Her Royal Highness is playing a demon again

Chapter 233 It's okay, you have a thick skin

Chapter 233 It's okay, you have a thick skin

Unexpectedly, Brother Huang was still entangled in this matter.

It's as if Duan Yijun's one year later is not Duan Yijun's!
However, there is something that makes Nan Yuan even more curious: "Why does it have to be a daughter?"

Duan Yijun wanted a daughter because he was tortured by Xiao Yu and didn't like his son. Then the emperor wanted a daughter because he wouldn't compete with his crown prince for the throne and cause brothers to kill each other?

Nan Qi curled her lips into a smile, full of cunning: "Naturally, it's the soft and sticky niece that makes me want to kiss and hug her."

After finishing speaking, Nan Qi gritted her teeth instantly and said, "Do you think a mischievous bastard who is Duan Yijun's seed will make me want to stay?"


So she was mischievous when she was a child, but she survived only because she was a younger sister?

Nan Yuan swallowed hard.Nan Qi seemed to see the meaning in Nan Yuan's heart, and nodded affirmatively.


There is no need to prove it, the emperor brother must be relative.

New Year's Eve is approaching, and every household starts to decorate with red lanterns, to set off the celebration.

In order not to disturb their family banquet on New Year's Eve, Nan Qi specially issued invitations from the imperial court two days in advance, inviting officials of all sizes to bring their wives and children to the palace for the banquet.

In the past at this time, Nan Yuan would sleep in the palace until she didn't know what year it was. If she got up, she would go to the banquet. If she didn't get up, Nan Qi would send someone to send some meals to the Princess Palace for her to eat. .

These years have passed, she never thought that one day she would have a banquet as someone else's wife.

Duan Yijun packed up early, and sat beside Nan Yuan, and saw Nan Yuan yawning and asked, "What time is it?"

Lingyun was dressing the princess, before she could answer, she was interrupted by Duan Yijun: "No rush."

Although I don't know the time, but looking at the sky, I stretched out my hand and pointed cautiously: "It looks pretty late."

"It's more than an hour before lunch."

"It's only one hour?!" Nan Yuan thought it would be late, but she didn't think it would be so late. She couldn't help but exclaimed, and glanced at the bronze mirror, which reflected that the movements of Ling Yun's little hands were speeding up. Not a lot.

"Well, we will go to the palace in a carriage for at most half an hour, so there is still time."

Hearing Duan Yijun's understated tone, although she was indeed the fault of staying in bed, Nan Yuan couldn't help but mutter: "It's as if we are going to grab a meal and leave after eating a little. At the palace banquet where the officials are all present, if I go late, the emperor brother will definitely look at me with supercilious eyes again."

Duan Yijun heard Nan Yuan's muttering every word and every word, and couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile, so there were times when she was afraid!

He stretched out his hand, pinched her tender and smooth cheek, and said with a faint smile, "Fortunately, you have a thick skin, so you'll be fine if you don't hit me."

"Duan Yijun, how can I be thick-skinned?" Nan Yuan was teased by Duan Yijun, and her faces on both sides instantly turned pink as if she had applied natural rouge.

Nan Yuan scolded: "It's because you didn't wake me up that made me wake up late."

"I called, didn't you say it's still early, you want to sleep a little longer?"

"That's your fault too. If you keep quarreling with me, how could I still be able to sleep."

Such unreasonable rhetoric really proved Nan Yuan's thick-skinned ability.

Duan Yijun didn't refute anymore, which made Nan Yuan's anxious and worried state of mind just now become complacent and happy after winning Duan Yijun.

(End of this chapter)

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