Chapter 122 Changes in the city
Sensing Qian Renxue's restlessness, Demon Bear Douluo appeared from the darkness and came in front of her.

"Young master, don't worry, even if the ghost leopard is not around, I will definitely protect your surroundings by myself."

Qian Renxue frowned slightly, then shook her head.

"The strength of that Dark Devilgod Tiger is definitely not to be underestimated. Just now when it revealed its aura, the Gold Ranking of Combat Strength also felt its aura, and it rose to No. 15 on the Gold Ranking of Combat Power in one breath.

This kind of strength is probably not something you can resist alone. If its target is me, even you and Elder Guibao may not be able to protect me. "

Devil Bear Douluo wasn't annoyed by Qian Renxue's remarks, because it wasn't that she underestimated him, but was telling the truth.

To be able to reach the level of 15th, I am afraid that it has surpassed the strength of the 96th level Qianjun, Jiangmo, and Panlong.

And according to rumors, the Dark Devilgod Tiger has the ability to manipulate time and can turn adults into children.

With such a strange ability, even if it is stronger than the Pope's crown and the great priest, the second priest is very afraid of it.

No one can say for sure whether he will be overthrown by the Dark Devilgod Tiger or not.

If he was cast in the shadows, it would be almost impossible to survive in front of the Dark Devilgod Tiger!

May I ask, after being reduced to a six-year-old child, how many people still have the strength to kill the Dark Devilgod Tiger?

Therefore, when dealing with the Dark Devilgod Tiger, they must be very cautious, and absolutely cannot act on their will.

"Young master, do you want me to investigate? Find out what purpose that beast has in coming to Heaven Dou Imperial City."

Devil Bear Douluo tentatively offered his opinion to Qian Renxue.

"Retire first, don't act rashly for the time being, in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, there are quite a few powerhouses at the Title Douluo level.

If you were bumped into by them when you went out to check the situation, it might cause unnecessary trouble. "

Qian Renxue shook her head immediately, and did not agree to his opinion.

She calmed down, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"If my guess is correct, the three titled Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Blue Sky Tyrant Dragon Clan are probably already on their way to the outside of the city.

In addition to the Poison Douluo in the Sunset Forest, the four of them are the four pillars guarding the Heaven Dou Empire, and a 10-year-old soul beast suddenly appeared outside the city, how could they sit still? "

She raised her head, her beautiful eyes were looking at the golden list above the sky quietly, and she said something lazily.

"Let's just watch the gold list here and wait for the news that will spread in the imperial city tomorrow.

Regardless of whether the Dark Devilgod Tiger is actually me or not, it is impossible for it to enter the imperial city with at least four of their Title Douluo around. "

Demon Bear Douluo nodded slightly, and his body disappeared into the darkness again.

Ever since he received the order of the great priest, he has been just the shadow of the young master, and all his purposes are to protect the young master.

Just as Qian Renxue expected, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and Thunder Douluo in the city were rushing towards the outside of the city at this moment.

At the gate of the city, Yu Yuanzhen saw Sword Douluo and Gu Douluo approaching at a high speed, and nodded to them.

"Are the two of you also here to inspect the 10-year-old soul beast? If I had known that the two of you would come out together, then I wouldn't have come."

Jian Douluo nodded noncommittally, and said without a trace of anger.

"That's right, if I had known you would come out earlier, the old man wouldn't have to rush here, just drink a few more glasses of wine."

"That's impossible, that 10-year-old soul beast is stronger than me, not weaker.

If it's just me, I'm afraid I'll just give it a dish. "

Yu Yuanzhen shrugged helplessly, not at all ashamed that he couldn't defeat the 10-year-old soul beast that suddenly appeared just now.

"Okay, okay, let's go and have a look together, anyway, it's all here, it's impossible to just go back like this.

I'm really curious, whether the 10-year-old soul beast full of evil power just now is the Dark Devilgod Tiger that suddenly appeared on the gold list of combat power. "

Bone Douluo immediately smoothed things over, he pointed in the direction outside the city, showing a rather interested expression.

"Okay, since Bone Douluo invites you, it's not easy for Yu to refuse. Let's arrive faster than anyone else, how about it."

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes were full of fighting intent, and he looked at Jian Douluo.

Jian Douluo didn't answer, just nodded, and the three of them jumped up towards the tens of meters high city wall, shooting out of the city like three sharp arrows.

After Dugu Bo in the Sunset Forest felt the breath of a 10-year-old soul beast emanating from Ling Yun, his expression immediately became serious.

He has lived in the Sunset Forest for so long, and he has never seen a 10-year-old soul beast in the Sunset Forest.

But suddenly, an evil and powerful 10-year-old soul beast appeared.

He couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the 10-year-old soul beast was the Dark Devilgod Tiger that just made the list.

Ranked 15th on the combat power gold list, what kind of concept is that?
Dugu Bo didn't know for sure, but what he could be sure of was that even five of him might not be able to beat that Dark Devilgod Tiger.

However, as one of the few titled Douluo in the Heaven Dou Empire, it is necessary for him to find out.

He gently comforted Dugu Yan, let her stay at home and rest well, then headed towards the direction of Heaven Dou Imperial City.

As the instigator, Ling Yun took less than 10 minutes to reach the setting sun forest by relying on the advantage of flying speed.

Only then did he secretly feel relieved. Although the Sunset Forest was not as vast as the Star Dou Great Forest, it was already 1/4 the size of a province.

Even Titled Douluo would not find him so easy, he looked expectantly at the gold list in the sky, at this moment the gold list has broadcast the top 25 candidates.

"No. 25 on the bloodline gold list, human beings, with 57% of the bloodline of the evil-eyed saint king, and the bloodline strength is high.

At present, the strongest member of the family is a 93-level attack-type titled Douluo, who will be rewarded with a 6000-year increase in the age of the soul ring and a special soul skill—Evil Eye Shock. "

(The original book doesn’t say how many levels Star Dou Emperor is, but it is certain that he is a Titled Douluo, so I set him at level 93 for the time being)
Star Luo Empire Palace.

Emperor Xingluo clenched his fists tightly, feeling the warm current from his body, with an expression of enjoyment all over his face.

When he felt the new special soul skill in his mind.

At first, his brows were furrowed tightly. As a reward for the 25th place, the special soul skills he gave shouldn't be weak.

But when he saw the introduction about the skill, his frown loosened.

There was a satisfied look in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were turned up, revealing a weird smile.

With this skill, even if you encounter a strong person you can't beat in the future, you can still make the opponent suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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