Chapter 53 Gu Luo Appears
"Why are you here?" After seeing the person clearly, Qi Luo breathed a sigh of relief, stroked her frightened heart that was still beating wildly and hadn't recovered, and asked with complaints and doubts.

Gu Luo squinted his eyes, looked at her, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, very sharp, as if he wanted to penetrate people's hearts, "I really have some doubts now, are you still the Qi Wei I know, first Ning Shao , and Ye Ming, you are really capable."

After he finished speaking, Qi Wei frowned undisguisedly, then smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "First of all, I can tell you that I have always been like this, but you didn't notice it before, and secondly, I and Ning Shao has nothing to do with Ye Ming, your brain is a bit big, so please delete your brain stuff, and finally... ", she smiled, tilted her head and looked at the person in front of her, with a few smiles on her face. Very ironically, "Even if I have nothing to do with them, what does it have to do with you?"

She took two steps forward, looked at Gu Luo with a smile, and looked very sincere, "Gu Luo, I thank you for helping me win this role, but I'm sorry, I can no longer be your girlfriend", Qi Wei Deliberately deepened the tone of the word 'again'.

Gu Luo smiled, and stood up a little straighter, who was leaning on the car, Qi Luo knew that this action meant that he was going to be serious, "So I said I will chase you", he said, in this quiet night It looked extraordinarily clear, but it didn't bring Qi Luo even the slightest bit of joy.

"What about your little green plum?" You still have to hit seven inches when you hit a snake. Obviously, Gu Luo's seven inches is his little green plum Lin Mo, and he has been tried and tested.

Sure enough, Gu Luo's complexion changed. Although it was very dark, Qi Wei could still see his dark and shiny face. For some reason, she felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction. Is it normal?

"I said it has nothing to do with her, it's about the two of us, don't get her involved," he said with a serious face.

If you don't let me get involved, don't you get involved?Qi Luo never thought of herself as an obedient person, although in some situations, she still had to pretend, but obviously those certain situations did not include the present.

She shrugged and said casually, "I don't think there is anything wrong between the two of us. Don't say that we seem to have an adulterous relationship. Once again, we have nothing to do, so there is nothing to talk about. Besides, I just Just to mention, what are you so excited for?" Before Gu Luo could speak, she smiled wickedly, "Your expression made me think I guessed it right, you suffered a loss from your little Qingmei, ran away from me Are you looking for comfort here? Let me tell you, a person who is stupid once is immature, and the second time he is really stupid, do you think I am really stupid?"

This time she said it directly in person, not behind her back.

The night was dark, and the street lamps cast dim light, illuminating the two people standing below at the moment, elongating their silhouettes, the two dark shadows were independent of each other, clearly distinct, Gu Luo didn't say anything about Qi Luo's words, He didn't show any anger either, he just stared at her, sizing her up carefully, as if he had never seen such a person before, of course, Qi Luo didn't intend for him to answer, so he raised his head and looked at him without showing any weakness , In the darkness, the two faced each other quietly, neither of them spoke first, for a while, the air felt like it was slowly congealing.

(End of this chapter)

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