The only favorite actor: the national male god is too cold

Chapter 31: Demonstrating the Power of a Ghost 2

Chapter 31: Demonstrating the Power of a Ghost 2
"I'm asking you something, are you deaf?" After a long time without getting a response, the man became anxious, took a step forward, and said.

"What's the matter?" Sensing the posture of the man swearing not to give up until he achieves his goal, she knew that she couldn't escape, Qi Luo twitched the corner of her mouth helplessly, turned her head to look at the man, and with what she could achieve so far, Said in the kindest tone.

It is estimated that her kindness was not very sincere, and the person in front of her didn't seem to feel it, and she was still sneering, "I said, don't think that if you hook up with Ning Shao, you will definitely get that role. I've seen too many little stars who are not in the mainstream, delusional to seduce investors in one step."

Didn't you say that you don't hit smiling faces when you reach out?She laughed so hard that her masseter muscle twitched. This person's eyes were still like a knife, unbelievable or not, Qi Luo sighed silently in her heart, and never believed in these so-called experiences again.

She raised her head and looked at the person who came by. The person was dressed like a pure beauty, but the route she walked was not like that of a pure, pure, kind and lovely fan. She stared at Qi Wei with a delicate face. There was obvious disdain on her face, and her white eyes were particularly clear in the dark, such a face matched such an expression.

The gap, the gap, Qi Wei shook his head secretly, this kind of strong sense of disobedience, will the three views change if you look at it too much?
Although she didn't know much about the entertainment industry before, after all, she has been here for three years, and she doesn't know everyone like when she first came here. Amo will not allow this to happen.

So she knows this person, Song Xi, a popular female star recently, has debuted for three to five years, and the artists under RC, counting, can be regarded as the relationship between sisters and teachers of the same clan as her. It is said that she is a new star that the company has been promoting in recent years. The company has always packaged her as a pure and pleasant image, and is committed to making her a new generation of beautiful girls.

That's it, the head of the jade girl?Qi Wei looked her up and down, how could the haughty expression and disdainful eyes look like a pure girl?She frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything, after all, Song Xi was considered her senior, and she couldn't be provoked by her little transparency.

"What are you looking at? Are you still not convinced?" Xu Shiqi's eyes made her feel a little uncomfortable, and she stared and said.

"Don't dare, after all, you are still my senior sister. Of course I want to listen to what you say. How dare I not be convinced? My identity is naturally clear." As soon as her voice fell, Qi Wei hurriedly When she came back to her senses, she said with a smile, compared to Song Xi's rudeness, she seemed much more polite.

"Hmph, it's good to know," Song Xi snorted softly.

Although Qi Luo said so, she didn't think so in her heart. There are only a few rules in the entertainment industry, and they are all well-known things. People only see your ending. As long as you can spare it and bury it enough Shen, who cares about the process?
There are a few people in the entertainment industry who dare to pat their chests and say that they are clean, and it is estimated that the girl in front of him should not dare.

Qi Luo reckoned that this Song Xi also wanted to hook up with Ning Zecheng, but he was still working hard, and the effect might not be particularly good, Qi Luo thought about it and glanced at her again, she looks really good, but... …

Her eyes drifted downwards, young and beautiful girls, everyone knows that there are always some flaws, such as the one in front of me, Qi Yu remembers, once a media commented on Song Xi like this, she looks good, It’s chest peace. I heard that eating only papaya for dinner at home can not only lose weight but also achieve certain effects. I remember Qi Wei thought that the reporter who wrote the article was her black fan, but now it seems that that person is also seeking truth from facts. , but the effect of this papaya doesn't look very good.

Alas, another poor person doing useless work, I have to admit that Qi Wei is gloating now.

(End of this chapter)

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