Douluo Golden List: I can't stand my identity anymore!

Chapter 130 Two Drama Masters Sing Against the Stage

Chapter 130

Prince's Mansion, living room.

Qian Renxue walked to the door and let out a long breath, Ling Yun whispered something into her ear on her shoulder.

"Sister Xue'er, don't worry, you can just do what I said and put everything on my head."

"Is it really possible? My teacher is not an ordinary person, and he is not so easily fooled by you."

Qian Renxue looked at Ling Yun suspiciously, her frown did not loosen, on the contrary, her frown became even tighter.

Tch, this girl doesn't believe him?Ling Yun curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

So what if Ning Fengzhi is smart?In the original book, wasn't Qian Renxue pretending to be Xue Qinghe being tricked around?
If it wasn't for the fact that Qian Renxue lost her mind and went to the Star Dou Forest this time.

I'm afraid Ning Fengzhi will be deceived by her for at least ten or twenty years like in the original book.

So Ling Yun felt that he should be able to fool Ning Fengzhi successfully, after all Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong were almost limped by him.

Having read the original novel, it would definitely not be a problem for him to fool Ning Fengzhi, and it could even be described as handy.

"Sister Xue'er, you don't believe me like this, it really makes me so sad, so sad.

Fortunately, I still want to come forward to help you deal with your cheap teacher, since you don't believe it, forget it. "

Ling Yun snorted softly, immediately lost his temper, curled up on Qian Renxue's fragrant shoulders, and made a gesture of blindness!
Seeing Ling Yun's expression turned up unexpectedly, Qian Renxue's heart trembled in that angry gesture, she quickly took Ling Yun's shoulders off and hugged her in her arms.

"Okay, okay, little mink, can't I be wrong? Listen to you, listen to you."

Seeing that Qian Renxue had compromised, Ling Yun felt flattered and secretly complacent.

See, this is the status of the family, as long as he pretends to be angry, Qian Renxue has to admit cowardice immediately.

In the Douluo Dalu original novel, there are absolutely no more than two people who can make Qian Renxue look like this.

The last one was someone who had the same attributes as a time traveler like Ling Yun.

In the original book, that guy not only made Xiao Wu fall, but Hu Liena and Qian Renxue also fell.

It's a pity that this guy flirted with others, and after attracting others' attention, he insisted on acting like a gentleman, which made the two young ladies heartbroken.

(Ah, it seems to have dragged the topic far)
Ling Yun climbed up from Qian Renxue's arms, indicating that she could enter the living room with peace of mind.

Qian Renxue nodded, then carried Ling Yun into the living room.

I saw a man with his hands behind his back, wearing a spotless robe, who looked like he had been in a high position for a long time.

"Teacher, why did you come to my house suddenly, yesterday I was going to visit you in person at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

But the last time I went to the Star Dou Great Forest, I caused heavy losses to the empire and was banned by my father, so..."

Qian Renxue bowed slightly to Ning Fengzhi respectfully, like a good student who respects his teacher.

If it wasn't for Ling Yun knowing that this girl is a Xibei, he would probably have been kept in the dark by her like Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi turned his head slowly, revealing a face like a crown jade, elegant and gentle.

He gave Ling Yun a special feeling, making people feel kind from the heart.

Also in this kindness also contains grandeur and majesty.

He looked at Qian Renxue with gentle eyes, nodded slightly and said.

"It doesn't matter, I also know your difficulties, yesterday your uncle and younger brother united with all the ministers threatened His Majesty to severely punish you.

Although His Majesty is eager to protect his son, he still has no choice but to do so. Your Majesty, you have suffered. "

Ning Fengzhi didn't ask Qian Renxue about the Xingdou Great Forest as soon as he entered the door, but showed the attitude that a teacher who loves students should have.

Ling Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart, this Ning Fengzhi is really the same as in the original book, although he has been in a high position for a long time, he is not arrogant at all.

He is very decent in dealing with people, cherishes talents, and will not put on the airs of the three suzerains at every turn.

This kind of existence is the most terrifying, because they will use their unique personality charm to make others willingly serve him.

This may be the reason why the two titled Douluo, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, willingly devoted their lives to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After a short reminiscence between the teacher and the student.

Qian Renxue invited Ning Fengzhi to sit on a grand teacher's chair, and called for servants to make Maojian tea for herself and Ning Fengzhi.

The teacher and the student began to chatter.

"Your Highness, this time you really shouldn't have disobeyed His Majesty's order and taken someone to the Star Dou Forest without permission.

After this incident, I'm afraid His Highness's image in the hearts of the courtiers will be greatly damaged, which is not conducive to your future..."

Ning Fengzhi picked up the teacup on his table, rubbed the lid on the teacup, took a sip, and couldn't help sighing.

Qian Renxue nodded slightly, with a look of shame on her face.

"I'm sorry, teacher, but the three-tailed Nether Tiger is really too precious.

I only thought that if I could capture it alive and use it as my Heaven Dou Empire's guardian beast, I'm afraid my Heaven Dou Empire would be as stable as Mount Tai...

Hey, I was too impatient to lose this god-given opportunity and cause the elites of the empire to fall... I have committed a lot of sins..."

Apart from remorse, Qian Renxue's face at this moment also showed remorse and concern for the country and the people.

I have to say, this girl's acting skills are too good, right?Just the right expression for this expression.

Ling Yun just wanted to say that Douluo World owed her a little golden man.

When Ning Fengzhi saw her disappointed expression, the doubts in his heart dissipated a lot in an instant.

May I ask that such a prince who worries about the country and the people is a traitor who betrayed the empire and turned to the Wuhun Temple?

However, it is impossible for the doubts in his heart to completely dissipate, he said in a gentle tone.

"Your Highness, you are also thinking of the Heaven Dou Empire, so please don't blame yourself any more, it's important to take care of your health.

By the way, Your Highness, according to the report from the spies I arranged in Wuhun City, just a few days before you took people to the Star Dou Great Forest, there happened to be a large number of high-level transfers in Wuhun Palace... I don’t know..."

Ning Fengzhi intentionally or unintentionally talked about the transfer of high-level personnel in the Star Dou Forest and the Wuhun Hall.

Both Qian Renxue and Ling Yun were extremely open-minded, and sure enough Ning Fengzhi already had doubts about Qian Renxue.

Fortunately, Ling Yun and Qian Renxue had already discussed the plan before coming in.

Before Qian Renxue could reply, Ling Yun leaped from her arms to her shoulders, showing a look of embarrassment and anger.

"Wuhundian, I'm going to your uncle's Wuhundian, boy, are you from Wuhundian? I'm fighting with you!"

Ling Yun waved his paw aggressively, and rushed towards Ning Fengzhi.

Qian Renxue hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Diao, don't, my teacher is not from the Spirit Hall..."

Ning Fengzhi was also stunned, subconsciously blocked Ling Yun with his hand, and swept him away...

(End of this chapter)

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