I might be a little strong

Chapter 507 Isn't This Bullying?

Chapter 507 Isn't This Bullying?

"You said that someone complained about insulting the monster, and you want me to try it?"

"Yes Master."

Seeing that the servant was sure, Wei Xiangzi frowned, full of doubts, such a thing had never happened before, how could someone fight for the monster, and even make a fuss to find him?
Could it be Zhi Shi's scheme?
Wanting to damage his reputation, did you send someone to do it on purpose?Hiss, it's possible!

Although human beings are basically not merciful to the Yaozu, the Yaozu has indeed been beneficial to the Human Race in history. Not to mention, in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, there are also Yaozu who have made great contributions.

Could it be that the Zhi family wanted to use the monster race as a breakthrough.

Changing the trend of the Yaozu among the people, thus framing him as unkind, causing him to lose popular support, and then taking the opportunity to attack him, thus destroying his Wei family?With this, the Zhi family can annex the Jin country?

What a great conspiracy!

No, I have to pay attention to this matter.

The servant didn't quite understand why Guild Wei was so cautious and thoughtful about this absurd matter, but he didn't say much, and he took Wei Xiangzi to the main hall after Wei Xiangzi spoke.

As soon as Wei Xiangzi arrived at the main hall, he thought it was true!
There are not only the parties here, but also hundreds of people gathered here. They all came to see how he concluded the case, so there must be people from the Zhi family here!
Once he mishandles, Zhishi will publicize his mistakes and damage his reputation.

How insidious!

Wei Xiangzi cursed secretly in his heart, but there was such a spring-like smile on his face. He sat down gracefully first, and did not rush to ask questions. He took the tea brought by the servant, took a sip, and then looked at everyone and asked: " Everyone, why are you here?"

The rich merchant immediately cupped his fists and said, "Duke Wei, make the decision for me!"

"The villain just kicked the dog monster's goods, and then this person pulled me hard, saying that he wanted me to apologize to the dog monster. I refused, but he stole my jade pendant and gave it to the dog monster. !"

"After I get the jade pendant back, I don't want to argue with this person."

"But who would have thought that he would not let others go when he was in power, and he would not let the villain go. He had to make an apology. The villain was unwilling, saying that even if Duke Wei was here, he would definitely not be like this, but he still dragged the villain People come to see Duke Wei."

"Isn't this bullying!!"

The wealthy businessman said that he was extremely wronged and burst into tears, but the scene where he imagined Duke Wei to be furious and scold Li He for punishing the dog monster did not appear. What he saw was that Wei Xiangzi was thinking deeply...

Hearing what the rich businessman said, Wei Xiangzi understood.

Sure enough, Li He was sent by the Zhi family to tarnish his reputation!If this situation is not handled well, it will be dangerous, thinking in his heart, Wei Xiangzi raised his head and gave Li He a serious look.

The two looked at each other, and Wei Xiangzi was startled.

Such a strong aura, this person must be extraordinary, the Zhi family must have premeditatedly sent this person here, if he did not respond properly, he would be used as a handle!

With a plan in mind, Wei Xiangzi remained calm and said, "If you listen to me, I can't just listen to you alone. I don't know how to call this young master? What is the truth?"

Li He said lightly: "My name is Li Er, the truth is as he said."

Wei Xiangzi gave Li He the opportunity to declare his family name, but Li He only said his name, and also admitted what the rich businessman said. Now, Wei Xiangzi felt that it was even more troublesome.

No, there must be a trap ahead!

If I do it according to the usual situation, I will definitely fall into the trap!
Wei Xiangzi felt that he had already sensed the truth, so instead of punishing the dog demon and Li He as everyone believed, he got up and came to the dog demon, checked for a while and said, "Your goods can be Is there a loss?"

"No, no..."

"Is your body injured?"

"No, no..."

"Do you feel you have been insulted?"

"No, no..."

After asking three times in a row, Wei Xiangzi came to Li He and said, "This young master and that dog demon have said so, so what's the point of your dispute with that businessman?"

Li He glanced at Wei Xiangzi and said, "The ancestor of the Wei family is the heir of King Wen, right?"


"The world of the Zhou royal family came from the battle of conferred gods, right?"


"The Battle of the Conferred Gods was only due to human beings?"


Wei Xiangzi knew, here comes the questioning, how should we debate next, so as not to lose benevolence and righteousness?If this person ruined his reputation, Zhishi might use it as an excuse to join forces with the other two families to destroy him!

Debate that can never be lost!

Wei Xiangzi lifted his spirits, Li He gave him a surprised look, and then said: "I came from Zhoudi, and the monsters in Zhoudi cannibalize people, so people killing monsters is a kind deed, and we should respect it."

"I'm going to Song Kingdom."

"The Song Kingdom is an old citizen of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. They uphold the ancient customs and insist that monsters are equal and harmonious. Therefore, I did not intervene until Xiang Rong showed his fangs, intending to launch a coup and usurp the throne of the monarch."

"I know that the balance of the Song Kingdom has been broken."

"There can be no eternal peace between the two clans, unless one side has an absolute advantage. Therefore, I will directly kill all the monsters above the fairy level in the Song Kingdom."

"Then, I came to the Kingdom of Jin."

"The humans of the Jin State have an absolute advantage, and the monsters of the Jin State even need to pay more taxes. However, they have paid the taxes, but they have not enjoyed the treatment of the citizens."

"Duke Wei."

"If you don't make it the people, then kill it, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, if you make it the people, then treat it as the people, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

Wei Xiangzi's face gradually became ugly, like a snake being pinched seven inches, he had no way to refute Li He's remarks, and he did tax the monster race, but he kept using harsh Law to treat Yaozu.

In exchange for this, is the support of the people.

but now……

Sweat broke out on Wei Xiangzi's forehead, because the people had already started talking about it. Worse, we can't go on like this, we can't say nothing, otherwise it will be even worse...

What should I do?It's time to have it.

Wei Xiangzi suddenly thought of something, and said confidently: "Sir, it's not that Liang is like this, but Jin is like this. The taxes collected on monsters will also be turned over to Jin."

"...Aren't you from Jin?"


Damn it!This man is amazing!He originally wanted to drag everyone in the state of Jin into the water, but in the end, this person directly questioned him, how could he answer?Said that he is not from Jin?Are you from Wei?

Then it will be besieged by the other three immediately!

If he said yes, it would be tantamount to admitting his previous mistakes. He collected taxes from the demon clan, but failed to treat the demon clan equally. He is a tyrannical person, not a benevolent person.

Wei Shi, you are unkind!
(End of this chapter)

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