I might be a little strong

Chapter 504 Storytelling

Chapter 504 Storytelling

Future Holy King.

Confucius is worthy of being a great sage, and the sporadic clues let him know that Li He is the man of the future, and, moreover, a certain holy king who came into being at the right moment, a holy king who belongs to the historical node.

If the future holy king appears in this era, there is only one possibility.

It's about the future.

It's just that Confucius was not good at inferring. He could know Li He's identity, but he couldn't judge what Li He needed to do. In other words, he didn't want to judge.

In Confucius' view, since Li He already knew who he was and came to him, it was not without cause and effect.

Li He should already have a direction.

And if he randomly points to a new direction, it will make things go wrong.

This proved to be the case. Li He didn't answer immediately. He took a sip of wine and remained silent for a while before saying, "When I woke up, I was in the library of the royal family of Zhou."

"There was an old man who gave me clothes and food."

"Then, I will accompany him."

"He said that his life's study has achieved results, and he wants to write down those insights. Then, I will accompany him, watching him write a book, and listening to his reasoning and knowledge."

"Eventually, his book was done, and he said his time was up."

"He gave me a name, and asked me to go on a trip for him, take a good look at the world, verify the truth he felt, and teach this truth to the world..."

"I was going to do it at first."

"But at that time, I didn't know anything. I asked a scholar casually, perhaps as a joke. He told me that the world over Hangu Pass is very good, and I should go for a walk."

"I went out from the west side of Luoyi."

"Later, I met a fox. She said she wanted to eat me. She looked fierce on the surface, but she was quite timid. I thought she was really hungry, so I fed her some blood."

"As a result, she turned into a girl."

While talking, Li He rubbed the fox's head, and the fox seemed to recall the first time the two met. At that time, the son was always silly and very cute.

She smiled foolishly, and then fell on Li He's lap.

Li He stroked her hair and animal ears, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Later, I said that the old man asked me to travel, to testify to that scripture, and pass it on."

"She asked me what the scriptures were."

"I just wrote the Tao Te Ching once. As a result, she read it and stayed overnight. When she woke up the next day, she couldn't remember a single word of the scriptures, and thousands of wild beasts in the mountains opened up overnight. Thank you for your wisdom.”

When Li He said this, Confucius suddenly realized.

He said in surprise: "I said, why is it so familiar? It turns out that the aura that appeared half a month ago was the aura that appeared that day. A scripture can actually describe the world's way."

"The old man, who is it?"

Li He smiled reminiscently, and said, "He gave me his name... called Li Er."

"Li Er..."

Confucius whispered, but didn't know the name. After a long time, he said with emotion: "There are such seniors who study heaven and man in the world, but I, like a frog at the bottom of a well, don't know it."

"Sir, can you read the scriptures with me later?"

Li He replied: "Yes."

"The old man told me this scripture for the purpose of letting the world know. In fact, in this era, even you, Master, should not be able to remember the full text."

"And in the future, after a certain period of time, everyone in the world will be able to see the full text. I don't know if this is luck or misfortune."

"The old man once said a word."

"The sergeant heard the Tao, and practiced it diligently; the sergeant heard the Tao, he seemed to be alive; the corporal heard the Tao, he laughed, and not laughing is not enough for the Tao."

"In fact, even if you tell everyone about something like Tao, everyone's perception is still different, especially in ordinary times, even if you read the full text, what you perceive will not be revealed."

"Maybe, this is a kind of sadness."

"Heh... that's getting too far."

"Continue to tell the story. On that day, I bid farewell to the demons who had opened their spiritual wisdom to the fox. The fox suggested that you are the most intelligent person in the world, Master, and you will definitely be able to answer my doubts."

"So, we decided to head east."

"We rescued a girl in Luoyi, and we also met Zhou Tianzi. I told Zhou Tianzi that there was an original copy of the Tao Te Ching in the library, and then Tianlei appeared."

"The fire in the library burned everything..."

"In today's troubled times, it has become a foregone conclusion. The luck of the Great Zhou's country has been exhausted. Even the heavens insist on this."

"Up until now, I haven't been able to retrieve my memory, and I don't know who I am."

"Until...Zheng Di."

"We saw Jin's army outside Zhengcheng, with the momentum of a thousand times, the torrent of humanity, and felt that power. Some of the power in my body resonated, and forcibly broke through the blockade of the world, allowing me to recover most of them. memory."

"I know who I am."

"Fuxi, Huangdi, I am the third..."

After finishing speaking, Li He looked at Confucius with a slight smile. Confucius was slightly taken aback, then immediately stood up, bowed to the end, and said loudly: "Old man, I have seen Your Majesty..."

Li He stretched out his hand to signal no, and he continued to drink a glass of wine.

"Master is a senior, he is a person who enjoys the land, he shouldn't respect me, I should respect you."

He said it was a respect, but Li He didn't move, or he didn't like that, the two of them were like passers-by in this era, when friends meet, just have a drink or two together.

"Is it such a pleasure to have friends coming from afar? Master, what do you think?"

"Hahaha, yes!"

Laughing loudly, Confucius no longer sticks to those things, pours the wine for the two of them with his own hands, and says, "Master, there should be a reason for me to come to this era."

"Perhaps, it may also be related to the survival of my era."

"So, I have to go back."

Li He said that for this reason, Confucius also became serious, and he fell into deep thought. After a long time, he said: "There is a definite destiny in the dark, maybe, Your Majesty can go west."


"West out of Hangu, on the pure white paper, drop a stroke at will, and fill in it later, and you can make a painting based on this stroke."

"I see……"

Li He understood that since he used the name "Li Er", he had to do what he was supposed to do. Riding a green bull to the west of Hangu, he handed over the Tao Te Ching to Yin Xi.

Because, since there are records in the main text of history, Yin Xi should be the only person who can preserve the Tao Te Ching in this era.

Think about it.

Li He poured another glass of wine. He dipped his hands in the wine and began to write on the wooden floor. It was the Tao Te Ching...

When Confucius saw it, he held his breath and concentrated on it.

And the fox, at some point, has fallen asleep...

You can only see what you can see, and you can't see what you can't see, the Tao is right in front of you...

(End of this chapter)

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