Chapter 127
Zhao Lanhua was also stopped when she wanted to go forward.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Zhao Long said calmly.

He didn't want to deal with the police too much, but now he can't.

Jiang Xiaoai raised her head and came to Zhao Long with a cold snort, "Stop pretending, tell me, did you cause Barr's disappearance?"

Zhao Long ignored her and just stood there quietly.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoai pointed at Zhao Long angrily and said, "Don't be crazy, we will definitely investigate clearly, if it was really caused by you, you will be finished."

"Can you be quiet for a while?" Zhao Long said.

"You, you, hum..."

Jiang Xiaoai turned her back directly and stopped looking at Zhao Long. This was the first time she met such a stubborn person, and it was unreasonable.

At this time someone ran down in a hurry, stood straight in front of the captain and said: "Captain, it has been verified that it is indeed Barr's thing, and there is blood on the clothes. We have already taken samples and need to go back for testing."

"Keep the evidence and see if this is the first scene." The captain ordered, and his intuition told him that Barr might have been killed.

The team leader turned around and looked at Zhao Long seriously: "We found Barr's things upstairs above you, and now suspect that you are related to his disappearance, please go back to the police station and cooperate with our investigation."

Just as Zhao Long stepped forward to speak, two policemen around him grabbed Zhao Long's hands and handcuffed them.

Luo Cheng on the side was a little impatient seeing this, he jumped up and said, "What do you mean, why arrest people?"

Jiang Xiaoai stepped forward to stand in front of Luo Cheng and said: "The law has its own impartiality, we will not arrest people randomly, if he is innocent, we will let him back, but if he really has anything to do with this matter relationship, then he must bear legal responsibility.”

Luo Cheng looked at Zhao Long anxiously, he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't follow Zhao Long during this time, so he really didn't know if Zhao Long did it.

Zhao Long just stood there calmly and didn't speak. He was thinking about who did this. After thinking about it, he thought that Li Yunxiong was the most suspicious.

"Take it away." The captain finished, then turned and went upstairs.

And Jiang Xiaoai got into the car with Zhao Long. From the very beginning, she thought that this matter had something to do with Zhao Long. Last night she went to find Zhao Long. Now that she found the evidence, she felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Zhao Long was escorted to sit in the back, and Jiang Xiaoai sat in the co-pilot.

"Zhao Long, it's useless to resist, you should recruit, did you kill Barr and then hide the body?" Jiang Xiaoai began to interrogate impatiently.

What disappointed her was that Zhao Long ignored her at all, but leaned back and closed his eyes, looking as if he was asleep.

"Hmph, just pretend, now that we have evidence, you don't have to admit it if you don't want to." Jiang Xiaoai said proudly.

Back at the police station, Jiang Xiaoai took Zhao Long to the interrogation room. At this moment, Song Yinghao came out with a glass of water. When he saw Zhao Long, he said helplessly, "Why is it him again?"

Jiang Xiaoai said proudly: "We found Barr's things in his bar, and now we suspect that he has something to do with Barr's disappearance."

Song Yinghao nodded and didn't say much.Now Song Yinghao has no political pursuits, and is just waiting to retire and go home to take care of himself. He doesn't want to get too involved in these things, so he didn't ask too much.

Just when Jiang Xiaoai and the other two had just entered the hall, they saw Li Yunxiong and the others walking out of the hall proudly.

"Hey, isn't this brother Zhao Longzhao? Why did you come in too? Is it because of drug dealers?" Li Yunxiong said in a strange way.

Zhao Long glanced at them casually and ignored them. Talking to these people was a waste of saliva.

Jiang Xiaoai, on the other hand, stood in front and snorted coldly: "I hope you will live a safe and stable life after you go out. If we find out that you have violated the law, we will not forgive you lightly."

"It's Police Officer Jiang. We are good citizens who abide by the law and will never do anything illegal." Li Yunxiong looked at Jiang Xiaoai with bright eyes.

He felt somewhat regretful that he didn't take Jiang Xiaoai down last night.At the same time, he wondered who saved Jiang Xiaoai.

Jiang Xiaoai felt uncomfortable being looked at, and then left with Zhao Long.

Li Yunxiong, on the other hand, kept staring at Jiang Xiaoai's back endlessly, and couldn't help itching in his heart. If he really slept this woman, he didn't know what it would be like.

"Brother, what's going on? Why did she suddenly disappear last night?" Meng San asked in confusion.

"You ask me, I'll ask who to go to, hmph, this little girl is really alluring, sooner or later she will fall in love with her." After Li Yunxiong finished speaking, he strode outside.

When Jiang Xiaoai brought Zhao Long to No. [-] for interrogation, they heard shouts inside when they passed No. [-].

Zhao Long could hear that the voice was Mi Rui.

Jiang Xiaoai's eyes were red. After all, she and Mi Rui were partners. Seeing him like this now made her a little sad.

"Hmph, it's all caused by you bad guys." Jiang Xiaoai glared at Zhao Long angrily.

Zhao Long was very speechless, so he just sat there and didn't speak.

Jiang Xiaoai snorted coldly, and then walked out of the interrogation room. They had to prepare corresponding materials so that Zhao Long could be thoroughly interrogated.

Just when she first came to the big office, the team leader hurried back.

"Get ready and interrogate Zhao Long immediately." The captain said flatly.

"But we haven't prepared all the materials yet," Jiang Xiaoai said.

"We can't give Zhao Long too much time to think about it. Now that we've already startled the snake, we have to attack decisively. We don't have time to prepare. The interrogation starts now." The team leader walked directly to the interrogation room after speaking.

Jiang Xiaoai followed, and the others went to the monitoring room.

When we came to the interrogation room, the captain turned on the light.The light was very bright and shone directly on Zhao Long's face.

Zhao Long knew that this was an effective tactic used by the police, in order to disturb people's hearts and make the interrogation easier.It's not the first time Zhao Long has entered this kind of place, his heart is as firm as a rock, so naturally he won't be affected by the lights.

"Zhao Long, let me ask you now, where did you hide Baer's body?" the captain said directly.

Zhao Long knew that this was setting him up, he sneered and didn't speak, just leaned there and looked at the captain quietly.

"I'm asking you something. Don't think that we can't do anything about you if you don't say anything. To tell you the truth, we have already obtained the evidence of your crime. Now interrogating you is just to give you a chance to surrender." The captain said coldly .

It can be seen that the team leader has a lot of interrogation experience. He is good at psychological warfare, trying to defeat Zhao Long's psychological defense.

But what annoyed the captain and Jiang Xiaoai was that Zhao Long sat there like a dead man, without any expression on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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