Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 180 Cooperation with each other

Chapter 180 Cooperation with each other
"Take out the memory card." Zhao Long frowned.

The reporter looked at Zhao Long with some contempt and said, "If you have the ability, take it yourself, if you don't dare, then go away."

Seeing that Zhao Long was angry, Jiang Xiaoai pulled Zhao Long and said: "The things you have done now are enough to shut you down for a while, so don't make trouble anymore."

Zhao Long ignored Jiang Xiaoai, but took a step forward and grabbed the female reporter's collar.

The female reporter stared and began to panic.

"What do you want to do in public, play hooligan." The female reporter shouted.

Zhao Long didn't bother to pay attention to her, and then grabbed the other party's clothes and tore them open, revealing the snow-white pair inside.

"I warned you." Zhao Long picked up the memory card and broke it directly.

The female reporter screamed, and quickly knelt down to protect her body. She would never have imagined that the man in front of him was so rampant that he dared to be so presumptuous in front of the police.

There were many people around, and they all saw the scene just now, and she burst into tears in a hurry.

Seeing the female reporter being bullied, the photographer behind him put down the video recorder and wanted to come forward to teach Zhao Long a lesson, but Zhao Long gave him a glare and took two steps back in fright.

Jiang Xiao punched Zhao Long's shoulder with love, but this punch was not heavy, it just scratched Zhao Long's itch.

"You are so lawless, now I will arrest you and return to the police station." Jiang Xiaoai said angrily, and after she finished speaking, she dragged Zhao Long into the police car.

Sitting in the police car, Jiang Xiaoai said angrily: "I've seen enough this time, why are you so lecherous, I haven't seen it before, you are a bastard."

Zhao Long didn't pay attention to her, but sat quietly in the back.

He can't control so much, as long as anyone dares to threaten Lan Xin, or has a bad influence on Lan Xin, he will stop it. This is the condition he promised the old man, and it is also his mission.

"I'm talking to you, did you hear me?" Jiang Xiaoai said angrily.

For some reason, seeing Zhao Long's numb face made her angry, how could there be such a pregnant person in this society.

"Stop the car, don't send it off, I'll just get off here." Zhao Long said calmly.

"You think beautifully, who sent you off, I want to arrest you and take you to the police station." Jiang Xiaoai said.

"Before you arrest me, you should call your father one last time." Zhao Long said calmly.

"Why should I call him? I can arrest you by myself." Jiang Xiaoai said.

"I'm afraid he will transfer you away from the front line."

Jiang Xiaoai snorted softly after hearing this. Although she didn't believe Zhao Long's words, she still took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Yikun.

"I arrested Zhao Long. He committed another crime today. Not only did he cause trouble downstairs in the Lanling Group, but he also injured the captain of the security team of the Lanling Group." Jiang Xiaoai said angrily.

"I know all these things, you let him go now." Jiang Yikun said very seriously.

Jiang Xiaoai was very surprised when she heard that, she knew her father well.His father is a cold, selfless, and ruthless director of the Public Security Bureau, and now he said he would release Zhao Long, which puzzled her.

"Dad, did you hear what I said just now? I said that he injured someone, and there were reporters around him. It has been recorded. If he is released now, it will be bad, right?" Jiang Xiaoai said.

"Don't worry about the rest, just let me go if I tell you to." Jiang Yikun said very seriously.

He has also been observing Zhao Long, and knows that what Zhao Long has done recently, although a bit out of line, is still within the controllable range.

The most important thing is that the street where Zhao Long is now has completely settled down, no one there collects protection money, there are no fights, not even thieves.

Zhao Long's reputation was well established, and they were all afraid of causing trouble there, and then being caught by Zhao Long and destroying Dandan.

This reduces a lot of trouble for the police and frees up a lot of police force.

Although Zhao Long has committed something now, it is still within the acceptable range, so Jiang Yikun will not pursue it, and then ask Jiang Xiaoai to release him quickly.

Jiang Xiao'ai was completely confused, what happened to his father, he was not like this before, so why did he have something to fall into Zhao Long's hands?
"Father, tell me the truth, do you have any excuse to fall into the hands of this villain?" Jiang Xiaoai glanced at Zhao Long full of righteous indignation and asked.

Jiang Yikun is also very helpless, he knows that his daughter acts upright and will never adulterate.

"It's nothing like that, listen to me, Zhao Long can't be caught yet, it's useful for me to keep him." Jiang Yikun said very sincerely.

In many cases, what the police can't do, Zhao Long can solve it quickly.

Although Jiang Xiaoai was reluctant, this was Jiang Yikun's order.

Jiang Yikun is not only the director of the Public Security Bureau, but also her immediate boss, and also her father. She wants to let Zhao Long go because of love and law.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiao turned around to look at Zhao Long angrily and said, "Why did my father let you go? Did he have something in your hands?"

Zhao Long shook his head helplessly. Jiang Xiaoai is just a young girl who just graduated. She has no intentions and only wants to catch bad guys.

Zhao Long didn't want to talk to her, so he stretched out his hand in front of him and said, "Open the handcuffs first."

"I won't open it. You must speak clearly today, or I will never let you go." Jiang Xiaoai said stubbornly.

Zhao Long was speechless, then opened the car door and walked outside by himself.

Jiang Xiao ran down from the car angrily, then stood in front of Zhao Long and said, "If you don't tell me, I won't give you the key to the handcuffs, and I will make you wear handcuffs for the rest of your life."

Jiang Xiaoai looked a little cute, like a doormat.

Zhao Long chuckled, and then threw the handcuffs to Jiang Xiaoai.In fact, he had already opened the handcuffs, but he didn't show it.

Jiang Xiao's face flushed with anger, now that she has no conditions to restrain Zhao Long, her eyes turned red and she almost cried.

Zhao Long sighed and said, "Go back and ask your father, he should give you the answer."

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he took a taxi and went to the bar, leaving Jiang Xiaoai standing there stupidly.

"Zhao Long, you are a big villain, a big idiot, you will be hit by a car sooner or later, hum..." Jiang Xiaoai snorted softly, and then drove to the police station. She wanted to ask her father why she treated Zhao Long like this. Obviously just a little bastard.

Right now, upstairs in Tulong Bar, there were two people sitting facing each other, they were Li Yunxiong and Meng San.

Meng San frowned and said with a puzzled expression: "Brother, Yang Tianchao is just a white-eyed wolf, why do you take him as a brother?"

With a cigar in his hand, Li Yunxiong said calmly, "I don't care about his character, the most important thing is what benefits he can bring us. Now that Liu Hu is finished, his previous business will be ours sooner or later." of."

"But now only Fumantang is in the hands of Yang Tianchao, the bar and the casino are in the hands of Zhao Long, and the logistics are managed by Sun Zhenyao." Meng Sandao...

(End of this chapter)

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