I might be a little strong

Chapter 510 The Art of Hope

Chapter 510 The Art of Hope
"I'm Yin Xi, the guard of Hangu Pass. I'm currently dealing with the demon invasion. Therefore, Hangu Pass is closed for the time being. Guests may wish to rest and wait for a while."

Seeing the carriage stop, Yin Xi clasped his fists and said.

Heilong and the others have indeed subdued them, but they have not yet executed them. Next, whether to transport them back to Xianyang for execution or execute them on the spot, you need to contact Xianyang to ask.

Li He nodded, looked at the black dragon and asked, "Qin Di, do you often encounter this kind of monster?"

"No, but in the past two years, it has indeed increased."

Yin Xi shook his head and said, he knew that there were other human civilizations beyond the wilderness and high mountains. After all, in the Taiping Guangji, there was also a record of Mu Tianzi's westward expedition.

But later, the mountains and fields were separated, the world was in chaos, and there was no contact.

I don't know what happened in the past two years, the monsters from the west often come here, such as the black dragon this time, such as some demons and giants I met before...

It's not too strong.

The era in China has changed. Since the Battle of the Conferred Gods, human beings no longer rely on individual cultivation, but rely more on the torrent of humanity formed by the army.

Qin's military equipment is not very strong, but it is not something that the monsters in the barbarian land can wreak havoc.

An army of more than a hundred people can hunt and kill those monsters.

Hearing what Yin Xi said, Li He nodded and asked, "How do you usually deal with these monsters?"

Yin Xi replied: "Ordinary ones will be killed directly, and more powerful ones may be sent to Xianyang for execution. Thinking about this, it seems that they are also called dragons in the west, but compared with our dragons, they are far worse."

"The blood of these pseudo-dragons has the effect of strengthening the body."

"Send it to Xianyang and kill it. It will be fresher. The blood of the heart will be taken by the monarch, and the soldiers of the army will drink other blood. Dragon tendons can be used to make bed crossbows. Bed crossbows made of this material can be shot hundreds of miles away."

"The scales of the pseudo-dragon can also make a good armor."

"In short, the whole body is full of babies."

Yin Xi was very excited when he said it. After all, they hunted a black dragon at Hangu Pass, and they had to give a lot of rewards at Xianyang. The monsters in the west are different from the monsters in China.

The cultivation base of the Yaozu's whole life is on the Yaodan.

Even if it changes into a prototype after death, it actually doesn't have much material value. The most valuable is the demon pill. These demon pills are generally used for medicine and alchemy.

However, the energy of the demon pill is too strong for ordinary people to take it.

In the end, it can only be the treasure of those ascetics...

Therefore, the generals of the Qin State generally don’t like to hunt monsters, and they don’t get much rewards, but they are quite active in this kind of monsters from the west. ...

The gate of Hangu Pass was also slowly opened, and the defenders had already put wooden blocks under the black dragon.

Drag it forward slowly, transport it into the customs first, assemble a car later, put the black dragon on it, and then transport it to Xianyang. Through the call sign, an order came from Xianyang to transport it to kill fresh ones.

Daniel didn't care how the defenders planned to deal with the black dragon.

Because he knew that the black dragon had no chance of surviving. When he met this black dragon before, he met the black dragon in Tucun and chased it for hundreds of miles before taking it down.

In other words, thanks to the bed crossbow blocking Hangu Pass, otherwise he would not be able to catch up to the black dragon.

Daniu was about to thank Yin Xi, but when he was approaching, he found Li He and the fox. After being taken aback for a moment, he decided to come over. He saluted respectfully, and then greeted: "Hello, sir."

Li He smiled and said, "Why did you come to Qin?"

Daniel scratched his head and said: "After Mr. left, I also resigned as the general of the Song State. I originally planned to plow the land for farming, but the Song State was governed very well, and there was no more injustice. .”

"I thought about it for two days and decided to go out for a walk."

"The Song Dynasty is not the only one in the world. This world is in the midst of war. There should be many people who still need help. The human race and the monster race also need more understanding and help."

"So, I decided to travel around the world."

"Because the husband is going east, I think that the place where the husband is will definitely become better, so I decided to go west and help people in need along the way."

"I passed Hangu Pass the day before yesterday, but after chasing that black lizard, I came back again."

Daniel said truthfully that his strength was about at the top of the Celestial Immortal level, and he was only one step away from breaking through the Golden Immortal, but even so, the black dragon also escaped from his hands again and again, bursting out, and even suppressing him.

In the final analysis, he is still not good at fighting.

He has practiced all the way, and the most appropriate word is ordinary. His cultivation speed is faster than ordinary monsters, but not much faster. The only key is that he has never felt a bottleneck.

Moreover, his cultivation is not very diligent.

He spends more time doing "meaningless" things, and he is even more willing to help farmers with a day's farm work than to practice, so even if he doesn't feel the bottleneck, he has only reached the heavenly consummation after all these years.

Because he doesn't like to fight with others, he actually has very little combat experience.

When he just fought with the black dragon, he discovered that in many cases, even though he was stronger, the black dragon could catch him by surprise.

If it wasn't for the help of Hangu Pass defenders just now, even if he was undefeated, he would have been seriously injured.

Daniel was thinking about the battle, but Yin Xi exclaimed: "Song State? Could it be that the sage king who is rumored to help Song State quell the civil strife and accept the flood of humanity is this gentleman?!"

Yin Xi looked at Li He in shock.

Li He pondered slightly, and said, "It's me."

"Since the sage king was born, why don't you save the common people and end this troubled world? If you want to, Yin Xi, sir, is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse and serve as your envoy."

Yin Xi said, kneeling on one knee.

His tone was sincere, not like a lie, he had never seen it before, but he believed it after hearing the rumors, and he was willing to give up his status as a general of the Qin State to join a lonely family.

It also……

Li He asked strangely: "General Yin, aren't you afraid it's just a rumor?"

Yin Xi raised his head and said with a smile: "Of course I am not afraid. Although I am a general, I am also quite knowledgeable. I am good at the art of watching Qi. When I look at others, they are just black smoke. Even people with high moral character are not too many." With a little white light, the monarch of the Qin Kingdom only has a trace of purple aura, and Your Excellency came from afar..."

"The sky is full of purple energy, and the golden light of Zhenyu blooms with lotuses."

"Hi, I can no longer look directly at you."

Li He suddenly remembered that the Taoist priest in linen with the appearance of linen in the later generations was Yin Xi's apprentice. Before coming to this era, Li He thought it was Yin Xi who studied Tao Te Ching after he got it.

But I don't want to, Yin Xi was already good at the art of qi-watching before meeting Lao Tzu.

(End of this chapter)

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