Chapter 188
Let me go, this girl really thinks of him as Yu Xiaogang's stupid bastard, and it's quite majestic when he puts it on.

Ling Yun looked up at Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes full of majesty, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Dong'er, can you stop putting on such a condescending demeanor in front of me? Let me hug you, I know you still love me as much as I love you."

"You are talking nonsense..."

Just as Bibi Dong wanted to deny Ling Yun's words, he was immediately interrupted.

"Don't deny it. I already know the cause and effect of what happened back then, so it's useless for you to deny it."

Ling Yun tried his best to make his eyes look full of affection, even if he met Bibi Dong's eyes, he never moved away at all.

"Before I came to Wuhun City, I met a mink-like spirit beast that could speak human language in Tiandou Imperial City.

It said that it can detect things in people's memory, it once saw me in your memory, and said that you have always loved me deeply.

The reason why you said unfeeling words to me back then was entirely because of that bastard Chihiro Ji..."

"Enough! Have you said enough? I should have crushed that ferret back then! Save it from talking nonsense!"

Bibi Dong was very imposing at the moment, her black eyebrows were furrowed, and her angry hair and beard showed that she was already angry, and her aura was even more oppressive towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun hummed intentionally, and took a few steps back, but looked at Bibi Dong, clearly seeing the unusually nervous expression in her eyes.

Ling Yun knew that it was Bibi Dong who was worried that the aura she released would hurt "Yu Xiaogang".

It can be seen that Bibidong's love for Yu Xiaogang is just like in the original book, even before his death, his love has never been reduced.

This made Ling Yun more confident that he could win Bibi Dong, he smiled inwardly.

Although Cao Cao is dead, the Cao thief will live forever. Today, I will be a Cao thief again.

He looked at Bibi Dong pretending to be affectionate again in his eyes.

"Dong'er, you don't need to be so angry, in fact, I think we should all thank that mink-like soul beast.

If it weren't for it, I wouldn't know that you still have deep feelings for me, let alone that I have the same love for you. "

Ling Yun brazenly put himself in the role of Yu Xiaogang.

He clutched his heart, walked towards Bibi Dong step by step, walked in front of her slowly, tentatively stretched out his hands to hug Bibi Dong by the waist.

At this moment, Bibi Dong didn't struggle and let Ling Yun hug her by the waist.

For some reason, Ling Yun clearly felt that Bibi Dong's delicate body was shaking, and even faintly heard her weeping.

"Dong'er, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? Now that we meet each other with great difficulty, we can settle our differences, isn't it good?

Dong'er, I know you have been suffering all these years, and I had to leave you because of that bastard Qian Xunji, but now it's all right, he's dead..."

"No, I'm sorry, Xiao Gang, although Chihiro Ji is dead, but he will always live in my hatred...

Because of him, I'm not clean anymore, I'm sorry Xiaogang, you'd better leave..."

Bibi Dong's tears flowed down like she didn't want money, she struggled to break free from Ling Yun's arms.

But Ling Yun knew that she also enjoyed the embrace of "Yu Xiaogang". Although it seemed that she was struggling fiercely, she didn't use any force at all.

Otherwise, with her strength, it would not be difficult to break free from Ling Yun's useless embrace.

"Be obedient, don't move, Dong'er, you don't blame you for that matter, you can only blame that beast Qian Xunji.

But he has been slaughtered by you now, and death is like a lamp being extinguished. No matter what we do, we can't drag him out of the coffin and flog his corpse, right?What's more, my family's Dong'er is still the most beautiful in my eyes. "

Ling Yun smelled the body fragrance on Bibi Dong's body, which was exactly the same as Qian Renxue's body fragrance, as expected of a mother and daughter, it was indeed very likable.

Regardless of Bibi Dong's struggle, he lifted her smooth forehead and kissed Bibi Dong's forehead affectionately.

Bibi Dong suddenly felt her whole head was in a daze, she seemed to have forgotten to struggle, she was just instinctively attached to "Yu Xiaogang"'s kiss.

Holding Bibi Dong in his arms, Ling Yun sat down towards the position of the Pope, letting her sit on his lap.

"Dong'er, for so many years, I miss you so much, I miss you so much, I miss you all the time..."

Ling Yun murmured obsessively, what he said moved Bibi Dong deeply.

"Xiao Gang, why don't I miss you? I really want to let go of my status as the pope and run to accompany you, even if I don't meet you, just look at you from a distance, but..."

Bibi Dong seemed to have thought of something, and her expression became much darker.

"I understand you, Dong'er, you can't help it either, whether it's Qian Xun Ji or Qian Daoliu, they are all sinful.

However, Dong'er, everything is over, and now we have reconciled, and I will often come to the Pope's Palace to see you in the future. "

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he gently raised his hand to stroke Bibi Dong's black hair.

Bibi Dong also felt the tenderness in Ling Yun's eyes. After her beautiful eyes and Ling Yun looked at each other affectionately, the ice in her heart quickly began to melt.

She actually held Ling Yun's head with both hands, exhaled like blue and kissed Ling Yun's lips.

However, when she kissed Ling Yun, she didn't know that she had thought of it, and they separated like a superficial touch, puffing up her cheeks like a little girl.


Ling Yun was stunned. When Bibi Dong kissed him just now, he thought that this girl would give him a passionate kiss.

Unexpectedly, it was moved away in just a moment, so Ling Yun was confused.

"What's the matter, Dong'er, why are you upset? Do I look too old? Does your beard hurt you? How about I go and shave it?"

"Hmph, you also have the face to say that you hooked up with that prodigal Liu Erlong again just after breaking up with me!
Didn't you say you love me the most?Why did you fall in love with someone else not long after you separated from me..."

Bibi Dong puffed her cheeks, and after giving a cold snort, she explained the reason angrily.

"Eh..." Ling Yun looked a little embarrassed, it was all caused by that bastard Yu Xiaogang.

That bastard is dead, and he caused all these troubles, he shouldn't have died so simply in the first place.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes and said solemnly after a while.

"Dong'er, I have never liked Liu Erlong, the reason why I am with her is entirely because she is like you in many ways.

In my heart, she is completely your substitute, otherwise, I know she is my cousin, how could I like her?
Dong'er, if you really want to be angry with your substitute, then I have nothing to say. "

(End of this chapter)

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