Chapter 102
"Brother Long, don't be nervous, it's me."

A woman's voice sounded, the voice had an infinite style, and there was panic in it. It was obvious that she was intimidated by Zhao Long's aura and terrified.

This person was none other than Wang Lili. She wanted to steal something while Zhao Long was resting, but she never thought that Zhao Long would sit here without sleeping.

Zhao Long already knew who she was and just wanted to teach her a lesson.

Seeing that Zhao Long didn't intend to let go of her, Wang Lili hurriedly said: "Brother Long, I'm Lili, please let me go quickly, I'm going to be strangled to death by you."

Zhao Long was speechless, at this moment, Wang Lili was still pretending to be tender, which made people sick.

He let go of him, then went to the door and turned on the light.

The glare of the light made Wang Lili a little uncomfortable. She quickly closed her eyes, opened them after a while, and then took off the mask, revealing a delicate face.

"Brother Long, it's me." Wang Lili smiled awkwardly and stood opposite Zhao Long.

"What are you looking for?" Zhao Long asked indifferently.

He had already noticed that Wang Lili had searched his room, but he didn't know that she was so bold that she dared to come in in the middle of the night.

"I just want to play a joke on you, and I want to see what you are doing at night?" Wang Lili said coquettishly.

After she finished speaking, she took off her black clothes. She wore a thin silk dress underneath, and she could clearly see the red underwear inside.

"Brother Long, you should be able to tell that he likes you. Since the first time he saw you, he has made a decision that he will not marry you in this life." Wang Lili half bowed her head and blushed.

Now Zhao Long feels like he ate a fly, which is very disgusting.

Wang Lili didn't lie without blinking an eye. She had been sleeping with another man recently, and she thought Zhao Long didn't know about it, but now she said such a thing, it was really immoral.

"Don't talk about these useless things, answer my question, what are you looking for?" Zhao Long said expressionlessly, so he wouldn't be fooled by Wang Lili.

Wang Lili was unmoved when she saw Zhao Long. She twisted her body and moved closer to Zhao Long, then looked up at Zhao Long and said, "Aren't I beautiful?"

"You're not finished. First of all, I have to declare that I'm not interested in you. You don't need to be hypocritical to seduce me. Second, you must answer my question now, or don't blame me for being rude." Zhao Long said righteously.

Seeing that this trick was useless to Zhao Long, Wang Lili simply gave a 'cut' to show her disdain, and said, "Zhao Long, don't take yourself too seriously, you are the owner of a bar, what's so great about it?" Yes, do you still think you are someone? Let me tell you, now that my aunt works here, she thinks highly of you, and when my aunt is unhappy, she can leave at any time. "

In the past, she thought that Zhao Long was the most handsome and could be a cash machine for a lifetime.

But since meeting Yang Yixiao, Wang Lili's vision has become higher.At this time, she found that Zhao Long was nothing but handsome, he was just a country bumpkin guarding the bar, a rough man.

"And tell you Zhao Long, I have a boyfriend now, and he is tall, rich and handsome, much better than you."

Wang Lili said all the things she was holding back in her heart. She originally planned to say these words in full view, but now that she has arrived here, she said them ahead of time, and she didn't plan to do it here anyway.

At this moment, Zhao Lanhua and Wang Zicheng came over with a confused look on their faces. It was already 03:30 in the morning, they were sleeping soundly, and they put on their clothes and came over when they heard the loud noise.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Lanhua asked sleepily.

Her first reaction was that in the middle of the night, Zhao Long and Wang Lili were sleeping together, and they had a quarrel for some reason.

When Wang Lili saw Zhao Lanhua and his wife, she snorted coldly and said, "Zhao Lanhua, you are actually the one I hate the most in bars."

Zhao Lanhua looked confused. Normally she was very kind to Wang Lili. When Zhao Long wanted to fire her, she pleaded for Wang Lili and wanted to make her stay with Zhao Long.

Now that she suddenly heard Wang Lili say that, she didn't understand what was going on at all.

Wang Lili continued with a look of disdain: "Zhao Lanhua, look at your ugly face, your husband is a cripple, why are you the manager of this bar? Why do you show off your power? What qualifications do you have? My long Why don’t I have such a good opportunity?”

Zhao Lanhua finally understands that Wang Lili has always been jealous of her. On the surface, she is a good sister with her, but secretly hates her.

Zhao Lanhua shook her head and sighed, "Lili, don't worry, you are still young and have a bright future, you will definitely..."

"Don't say these things are useless." Wang Lili sneered: "Zhao Lanhua, you must be laughing in your heart right now, you must be despising me, but let me tell you, sooner or later I will live better than you. Now I have a boyfriend, my family is rich, and my job is good, he is better than all of you."

Zhao Lanhua was also a little angry. After all, Wang Lili was the one she patted her chest to guarantee, and now she was yelling here, which made her very embarrassed.

"Lili, what hit you, is there anything you can't say well?" Zhao Lanhua had a feeling that iron could not be made into steel.

"Don't call me Lili, I feel sick when I see you." Wang Lili yelled.

Zhao Lanhua looked at Zhao Long blankly, she didn't know what happened, she was fine during the day, but she seemed crazy at night.

"She came to my room to steal things, and I caught her." Zhao Long said without emotion.

Zhao Lanhua's eyes widened after hearing this, and she looked at Wang Lili in disbelief.

"Zhao Long, don't make false accusations. What did I steal? Who saw me stealing? It's clear that you called me here at night to try to do something wrong. You wanted to snatch me away, but I refused, and now you're here to bite me back." Wang Lili was justified. the way.

Zhao Lanhua was very disappointed. Although she had not been in contact with Zhao Long for a long time, she still knew Zhao Long well and knew that he would not do such a thing.

Moreover, Zhao Lanhua knew Wang Lili well. If Zhao Long wanted to, Wang Lili could back up at any time. There was no such possibility that Zhao Long wanted to snatch Wang Lili but Wang Lili refused.

"Wang Lili, you let me down so much. I don't care what you did before, but now you are an employee of the bar, someone I hired, and you promised me when you came in that you would be a good person, but now How can you do such a thing, if you are short of money, you can tell me, I can give it to you, but you can't steal it." Zhao Lanhua said angrily.

Wang Lili was impatient, she stared wide-eyed and said: "Zhao Lanhua, you have to be responsible for what you say, which eye of yours saw me stealing, why do you believe what he said, but you don't believe what I say? You are Together, you team up to bully me."

Wang Lili yelled and turned around and ran outside...

(End of this chapter)

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