Chapter 198
"I won't wait, I can't wait, brother, if you are a man, take us to kill him now." Meng San couldn't control his emotions and shouted.


Li Yunxiong stood up and slapped Meng San across the face.

Meng San also woke up instantly, he was too excited just now.He gritted his teeth stubbornly, but did not apologize.

At this time, the others also woke up, and then stood up and got ready.

"Little San, are you dissatisfied with my decision?" Li Yunxiong asked coldly.

Meng San gritted his teeth, but finally apologized: "I'm sorry brother, I was too impulsive just now, but..."

"But what?" Li Yunxiong raised his head and said, he was also a little anxious, and had a faint worry, but it was difficult to express it.

Now that Meng San stepped up to make trouble, it just gave him a vent.

Meng San had no choice but to sit down again.

Li Yunxiong glanced around, then stood up and shouted: "Brothers, there is still a quarter of an hour before midnight, since Zhao Long didn't come, what does this mean, it means that Zhao Long is timid, he is not at all Dare to provoke us, as long as we are serious with him, he..."


Li Yunxiong hadn't finished speaking when the door of their bar was suddenly knocked open, and the dust cleared away, revealing half of the crushed front of the car.

Everyone at the scene, including Li Yunxiong, was stunned. What's going on? Could it be that there was a car accident?
Before they could react, a person walked out from the back door of the car. He was covered in dust and his hair was dyed white.

Moreover, there were bloodstains on this person's body, and the bloodstains were fresh, as if they had just been applied.

"Zhao Long?" Li Yunxiong muttered looking at the general outline.

The others were also stunned, this Zhao Long was too unreliable, why did he just barge in like this.

It was Zhao Long who came. He patted his body, and then took out his mobile phone to look at it. It happened to be [-]:[-] in the evening.

"It's a good thing you didn't come too late, otherwise you would have broken your promise." Zhao Long muttered, he looked up at the bewildered crowd and smiled and said, "This car is too broken, it didn't stop the car, I was scared Everyone, I'm sorry."

Everyone didn't laugh because of his humor, but became more nervous.

Li Yunxiong also looked behind Zhao Long. Since Zhao Long made such an exaggerated appearance, he must have come prepared.

"Don't look at it, it's just me." Zhao Long said calmly.

Naturally, Li Yunxiong would not believe his words, so he sent someone outside to have a look.I saw no one outside except the occasional passing vehicle.

"You really came here by yourself?" After confirming, Li Yunxiong became excited. Sure enough, if there is a way to heaven, he will not go, and if there is no way to hell, he will break in.

"Zhao Long, you are very courageous, but I have to say, you are a slut." Li Yunxiong laughed excitedly, no matter what, he is going to abolish Zhao Long today.

Ten people stood directly behind Zhao Long and blocked his way.

Zhao Long didn't panic, but looked at Li Yunxiong leisurely and said, "Have you prepared the 50 yuan? Today I'm here to get the money, and I can't lose a penny."

Li Yunxiong shook his head excitedly and smiled, he didn't know where Zhao Long got his confidence, he was so calm now surrounded by many of his own people.

"I have plenty of money, it's in the room upstairs, but do you have the ability to take it?" Li Yunxiong said triumphantly.

"Oh, since there are many of you, then take 100 million. Now I solemnly announce that if you want to open a bar here, you must pay at least 100 million a month, or I will kick you out." Zhao Long said indifferently. the way.

After Zhao Long finished speaking, not only Li Yunxiong laughed, but even the younger brothers around him laughed. Zhao Long stood here and asked Li Yunxiong to pay the protection fee. Isn't this a joke?

"Zhao Long, your head was kicked by a donkey. Today you came here alone. How do you plan to get out?" Li Yunxiong smiled wryly.

Meng San also laughed, and the depression just now was swept away.He turned his head to look at Li Yunxiong seriously and said, "Brother, this teaser came here to seek death, so let's get rid of him quickly, so as to save a long night and dreams."

Li Yunxiong shook his head and said: "Don't worry, we have plenty of time to play with him tonight, I want to see what tricks Zhao Long is playing."

Now that it was confirmed that Zhao Long came by himself, Li Yunxiong didn't have to worry about Zhao Long's escape.

"Zhao Long, I heard that you fell in love with the rich woman of the Lanling Group? You wouldn't foolishly believe that they would help you, right?" Li Yunxiong hit Zhao Long.

"You don't need to worry about what I do, well, the time is up, take the money, a total of 100 million." Zhao Long said, looking at Li Yunxiong with his hands behind his back.

Li Yunxiong really had no choice, then shook his head and said: "Should I say you are naive, or should I say you are stupid, you are so fucking funny."

After Li Yunxiong finished speaking, he glanced around and said, "Zhao Long, since you came here by yourself, then I won't make it difficult for you. Other people in the province say that I bully the few with more. So, I will send ten people. If you If you can still stand within 10 minutes, then I will cripple one of your legs, and if you fall down within 10 minutes, then I will cripple all your limbs."

After Li Yunxiong finished speaking, Meng San stood up first and said, "That's a good idea, I'll come first, who wants to come with me?"

The people around jumped out excitedly, they regarded this as a game.

Zhao Long was not nervous, but smiled lightly and said: "It seems that you don't plan to pay the money obediently, that's fine, you'd better get out of this street as soon as possible."

There were no less than 20 people around Zhao Long, the ten people Li Yunxiong said was not counted at all, and these twenty or so people were holding machetes, and they looked like they were chopping Zhao Longkan into meat sauce.

"Zhao Long, if you kneel down and beg me now, I might be kind enough to keep your leg." Li Yunxiong said excitedly.

"How about the two legs?" Zhao Long said with a light smile.

When Li Yunxiong saw that Zhao Long didn't cry when he saw the coffin, he snorted softly, then waved his hands and said, "Chop for me, whoever gets the first cut, I will reward him with 1 yuan."

Everyone yelled after hearing this, and then they couldn't care about anything else, they raised their knives and slashed at Zhao Long.

Among them, Meng San was the most powerful. He held his breath in his heart and decided to abolish this arrogant guy today.

Zhao Long's eyes were also cold, and then he took a step forward first, and kicked hard on the front man.At this moment, Zhao Long doesn't need to show mercy.

This kick directly kicked the man ten meters away and hit the wall, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Just this kick made Li Yunxiong's feet go limp in fright. Fortunately, there was a table beside him to support him, otherwise he would have really knelt here on the spot.

"You can't keep the second son, or it will be a disaster in the future." Li Yunxiong thought to himself, and then raised his knife and shouted: "Everyone, go up together and cut him down for me. Don't show mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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