Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 175 The scene is out of control

Chapter 175 The scene is out of control
Arriving downstairs of the Lanling Group, the situation on the scene was more complicated than Zhao Long imagined. There were no less than a hundred people gathered outside the Lanling Group, and they all shouted emotionally there.

Among the crowd, there were middle-aged people, some just graduated college students, and some held banners to attack Lan Xin.

Zhao Long pushed hard towards the inside, and when he came to the front, he saw Liang Wei, the deputy captain of security, maintaining order there with a nervous expression on his face.

"Everyone, don't get excited. If you have something to say, you can send a representative to talk to our leader. This kind of noise won't solve the problem." Liang Weiwei shouted.

But nearly a hundred people at the scene ignored him at all, and they all shouted for an explanation.

"Call out the president of the company, and we have to ask her face to face? Why did she fire us? What did we do wrong? The company's contract clearly states that employees cannot be dismissed without reason." One of them shouted. .

The others also shouted loudly, and they asked Lan Xin to come out and give an explanation.

Liang Wei felt a lot of pressure, he stood at the front of the crowd like that, and some people started to beat Liang Wei out of excitement.

"What about the others, why are you the only one here?" Zhao Long squeezed to the front, only to see Liang Wei standing there straight in work attire.

In the distance, there were also a few security guards in work clothes, but they stood there talking and laughing as if nothing happened.

Seeing that it was Zhao Long, Liang Wei was obviously a little surprised, then frowned and said, "Are you here to make trouble too?"

"Don't talk about these useless things, where is Lan Xin now?" Zhao Long asked.

Zhao Long was most concerned about Lan Xin's safety, as long as she was safe, everything would be fine.

"I don't know either. Boss Lan hasn't come yet. It seems that she may not be able to come." Liang Wei said anxiously.

"Why don't other security guards come to maintain order?" Zhao Long said angrily.

Liang Wei sighed and shook his head without saying a word, and then continued to block everyone from coming forward.

Wu Chengjian has the final say on the company's security system. Although Liang Wei is the vice captain of security, no one listens to him.

Even today's scene, other people are completely indifferent.

"Look, that's the president's car, and she's here."

At this moment, someone yelled, and all the people turned their heads to look. Seeing an Audi RS7 approaching slowly, everyone rushed up like crazy.

Someone blocked the front of the car, while someone slammed on the glass hard.

In the car, Lan Xin sat in the back of the car with some worry. She never expected that the layoffs would cause such a big commotion just after they started.

If the whole group is in full swing, then these people will not be in trouble.

Seeing Lan Xin's helplessness, an imperceptible smile flashed across Wu Chengjian's face in front of him, but he randomly said with a serious face: "Mr. Lan, we are surrounded here now, should we call the security guards over? Get them out."

Among the crowd were not only laid-off employees, but also a large number of reporters gathered around to join in the fun.

There were not many news materials in the city, and some were finally found, and they rushed over one after another, and some media were also in the process of rushing here.

Wu Chengjian sat in front and honked the horn, but no one paid attention to him, those people still stood in front and did not leave.

Looking at the excited crowd outside the car, Lan Xin said nervously, "What should we do now?"

"Let me let the security guard drive them away." After Wu Chengjian finished speaking, he took the phone and called out. He shouted angrily on the phone: "Are you blind? Didn't you see Mr. Lan was blocked outside? Hurry up and call people over and drive these people away."

After Wu Chengjian finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, then turned his head and said, "Don't worry, Boss Lan, they will be there soon."

Sure enough, after a phone call from Wu Chengjian, all the security guards of Lanling Group started to gather downstairs with batons in their hands.

Seeing these security guards, Zhao Long also frowned. He didn't expect the security system of Lanling Group to be so huge.No wonder Tan Jingru was worried. These people were all under Wu Chengjian's orders. Once Wu Chengjian tried to play tricks, the company would be paralyzed instantly and fall into a kind of danger.

After the security guards assembled below, they began to move towards the rioters with their batons. Judging by their posture, they wanted to use force to drive these rioters away.

In the distance, reporters from all walks of life are constantly videotaping to remove material.

"Dear audience friends, Mr. Lan of Lanling Group is stuck in the car by the crowd and can't get out. It seems that their emotions are relatively high. The situation at the scene is not optimistic."

One of the reporters said with some joy, they didn't care whether Lan Xin could get out of the car, what they cared about was whether their news would be read by more people.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

All the security guards started to drive away the crowd with their batons. They hit those people hard and directly.

Some people in the crowd began to shout, and some people even started to resist. The scene was very urgent.

When the reporters in the distance saw that the bodyguards of the Lanling Group had already started, they were even more excited and kept taking pictures around.

When Lan Xin saw this scene in the car, she was very anxious, then looked at Wu Chengjian and said, "Tell them to stop quickly, we can't do this."

Just now, because she was too nervous and emotional, she acquiesced to Wu Chengjian's actions, but now that she has woken up, she realized that it was wrong to do so. To treat them in this way, wouldn't it make the world laugh.

"Boss Lan, they should be beaten, but they came here to make trouble, and they didn't even look at where it is." Wu Chengjian snorted coldly.

"You tell them to stop quickly." Lan Xin said anxiously.

"Boss Lan..."

Wu Chengjian wanted to say something else, but at this moment Lan Xin got off the car, pointed at the security guards and said, "Stop, what are you doing?"

When the unemployed people saw Lan Xin get off the car, they rushed up like crazy.

In the car, Wu Chengjian shook his head and sneered, then followed him out.

At this time, the situation was completely out of control, and the unemployed crowd rushed towards Lan Xin.

Lan Xin didn't expect these people to be so emotional. Now that she regrets getting out of the car, she should let Wu Chengjian drive to the company first.

"Everyone be quiet, listen to me, the company is now in a very dangerous stage..."

Lan Xin wanted to explain to everyone, but these people didn't listen to what she said at all, they squeezed towards Lan Xin as if they were crazy.

Standing beside Lan Xin, Wu Chengjian yelled at the surrounding security guards, "Call me, anyone who dares to come forward will call me back."

Lan Xin turned her head to look at Wu Chengjian and said, "Who told you to do it, tell them to stop."

(End of this chapter)

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