Chapter 24 Dark Tide
"Uh", Ah Mo touched the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and smiled apologetically, "Ah Luo knows that his acting skills are not very good, so he spends most of his time practicing." Somewhat curious, how did Ning Zecheng know about Qi Luo, a little transparent who hardly had any sense of existence?
Qi Luo didn't think anything, but thought that Amo's ability to open his eyes and tell lies became more proficient.

"Study is of course important, but it's better to see more of the world," Gu Luo said with a smile. Others don't know what Qi Wei looks like, but he, Gu Luo, still knows. He spends most of his time practicing?how is this possible?

"Well," Amo smiled, turned his head and said to Qi Wei, "thank you, Director Gu, for your suggestion."

Qi Wei didn't bother to look up at Gu Luo's proud face, she just bent slightly and said sincerely, "Thank you".

Sure enough, the acting skills learned for so long are still very useful.

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes and wanted to smile again to make up for the mistake just now, but she happened to meet Ye Ming's unpredictable eyes, and she didn't dodge the collision with her eyes. On the contrary, she hooked the corners of her mouth, Qi Luo couldn't help being stunned, with this expression again, she suddenly thought of that audition, maybe it wasn't dazzled, but why, could it be that he knew something?But after thinking about it, the audition was the first time he met, so it was impossible for him to know anything!

"Ahem", Ah Mo's cough brought her back to her thoughts, and she realized that she had laughed halfway and then looked at Ye Ming in a daze.

Seeing Amo hating her for not fighting, Qi Luo twitched the corners of her mouth, can't she make her smile once again to express her kindness?

"Miss Qi was overwhelmed by our Mr. Ye's charm?" Ning Zecheng said jokingly.

Can you put away your treacherous eyes, it's really useless to blind such a good skin, coupled with such a wretched expression, it's really a waste of money, Qi Ruo gritted her teeth and said silently in her heart.

Just when Qi Wei was wondering whether to act shy, Gu Luo's voice suddenly rang out, "Isn't it? The charm of our film king should not be underestimated. Those young people in my family know that I will meet you when I come here. He is clamoring for me to ask for more autographs, and he will bother you when the time comes."

Ye Ming, who was the party involved, didn't pour a layer of oil on it, just glanced at Qi Wei casually, took a sip of the red wine, and smiled faintly, "Director Gu wants to sign it, it's my honor ".

"Then I'll thank you here first," Gu Luo said with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry to bother you. You guys talk first, and I'll take her away first." Amo, who had been hanging out for a long time, smiled dryly, nodded and said, and tugged at Qi Ruo's clothes by the way. horn.

Looking at this scene, Amo didn't plan to please anyone, so it's better to just go for it. It's better not to know each other than not to like it.

Taking advantage of people not paying attention, Qi Luo sneaked a glance at Ning Zecheng, was satisfied to see him shivering, then turned his head contentedly, waiting to be called back.

"Miss Qi", sure enough Ning Zecheng spoke, and Qi Wei felt a bit unwilling to hear it.

Qi Luo turned around and looked at him, "What's the matter?" Of course, she didn't know if it was her illusion or what, she seemed to see the flash of light in Ye Ming's eyes beside her, and she was still surprised.

Could it be that he was discovered when he was staring at Ning Zecheng just now?I have already done it quite covertly, this person's eyes are miniature search cameras or something, his eyes are so sharp, what he doesn't know is that from this moment on, he has been officially listed by Qi Luo as a black-bellied, sullen person. The annoying column, it's best to never have anything involved.

Of course, it's another story whether the factual trend is in line with her expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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