Chapter 513
Seeing Qingniu's actions, Li He smiled helplessly, and could only acquiesce.

After all, the horse pulled him all the way, so he couldn't just treat it badly. After thinking about it, Li He stretched out his hand and the horse ran back again, bowing its head in front of him.

Li He patted the horse's head and handed over the bun in his hand.

The horse understood and ate it.

Then he raised his head and neighed like a dragon singing, and left again with a vigorous figure. This time, after running, he pulled out an afterimage, like a dragon colt. To this, the fox was surprised and said: "Young master gave it food, not a nest." Wotou?"

"That's right, it's Wowotou, but I added a little bit of the concept of a dragon in it."


"Ah, the concept, I don't know when it will be able to drive it. Giving it the concept of a dragon is equivalent to having the blood of a dragon and becoming a dragon horse."

"Oh...then it's a monster, right?"


"Why didn't you give it a name, son?"


Li He looked at the steed, whose body was jet-black and whose stature became taller and taller, and suddenly he said with happiness, "Then... let's call it a black horse, a black horse."

To pull the mountain out of the world, the time will never pass away.

After Li He gave Ma Erlong the concept, he sensed that these horses that had been favored by him would be the mounts of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, for him to drive in battle in the future.

The bravery of feathers is unique throughout the ages.

This black-headed horse is also a part of his bravery, and has nothing to do with official history. In the real history, there is a fantasy color. It is normal for this black-headed horse to be a dragon colt.

The name is settled.

Although Wu Zai had already run a long way, it seemed to hear it too. It neighed high and thanked Li He for his gift.

Li He smiled and waved goodbye.

At night, leaning against the tree trunk, leaning against the bonfire, Li He held the fox in his arms, and continued to talk about something. He murmured: "In our place, children can go to school, elementary school, junior high school, high school..."

The two cuddled and talked, then fell asleep.


In the early morning of the next day, Qingniu shook off the dew on his body and stood up, while Li He stretched himself and said, "Go on, this time, to Xianyang."

"Probably the last stop in China's territory."

"Further down, the south."

Originally, he planned to go all the way to the west, but for some reason, there was a feeling in his mind telling him that he should go to Shu, and Li He didn't care about it.

If he wants to go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it doesn't matter if he goes to Qinghai or Sichuan.



Since Qin Mugong, Qin State has actually declined for more than a hundred years. If it weren't for its superior geographical location, the only big country bordering Qin State was Jin State, and Jin State was suffering from internal strife.

During the weak period of decline, Qin made an alliance with Jin.

Taking Jin as its city, in this way, Jin has been oppressing small countries all these years, and rarely has disputes with big countries. In this way, Qin has staggered for hundreds of years, but at least it has not lost the foundation of its ancestors.

In a few years, Spring and Autumn has passed.

The state of Qin will be bullied by the state of Wei again. For about one or two hundred years, we will not see the Qin state that the later generations look down on He Xiongzai.

With the decline of national strength, the capital of the country is naturally not very good.

Xianyang of the Qin State is inferior to Daliang, Jinyang, and HD of the Jin State. This country standing in the west is often called a barbarian by people in the Central Plains, but it is actually related to its style.

The old Qin people have the solemnity of the northwest.

The cities and palaces are all a bit rough...

As soon as I entered Xianyang, I felt the unique demeanor of the old Qin people. On the street, there were group fights, real fights, the kind with knives, probably two groups of nobles had a falling out.

There are about ten people on each side.

Blood flowed from the cut, but the people on the side applauded and were very excited. The defenders on the tower also leaned on the battlements, watching with interest, without any intention of persuading them to maintain law and order.

Although the soldiers on the towers were sloppy, they didn't look like that kind of slack.

Instead, they are veterans of many battles.

Li He probably understands why the state of Jin is still willing to make friends with Qin and Jin after a hundred years of decline of the state of Qin, and will not send troops to attack Qin.

Even the battle between nobles is very powerful.

Those house slaves were not ordinary servants, and the bloody aura in each of them was no weaker than that of the soldiers at the top of the city. Although it was just a street fight, they still formed an formation to fight.

All of them were wrapped in a fiery red aura, and they killed very fiercely.

Accompanied by the sound of a knife entering the body, the battle finally ended. A slightly fat young man killed the tall young man in front of him. He pulled out the knife that had pierced the opponent's abdomen and wiped the blood on his face.

Shouting, he raised his left fist.

Immediately, the people cheered, and the soldiers at the top of the city also murmured their applause.

There is no such thing as "dead"...

Li He was puzzled, so he pulled an old man by the side of the road and asked: "This is a street fight, someone died, and the sergeants don't care about it?"

The old man glanced at Li He, then asked in Qin opera: "Aren't you from Qin?"


"No, that's right. The sergeants don't care about fighting. The fight is all about morale. If you win, you will be controlled. Then there is no energy in fighting."

The old man said very naturally.

Then, for the sake of Li He being an outsider, he explained again and said, "Don't mention the custom, the soldiers dare not control the two of them fighting."

"Those two are both sons of the Ying clan."

"How do the soldiers manage?"

Li He understands that these two are the sons of the royal family, so the soldiers naturally can't control them, not to mention the state of Qin, it is the same in all the spring and autumn countries, but the old Qin people are not surprised when the sons of the royal family fight and kill in the street...

"Could it be..."

The old man smiled and said: "You guessed it right, only the most stalwart young master can sit on the throne of our Qin country. Although these two young masters are sidelines, they are both talented."

"If you have the ability."

"It is also possible to kill the son of the direct line and ascend to the position of monarch."

"For example, this Young Master Yingfan."

"Don't look at Mr. Yingfan as a bit obese, but his bravery is enough to rank among the top three among the young masters of the Ying family. Every time he falls into the battle first, he is really admirable."

"I heard."

"Mr. Yingfan is planning to go west to hunt in three days. It is rumored that there is a new bone dragon that can spit frost in the big lake in the west. Because there is no flesh and blood, everyone is unwilling to hunt, but the bone dragon is still endangering the mountains. .”

"Mr. Yingfan intends to eliminate harm for the people and show off his martial arts."

"I see a great chance."

(End of this chapter)

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