Chapter 105 Backstory
At about nine o'clock in the evening, Tan Jingru drove to Lan Xin's villa. At this time, Lan Xin was helping Lan Yi with her homework.

"You two are really sisters. I feel ashamed to stand with you." Tan Jingru said.

"Sister Tan, why are you here?" Seeing this, Lan Yi quickly put down her book and ran over. She was already impatient, if Lan Xin didn't force her, she would not be willing to sit here willingly.

Lan Xin shook her head and said, "The foreign language is too poor. If this level goes abroad, I'm afraid she won't be able to adapt."

"My foreign language is No.1 in the whole school, and you still say I'm bad, hum!"

Lan Yi complained, then put her arms around Tan Jingru and said, "Sister Tan, you are the best, you are my real sister."

"I wish I had a beautiful sister like you." Tan Jingru said with a smile.

"Sit down." Lan Xin waved her hand, signaling Lan Yi not to pester Tan Jingru, then poured a glass of water for Tan Jingru and said, "Sister Tan, is there something to do here so late?"

"It's nothing serious, just come and have a look." Tan Jingru said with a smile.

Lan Xin nodded, then looked at Lan Yi and said, "You're about to take the college entrance examination, hurry up and study, don't waste your time here."

Lan Yi pursed her lips and snorted: "You see, Sister Tan, she abuses me every day, hmph, I will ignore you when I am admitted to university."

After Lan Yi finished speaking, she made a grimace and went into the house.

Lan Xin and Tan Jingru looked at each other and smiled. They both knew that Lan Yi was joking and didn't take it seriously.

"Lan Xin, there is something I want to ask you." Tan Jingru's face became serious, and she lost the ease she had just now.

"what's up?"

"How did Yang Yixiao get into the company? He became the vice president at a young age. Is there something tricky about it?"

Tan Jingru and Lan Xin have always had a good relationship, so when they were together, they would speak directly and the other party would not take offense.

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Sister, have you been under too much pressure recently? Although we are urgently laying off employees, you should not be under too much pressure."

Yang Yixiao is the vice president of the company, and his position is higher than that of Tan Jingru. In theory, Tan Jingru doesn't need to worry about his going or staying.

"You answer my question first, how did he get into the company?" Tan Jingru said very seriously.

Lan Xinyi thought for a while and said, "Because he is my father's godson."


Tan Jingru was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She had been in Lanling Group for many years, and she thought she knew the relationship inside well, but she never guessed that Yang Yixiao was actually Lan Shengtian's godson.

"Not many people know about this matter, because my father said, Yang Yixiao can't expose this relationship, if he is exposed, let him leave the company." Lan Xin said with a smile.

Tan Jingru nodded, she knew the seriousness of the problem, now that Lan Xin told her about it without hesitation, it showed that Lan Xin absolutely trusted her.

Seeing Tan Jingru in a daze, Lan Xin asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Tan Jingru shook her head, she didn't know if she should say it or not, after all Yang Yixiao was Lan Xin's godbrother, although they were not related by blood, they were considered a family.

"Sister Tan, we have been good sisters for many years. If you have anything to say, you can just say it directly. In fact, I don't like Yang Yixiao. She is too hypocritical. She looks like a tiger every day, but she is actually very dark inside." Lan Xin said.

"How much do you know about him?" Tan Jingru asked.

Lan Xin thought about it carefully, and finally shook her head and said: "Actually, I don't know him well. Five years ago, our family was traveling outside and we met him on the street. His father took him in. But I have never had contact with him, and I always feel that this person is not very good."

Tan Jingru nodded thoughtfully, it seems that it is impossible to understand Yang Yixiao's personality from Lan Xin.

"Sister Tan, is there any negative news about him? Don't worry too much, just say what you have to say. Compared with him, I trust you more." Lan Xin smiled knowingly.

Tan Jingru felt warm in her heart, then nodded and said: "Someone said that he took someone else's jade pendant and didn't return it, so..."

"Jade pendant?" Lan Xin's expression turned a little ugly after hearing this, and she took a jade pendant from her neck and said, "Is this what you're talking about?"

I saw the jade pendant in Lan Xin's hand, green and verdant, without any impurities, and it gave people a simple and simple feeling, one could tell it was not ordinary.

"Where did this jade pendant come from?" Tan Jingru asked in surprise.

Although she didn't know if this jade pendant was the one in Zhao Long's mouth, she always felt that it had something to do with what Zhao Long said.

"This is what Yang Yixiao gave me." Lan Xin shook her head with a wry smile, then sighed and said, "You don't know the story inside. Three years ago, when Grandpa was here, she told me something, she said If one day someone comes to me with a jade pendant, that person will be my wishful gentleman."

Lan Xin shook her head and smiled wryly after she finished speaking.

Tan Jingru said very seriously and nervously: "No, Lan Xin, marriage is a joke, you must not agree."

After all, whether it is Lan Xin or Tan Jingru, they don't know Yang Yixiao at all, and if they want Lan Xin to marry in a daze, they will never agree.

Lan Xin also nodded and said: "Don't worry, Sister Tan, how could I be so stupid to marry him with only a jade pendant, am I that kind of person?"

"That's right, what age is it now? It's no longer the rules of the older generation. Don't take this matter to heart." Tan Jingru said.

Lan Xin smiled wryly and nodded, "It's just that Grandpa made such arrangements at the time, there must be his deep meaning. It's been five years, and I don't know where he is now. If he comes back, maybe there is still hope for my mother's illness."

Speaking of this, Lan Xin sighed. Now her mother is lying on the hospital bed like a vegetative state, and her father has handed over all the company to her because of this.

Lan Xin feels exhausted every day and feels very lonely. Fortunately, she has such a good sister as Tan Jingru, otherwise she would really go crazy by herself.

"What's the meaning? When it comes to marriage, you don't listen to anyone, you have to listen to your heart. If you don't like someone, you can't be with him no matter what." Tan Jingru spoke righteously the way.

Lan Xin nodded gratefully, she knew that Tan Jingru was doing it for her own good.

"Sister Tan, there are some things you should let go of. Uncle Tan is doing it for your own good, so why should you compete with him?" Lan Xin advised.

"Don't talk about him, I will take care of my affairs. Now I'm talking about you. You are very dangerous now. Do you know that? Don't fall into this kind of emotional trap. For the sake of the family and the development of the company, that's all. It's nonsense, one's own happiness must be in one's own hands, no one can tell." Tan Jingru said with deep understanding.


Lan Xin finally couldn't help laughing. Usually Tan Jingru was in a cold state, but when it came to this kind of thing, she seemed to be a different person...

(End of this chapter)

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