, and the fairy's head flew high...

Seeing this, the third fairy already understood the seriousness of the matter.

He wants to quit.

But there was no chance, Li He grabbed the half-cut knife, threw it casually, cut through the army like cutting tofu, cut off its long halberd, cut off its armor, and passed through... …

Like a mortal, facing such an injury, he collapsed powerlessly and lost his vitality.

With one breath, three demon generals and generals of the demon tribe who led [-] soldiers were beheaded!Such a method is so terrifying!
"No, it's impossible, they are already in the realm of immortals..."

At the immortal level, he has already shed his mortal womb. This kind of penetrating injury should be healed in an instant. Even if the body is torn apart, as long as the soul is still there, he can recover...

But now, what's the situation?
How could he die so easily like a mortal?One by one, they gradually changed back to their original form, including a black bear with a height of [-] meters, a colorful tiger with a length of tens of meters, and a lizard with a length of more than ten meters...

All in all, really dead.

Facing the unbelievable murmurs of his subordinates, Xiang Rong took a deep breath and realized that this was the truth, because just now, he just slapped Xu Jing's body, and his arm was crippled.

The destructive power of that person's true energy is extremely terrifying!
Yumian Langjun finally lost a trace of relaxation, and said solemnly: "You can't fight like this anymore, generals at the level of immortals can't go forward, we need to gather the strength of the whole army, and the three of us can charge."

The enchanting woman nodded and said, "That's right, we must fight with all our strength."

In the chaotic times of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty for so many years, in fact, humans have been fighting back and forth, and the monsters will not be affected much. On the contrary, the troubled times have made the life of monsters more nourishing than before.

After the Conferred Gods War is over, there will be no golden immortals in the world.

The current batch has been cultivated slowly over the past few hundred years. Although the world is chaotic, there are not many fights between the monster clans. After all, there are only so many monsters in the world.

Those above the fairy level can be counted.

If it is not necessary, there are very few cases of fighting desperately, but now it is different, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be fought. No matter how strong Li He is, this battle must be fought and he must do his best.

Otherwise, if Li He continues to slaughter, morale will be lost.

Naturally, Xiang Rong also meant the same thing. Whether the Yaozu can live a bright and aboveboard life depends on today!
Immediately, the Three Demons started to move.

The fox held Li He's hand worriedly, but Li He shook it back with a smile to give her confidence, then came to Xu Jing, who was about to bleed dry, and asked, "Do you want to live?"


Xu Jing is not afraid of death, but he wants to live more. He wants to protect this country, the Song State, that is, the Song State. They uphold the ancient covenant and treat the monster race well, but that does not mean that they are willing to hand over the country Give it to Yaozu.

Even if it is a rich merchant, it is still human beings who decide!
Li He saw the flames in Xu Jing's eyes, nodded, but continued to ask: "But, if Xiang Rong is killed, no one in the Song Kingdom will have the talent to deal with Jin and Chu."

"After this battle, Song Kingdom will be in turmoil for several years in the future, or even longer."

"Now the national strength of the Song Kingdom can no longer be maintained. It is very likely that after a hundred years, the demise of the Song Kingdom will be buried here. In the future, the monarch will also lose his dignity, and the Song Kingdom will no longer be preserved."

"You, do you still want to live?"

Xu Jing was stunned. A few seconds later, his vision had gone black, and his brain was hit by a faint. He still clearly looked at the imaginary future, the future where the Song Kingdom was destroyed and annexed...


"The battle of the princes... is a matter of the human race, so what about the outcome?"

Xu Jing gave the final answer. His voice was so weak that it could not be heard, but Li He heard it. He nodded and covered Xu Jing's chest with his hands.

The golden breath rose immediately, and then poured into Xu Jing's body.

This breath shocked everyone.

Xiang Rong was originally commanding the army to set up the formation. Seeing this, he couldn't help but exclaim: "How is it possible! There will be such a pure breath of life, such a pure... origin!"

"Continue life for mortals with this source?"

"This this……"

Xiang Rong was shocked, but Yumian Langjun and the enchanting woman were greedy. Yumian Langjun rolled his Adam's apple and said, "Kill him, and then eat him. As long as we can eat him, we will go one step further and reach the Dalai Lama." Lo!"

The enchanting woman was also eager to see through, but she said: "When you arrive at Da Luo Jinxian, aren't you afraid of dying?"

"Withered? No, within 200 years, we will be invincible. The human race can gradually close the avenue and the way of heaven. Can't we open it after ruling the world?"

"It turns out there is a way out..."

"Yeah, as long as we eat him, we can open a new era!"


The two monsters were already insane. Although there was greed in Xiang Rong's eyes, he knew better that if he wanted to eat Li He, he had to defeat him first, and he had to use his power better.

Immediately, he urged his demon generals to line up.

Two hundred chariots had already arrived at the front, and he boarded the most powerful chariot, seeing that the army had already lined up, he immediately pulled out the sword at his waist and held it high, shouting: "Kill!! !"

(End of this chapter)

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