Chapter 105

At this time, Ling Yun finally saw Dugu Yan's appearance.

The 12-year-old Dugu Yan doesn't look as mature and cold as the 19-year-old in the anime.

But the appearance is not low at all. According to the standard of ten points in the previous life, Dugu Yan should be able to score about 8.5 points.

To enter the entertainment circle with this good looks, at least he must be a second-tier star, or even a first-tier star.

Her facial features are exquisite, her skin is fair and smooth, and her figure has begun to develop at the age of 12.

Although her development is not as bumpy as Qian Renxue's, she is considered outstanding among her peers.

She wore a pair of special gloves on her hands, which should be used to isolate toxins.

Dugu Yan's spirit power is at level 23, which is about 12 levels behind the 6-year-old Tang San in the original book.

After the comparison between the two sides, the superior and inferior will make a verdict.

When Ling Yun was looking at Dugu Yan, Dugu Yan was also looking at him curiously, and even stroked his smooth fur with his hand.

Ling Yun suddenly discovered that the Sky Ferret that he devoured only to avenge the Sky Ferret Clan, had actually brought him so many femininity.

This was simply unimaginable in his previous life. In his previous life, he was a veritable single dog.

After traveling to Douluo World, it was only less than a month.

He was embraced by four beauties including the servant girl of the Prince's Mansion, Dugu Yan, and Qian Renxue, and even kissed by two stunning beauties, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

He now felt that it would be good to live as a ferret often in the future. At least, it felt really good to be hugged by a beauty.

"Yan'er, since you like the ferret today, grandpa gave it to you, so you have to protect it well.

Sky ferret has incredible benefits for women, when you are in a bad mood, it can untie your knot..."

Dugu Bo told Dugu Yan about the unique ability of Tian Ferret, which made her amazed.

After speaking, he reached out and touched his granddaughter's head.

"Yan'er, grandpa has to go, and grandpa has to go to the palace to wait for Prince Xue Beng to come down."

Dugu Yan rubbed his head against Ling Yun's smooth fur, and looked at his grandfather with bright eyes.

"Grandpa, go slowly, Yan'er won't see you off."

Dugu Bo nodded and walked away.

When passing by the gate of Tiandou Imperial Academy, he found that the two people who disrespected him had turned into two puddles of blood, with a penetrating smile on the corners of their mouths.

The strange turning of two living people into blood also attracted the attention of the three senior officials of Tiandou Royal Academy.

At this moment, there was a group of people surrounding the gate of the academy, and Dugu Bo walked through the gate with a smile on his lips as if nothing had happened.

Seeing him, the three senior officials of the college also guessed that he did it, but they were wary and didn't say anything.

After all, this Poison Douluo is a moody existence, and now he just poisoned two gatekeepers.

If it is announced, the two sides will completely tear their faces, and everyone who is watching at the door may be unlucky.

Dugu Bo, who walked to the carriage, glanced at the three senior officials who were at the gate of the college.

There was a faint sneer on his face, as if he was warning or demonstrating.

The three senior officials of Tiandou Imperial Academy were angry and furious, but there was nothing they could do about him.

The high-level members of the Royal Academy are all Contra-level strengths, and the gap between them and other titled Douluo-level existences is not even the slightest bit.

In addition, they don't have the strength to leapfrog the challenge, the only way they can choose is to knock down the front teeth and swallow blood.

The camera turned to Tiandou Palace, and at this time, "Xue Qinghe" was read by Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng together with all officials.

The reason, of course, is that "Xue Qinghe" ignored the repeated orders of Emperor Xue Ye and led the elites of the empire to "hunt" privately.

In fact, he took people to the Star Dou Great Forest to find the whereabouts of the Three-tailed Nether Tiger.

But it failed miserably and suffered heavy losses, and finally returned to the city alone in despair.

In addition to the hard-core officials who supported "Xue Qinghe", officials who were originally in a neutral position also joined in the criticism of him this time.

Emperor Xue Ye has always seen the efforts of "Xue Qinghe", and he actually fell for the prince.

But this time "Xue Qinghe" took people to the Star Dou Forest regardless of his repeated orders and requests.

It is also a fact that the empire suffered huge losses due to the tragic defeat and the loss of soldiers and generals.

Although he, the emperor, really wanted to speak for his eldest son, but all the civil and military officials put pressure on him, making him feel a lot of pressure.

However, he also noticed that the elder son didn't seem to care about Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng's attacks.

He kept a faint smile on his face all the time, maintaining his elegance and gentleness, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

This made Emperor Xue Ye pay more and more attention to "Xue Qinghe". To be able to respond to the criticisms of the officials without arrogance or impatience, without anger or power, and to be humble and polite, this is the way to be a king.

Just when Emperor Xue Ye kept thinking about how good "Xue Qinghe" was.

"Xue Qinghe" was thinking about Ling Yun's cute appearance in his mind, and really wanted to go back earlier to hold that cute little guy in his arms.

If Emperor Xue Ye knew what his "son" was thinking now, he would probably turn his back angrily.

Both Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng saw that the more Emperor Xue Ye watched "Xue Qinghe", the more satisfied he became.

They knew that what they were plotting this time was a complete failure.

No matter how much they conspired, they couldn't change Emperor Xue Ye's favorability towards the prince.

Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng looked at each other, and they both saw the look of gambling in each other's eyes.

Prince Xue Xing took a few steps forward, and said to Emperor Xue Ye forcefully.

"Brother Huang, the prince did not obey the imperial order this time, and took people to the Star Dou Forest privately, which caused our Heaven Dou Empire to lose a large number of elites.

Even if you are eager to protect the calf, you should be punished, right?Otherwise, how to convince civil and military officials, how to convince the people of the world? "

Prince Xue Xing's sonorous and powerful words immediately attracted the echo of many officials.

"Your Majesty! Please punish the prince."

"His Majesty!"


The civil and military officials headed by Prince Xue Xing were pressing so hard, which made Emperor Xue Ye even more troublesome, so he couldn't figure it out.

Why does my younger brother dislike the prince so much?Obviously this prince has the demeanor of a king, can't he see it?
There is also my youngest son, who does not do business every day, is a dandy to death, and hangs out with that unworthy Uncle Wang every day.

This made Emperor Xue Ye hate iron but steel, but he knew that if he did not give the prince a proper punishment, it would be inevitable to convince all the officials.

He sighed heavily and stood up from the throne.

"The crown prince disobeyed the emperor's order and took people to the Star Dou Forest privately, causing our Heaven Dou Empire to lose a large number of elites.

Not punishing is not enough to anger the people. From today on, the crown prince will be banned for three months and fined for half a year!Think behind closed doors!Implement it from today! ! ! "

(End of this chapter)

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