Chapter 178
When Lan Xin saw the people from the security team surrounding Zhao Long, she yelled angrily: "Everyone stop, what are you doing?"

Wu Chengjian came directly in front of Lan Xin and said, "Mr. Lan, you don't know the situation. Today's incident was planned by this kid. Let's arrest him first."

Lan Xin was stunned for a moment, she looked at Zhao Long suspiciously, thinking about things quickly in her mind, is it really planned by him?

But before Lan Xin could react, Wu Chengjian yelled, "Call me."

The members of the security team shouted and rushed towards Zhao Long.

At this time Tan Jingru also rushed down, she wanted to yell to stop, but it was too late now, the people in front had already handed over.

"Haha, come on." Zhao Long yelled wildly, and then took the iron rod and turned around vigorously. He didn't hit the security guards on the head, but on their legs.

Among the people around, ten of them were directly knocked down by Zhao Long. They didn't expect Zhao Long to be so strong, and they didn't expect Zhao Long to take the iron rod around by surprise.

After knocking down ten people, Zhao Long didn't stop, and rushed towards Wu Chengjian.

There were two people in front who wanted to stop them, but Zhao Long jumped up and kicked them flying.

Wu Chengjian didn't expect Zhao Long's skill to be so agile. He took two steps back in fright, but after all, he is a person who has experienced the world. Although he was flustered, he didn't lose his mind.

"Stop him." Wu Chengjian stood there and shouted.

"Who dares." Zhao Long yelled, and directly knocked a security guard away with a stick. The scene was no different from a martial arts novel, which made people feel a little dreamy.

The unemployed people who were causing trouble in the distance turned pale with fright. Fortunately, they didn't rush forward, otherwise they would have been beaten with a stick, and they would not have been beaten to death.

At this moment, the members of the security team no longer dared to underestimate Zhao Long, some of them ran back and took out their batons.

"Stop it all, do you want to rebel?" Lan Xin shouted anxiously.

But the security guards at the scene were all red-eyed, and no one listened to him.Usually they are under the orders of Wu Chengjian, and ignore Lan Xin's orders.

Tan Jingru stood beside Lan Xin, she pulled Lan Xin back a little anxiously, for fear of affecting her.

"Don't tell them, they won't listen to your orders." Tan Jingru said.

"Wu Chengjian!"

Lan Xin yelled angrily, but she found that Wu Chengjian didn't even look at her, but stared at Zhao Long through gritted teeth.

At this moment, Lan Xin realized that what Tan Jingru said before was right, it was a wrong decision to entrust the safety of Lanling Group to Wu Chengjian.

Now Lan Xin suddenly has the idea of ​​resigning Wu Chengjian, but Wu Chengjian controls the security of the entire company, if he is resigned now, it will probably cause him to rebel, which is not good for the company.

What's more, now that Lan Yi's safety is also under the protection of Wu Chengjian, her intuition tells her that she can't get into a stalemate with Wu Chengjian.

Tan Jingru naturally also saw Lan Xin's worry, she patted Lan Xin's shoulder comfortingly and said, "Don't worry, there must be other solutions."

Lan Xin felt physically and mentally exhausted, and the current situation was beyond her control.

In the middle, Zhao Long kept approaching Zhao Long with an iron rod in his hand, and there were no less than 15 people lying beside him.

Just when Zhao Long broke through the line of defense and came in front of Wu Chengjian, a police car rang suddenly in the distance. In less than 3 minutes, five police cars stopped there, and many people came down from above, including Jiang Xiaoai.

"Stop it all, what's going on?" Captain Fu Jiahao yelled.

The police are different from the security guards. They have the right to enforce the law, and the captain's yell is still very deterrent.All the security guards stopped.

Wu Chengjian hurried forward and said, "Captain Fu, you came just in time. This kid is causing trouble here and has injured so many of us. Hurry up and arrest him."

Fu Jiahao frowned when he saw Zhao Long. It seemed that Zhao Long was responsible for all these recent incidents, and he had a very bad impression of Zhao Long.

"It's you again?" Fu Jiahao frowned.

When Jiang Xiaoai saw the people lying on the ground around her, she opened her mouth in shock, and then came to Zhao Long and whispered, "You knocked down these people?"

Zhao Long didn't speak, but turned to look at Lan Xin, seeing that she was fine, he felt relieved.

Lan Xin also came to Fu Jiahao's side and said, "Captain Fu, this is our company's emergency drill. Maybe some people don't know about it, so they called the police. I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

Fu Jiahao looked at Wu Chengjian suspiciously, then glanced at Zhao Long again and said, "Drill? Are you going to practice like this?"

At this time, Tan Jingru also came up, and she said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know it was a rehearsal beforehand, and I was the one who made the call."

Jiang Xiaoai hurried over after hearing this, and then said with a long sigh of relief: "So it's a drill, I thought someone was making trouble here, Sister Lan Xin, you are the key protection objects of our police, if anyone dares to make trouble here, You tell us immediately and we will arrest them."

Jiang Xiao'ai naturally knew that what happened today was not a rehearsal, but she didn't know why Zhao Long would fight with the security guards of the Lanling Group, and Zhao Long came to make trouble?
Fu Jiahao turned to look at Wu Chengjian.

Wu Chengjian had no choice, even Lan Xin and Tan Jingru said it was a rehearsal, if he continued to insist that Zhao Long came to make trouble, it would be bad.

"I'm sorry Captain Fu, it's indeed a rehearsal, it may be too realistic, other people didn't see it." Wu Chengjian said.

"Be careful not to practice in such a public place in the future, it may cause misunderstanding." Fu Jiahao finished speaking, and then said: "The team is closed."

Fu Jiahao is not a fool, he also knows that it is not as simple as a drill.But since they all said it was a rehearsal, he didn't bother to take care of it, especially about Zhao Long's affairs.

Jiang Xiaoai didn't go back with her, she was very curious and had to figure out what was going on.

The police left in a hurry within 5 minutes of arriving.

Jiang Xiaoai asked very curiously: "Sister Lan Xin, what's going on? Why did you fight with Zhao Long? Did he come here to cause trouble?"

Lan Xin was a little annoyed, she didn't speak, but went directly to those unemployed people.

After what happened just now, these unemployed people became more rational and knew that what happened just now was wrong. After all, they are also private companies, and it is their business to resign you. The only thing to blame is that they didn't work hard.

"I'm really sorry everyone, I can't do anything to dismiss you." Lan Xin said very sincerely.

The unemployed people felt a little blushing. It wasn't that Lan Xin was sorry for them, but that they were sorry for the company. Some reporters at the scene stayed behind...

(End of this chapter)

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