Chapter 195

According to Ju Douluo's investigation, the person with the Hellfire Phoenix spirit is a man, aged 35, and his spirit power has risen from level 67 to level 68.

This person once had a wife and a pair of children, lived in a remote village of the Star Luo Empire, and lived a happy life.

But later, after this man became stronger, he got a transfer order from Wuhun City.

This person started to drift away, not only did he not bring his wife and daughter to Wuhun City, but he even abandoned his wife and daughter.

After abandoning his wife and daughter, he never sent any money back to them, and even used the rich salary of Wuhun Palace to make a mistress in Wuhun City.

For this reason, Bibi Dong was very angry, she felt that Ling Yun was a bit strange for a man like this who abandoned his wife and daughter, why did he insist on finding such a beast.

Wouldn't it be better to kill this man?

Beasts like this who abandon their wives and daughters waste air while alive, waste land when dead, and waste gold soul coins half-dead.

What's more, although the ability to reach level 35 at the age of 68 is regarded as a good aptitude, but in Wuhun City, the goal is to be an inconspicuous Soul Emperor.

Just ask how many people in the entire Spirit Hall are stronger and more qualified than this Soul Emperor, even Bibi Dong herself can't figure it out.

Facing Bibi Dong's puzzlement, Ling Yun just smiled lightly and patiently explained.

After all, not everyone is like a genius like Bibi Dong and Tang Hao who can break through to the level of Title Douluo at the age of three or forty.

Being able to reach level 35 at the age of 68 is enough to be called a genius among ordinary people, not to mention that he still has something Ling Yun can use.

Ling Yun's explanation obviously couldn't convince Bibi Dong, she even had the urge to find that person herself and chop him alive.

Ling Yun quickly hugged her tightly, lest she really couldn't bear to kill that guy.

"Dong'er, don't get excited, don't get excited, do beasts like that still need you to do it yourself?
I will kill him. I can't bear to see that kind of beast in clothes. I will definitely let him die without a whole body. Don't worry. "

For Bibi Dong's reaction now, Ling Yun couldn't wish more.

He was looking for this person with the hellfire phoenix to devour him, so as to obtain the target's "Phoenix Nirvana" special soul skill.

Therefore, if this person has a good relationship with others in Wuhundian, there will definitely be a lot of trouble after Ling Yun devours him.

Ling Yun vaguely guessed that this guy who reached level 35 soul power at the age of 68 shouldn't be too weak, and his martial soul is not bad.

After more than ten years of the original book, when the main story begins, this person should have reached level 80 or above, but why didn't this guy appear in the original book.

Could it be because Bibi Dong knew what this guy did and killed her early?So it didn't appear in the original book?There is a very high possibility.

After investigating the identity of this person, Ling Yun couldn't wait to find that person and devour him.

But at the moment he was sitting on the Pope's throne, Bibi Dong was sitting on his lap, nestling lazily in his arms, refusing to get up.

Under the throne, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo had strange expressions on their faces.

In their view, Yu Xiaogang is really audacious, to dare to sit on the throne of Pope.

But they couldn't help it, it was Bibi Dong who let him sit on it, so that she could lean on his arms and enjoy the warmth.

But Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo felt that if this continues, if one day the power of the Pope surpasses the great priest, or the great priest dies.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, the pope and even the entire Wuhun Hall will have to be named after Ling Yun.

This is something they can't accept anyway, but what if they don't accept it?

His Majesty the Pope used to be decisive in killing and attacking, and could ruthlessly exterminate the entire family and clan at every turn, but now he is no different from an ordinary woman in love.

Looking at the blurred eyes of the Pope, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were both angry and helpless, regretting that they didn't directly kill Yu Xiaogang at the beginning.

Ling Yun also felt the dissatisfaction in the eyes of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, he gently stroked Bibi Dong's head, and said in a soft voice.

"Dong'er, let me get up. If the big priest comes in later and sees you sitting on my lap, he won't be chasing me all over Wuhun City."

Bibi Dong lazily stood up from Ling Yun's arms, curled her lips and said.

"I'm not afraid, after I ate the ninth-grade purple lucidum you gave me, my strength has increased a bit.

Although it can't be compared with him, but our joint efforts will definitely make him unable to eat.

If he dares to turn against us now, we will demolish the Wuhun Hall together, and then escape from the Wuhun Palace together. In a few years, I will definitely be able to surpass him in strength. By then, he will be unlucky, hehe... ..."

Bibi Dong snorted a few times, with a hint of hatred on her face.

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo looked at each other in blank dismay, it seemed as they expected, now the Pope is only thinking about "Yu Xiaogang".

As for the rise and fall of Wuhundian, it seems that it has nothing to do with her.

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry at Bibi Dong's reaction, he raised his hand and patted Bibi Dong's butt lightly, and said in a reproachful tone.

"Dong'er, how can you act like the pope, no matter what, you are also the master of the Wuhun Hall, and the big offering is just an offering.

If he becomes a god in the future, or falls away, will the Wuhun Palace rely on you to survive? "

Bibi Dong puffed up her cheeks dismissively.

"I didn't want to be this shit pope, it's my greatest wish to stay by your side all the time.

If it wasn't for that bastard Qian Xunji, I'm afraid we would have been a legitimate couple long ago, why would we need to have an affair like now..."

"Okay, the past is over, dear, let me get up, you see Elder Ghost and Elder Ju are watching from the side, how bad is the influence?"

Ling Yun pointed to Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo with weird expressions under the throne, trying to compare Bi Dongxiao with affection and reason.

Now he just wants to find the guy with the Hellfire Phoenix Martial Soul as soon as possible to complete the devouring, so as not to have many dreams in the night.

Only the special soul ability after swallowing it is his own, otherwise it may change at any time.

Unexpectedly, Bibi Dong didn't care about that at all, she just glanced at Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, with dangerous signals flashing in her eyes, and she even unknowingly released the killing field from her body.

The terrifying killing field combined with her terrifying strength, and the majesty of the Pope formed over a long period of time made her murderous aura completely locked on the two Douluo at this moment.

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo couldn't help shivering, feeling their knees go weak.

With a plop, the two couldn't hold it back for a moment, and fell to their knees on the ground, cold sweat dripping from their bodies...

(End of this chapter)

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