Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 193 Distress in the Secret Room

Chapter 193 Distress in the Secret Room
"I, I saw someone inside." Tan Jingru's face turned pale, and she looked at Lan Xin in disbelief, and Lan Xin also had the same expression.

"How to do?"

Lan Xin lost her mind for a while, the documents inside are too important, not only all kinds of information about the company, but also documents of various patented technologies are inside, if it really leaks, then there will be a big problem.

"Don't worry, Boss Lan, hurry up and open the door with the key, I'll go in and catch him." Liang Wei also said nervously.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for someone to enter inside, but there is still a certain gap between reality and theory.

"Yes, yes, open the door quickly." Lan Xin said in a daze.

The security door has two layers. The first layer is unlocked by fingerprints, and the second layer needs to be recognized by the cornea. That is to say, without Lan Xin, no one can enter in a fair manner.

Lan Xin opened the first door and was about to open the second door when a person suddenly appeared inside. He was wearing night clothes and only his eyes were exposed.

He just stood there upright, holding two documents in his hands, and then waved them in front of Lan Xin, which meant clearly that he was demonstrating against Lan Xin.

"Put down the materials." Lan Xin was anxious, then quickly opened the door and rushed inside.

Liang Wei acted quickly, he stepped in and wanted to snatch the documents, but at this moment two men in black suddenly appeared on both sides, they kicked Liang Wei there suddenly.

Just as Liang Wei was about to get up, someone handcuffed Liang Wei to the iron pipe.

"Shameless, let me go." Liang Wei shouted.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the shackles in his hands.

Lan Xin and Tan Jingru were also a little confused, they didn't expect the other party to be so bold, not only daring to grab things, but also daring to hurt others.

"Put down the materials quickly, or I'll call someone." Lan Xin said pretending to be calm.

The three men in black were very calm. They just swaggered in front of Lan Xin and the two of them, and looked at them with unscrupulous eyes.

One of the taller staff laughed and said: "Mr. Lan, you don't have to pretend to be in front of us now, who doesn't know, now your company's security guards have gone on strike, and even the cameras are turned off. ? You called."

The man in black didn't intend to leave, but moved closer to Lan Xin and the other two.

In such a dark night, two beauties suddenly appeared, and the three men in black all had evil thoughts.What's more, there are not many people in the whole building now, even if Lan Xin and the others shout their throats, no one can hear them.

"Bastard, what do you want to do, come at me if you have the ability." Liang Wei shouted.

But no matter how loudly he yelled, the three men in black simply ignored him, completely treating him as air.

The tall man in black smiled and said: "Boss Lan, let's discuss something, see if this works, take good care of me today, and I will let you go safely afterwards."

"Shameless." Tan Jingru clenched her fists and said.

The man in black laughed loudly instead of being angry, and then clapped his hands and said: "Well scolded, we are not only shameless, but also shameless, what can you do to us, I will give you two choices today, first, now Just take off your clothes automatically and serve our brothers well, then we can still consider letting you go, second, we take off your clothes, and after finishing the business, we will leave you naked on the street."

"Mr. Lan, I think you can also weigh the importance. If it is broadcast on the news tomorrow that the president of Lanling Group is lying naked on the street in the middle of the night, I think it will bring about a great sensation."

The man in black spoke recklessly, his eyes full of madness.

Lan's whole body trembled with anger, but she had nothing to do. The company's security guards had left, and the only Liang Wei was still tied up here.

"Don't you guys want the information? Now that you've got it, let's go quickly." Lan Xin said helplessly. The other party was right in front of them, and it was too late to call the police.

The most important thing now is to keep your innocence first.

"Hahaha, we changed our minds, we will definitely take away the materials, but we also want you to accompany us."

After speaking, the man in black walked slowly towards the two of them.

Lan Xin and the two kept backing away, and now they were holding hands tightly, almost desperate.

"Wait." Lan Xin shouted suddenly: "I have money on my card, if you can let us go, we can give you the money on the card."

The man in black hesitated for a moment after hearing this. They knew that Lan Xin was the chairman and president of Lanling Group, and the money on the card must be indispensable, whether it was tens of millions or millions.

The man in black took the card, then looked at Lan Xin hesitantly and said, "How much money is there?"

"There are fifty thousand in it, enough for you to spend." Lan Xin said.

After she finished speaking, not only the man in black was stunned, but even Tan Jingru was stunned. For about ten seconds, the man in black suddenly burst into wild laughter.

"You're fucking kidding me, you're a dignified company president with only this little money?" The man in black's eyes flashed a fierce light, and he felt like he was being tricked.

"I only have this much on me, I don't bring the rest with me." Lan Xin said.

"I still have it here." Tan Jingru quickly handed the card to the other party and said, "I have 20 on it, so it should be enough."

The man in black sneered, then nodded and said, "Enough is enough, but we still can't let you go, you two are so beautiful, if we take a few photos of you now, how much do you think it's worth?"

The eyes of the other two men in black were shining, and one of them took out his mobile phone directly, while the other rubbed his hands and said, "Brother, how about we get on each other first?"

The taller man couldn't bear it any longer, and then he turned around and said, "Xiao Er, the recording will be finished in a while, and we still have to sell it for money."

The person holding the mobile phone nodded reluctantly and said, "Don't worry brother, my camera technology is top-notch, and I'll be happy when you finish your work in a while."

The three chatted unscrupulously like that, completely indifferent to Lan Xin's feelings.

"Bastard, which of you dares to touch Boss Lan, I'll fight him hard, stop, you bastards, you dare to attack me, I'll fuck our grandma." Liang Wei was completely impatient.

He is a person who knows how to repay his kindness. When he was in the most difficult time, it was Lan Xin who helped him.

Now seeing Lan Xin being bullied, but he can't help, this feeling is more uncomfortable than killing him.

"If it's a man, you come to me. Grandpa is waiting for you. Come here." Liang Wei shouted.

The tall man in black originally didn't intend to pay attention to Liang Wei, he wanted Liang Wei to watch him bully Lan Xin, but now Liang Wei screamed heartbreakingly here, which completely ruined his mood.

"Mother, if you keep talking nonsense, I will cut off your tongue right now." The tall man in black punched Liang Wei in the face after speaking...

(End of this chapter)

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