Chapter 812 Dog Food
Yang Li and Qi Wei carried a small bag of fruit and picked some wild vegetables, looked at the time and estimated that it was almost the same, so they rushed back.

"Ahem, you are a bit different from the image on TV," Yang Li turned to look at Qi Wei while walking, thought for a while, and said with a smile.

Qi Luo scratched her hair and laughed a few times, "In public, you always have to pay attention to your image."

"...", Yang Li winked at the camera next to him, "Isn't it in a public place now?"

Qi Luo followed his gaze and was silent for a while.

After a long time, Yang Li thought that Qi Ruo couldn't speak anymore, so she heard her voice faintly, with [-] annoyances, "I forgot".

"...", such a big camera sticks here, how big is the heart to ignore it.

"You guys are back." Seeing Yang Li and Qi Luo, Mo Xiao warmly greeted them.

"Come here, let's see our results." Qi Luo walked over with a smile, opened the bag, showed it to her, and then turned to look at Yueqi and Li Yichen who were groping in the river with their trouser legs , asked, "How are you doing?"

Hearing Qi Ruo's question, Mo Xiao looked a little embarrassed.

It was only at this time that Qi Luo noticed that her sleeves had been rolled up at some point, and her hands were covered with water stains.

"I caught two fish." She pointed her mouth in one direction, and Qi Luo followed her gaze, and saw two fish placed on a relatively smooth rock by the river, and they kept moving. fluttering.

The fish was not big, about the size of a palm, and not enough to feed five people, so Yue Qi and Li Yichen were still fighting.

"...", is it really okay to just leave it there?

Before Qi Luo could open his mouth, he heard Mo Xiao helplessly continue to say, "But I don't know how to do it."

At this moment, a fish flopped and fell off the stone, Mo Xiao ran over quickly, turned his face to the side, and carefully picked up the fish.

Qi Wei saw that the fish kept moving in her hand, and it fell down again not long after.


"Let me come." Qi Luo rolled up his sleeves, walked over, looked up at them, "Which one of you has a knife?"

Yang Li and Mo Xiao looked at each other, then turned to look at Qi Luo, and shook their heads together.


Qi Luo looked towards the camera crew.

Mo Xiao quickly came to his senses, said "you wait", and ran over there to borrow a knife.

Fortunately, the program team was quite conscientious. Not long after, Qi Wei saw Mo Xiao trotting over with a fruit knife.

Alas, the fruit knife is just a fruit knife, it's better than nothing, Qi Luo sighed, and accepted the knife resignedly.

"Let me do this, you guys go to make a fire," she said to Yang Li and Mo Xiao.

The lighter was confiscated, and lighting a fire was a big trouble.

The process was difficult, but fortunately, the result was good. Li Yichen and Yueqi caught a few more fish later, and after Qi Wei dealt with them together, they finally had a meal.

The fragrant wild fish soup, with a strong aroma from the white soup base, and green wild vegetables, is the most natural and pollution-free.

"I didn't expect you to be able to cook fish," Li Yichen said while drinking the soup, with a little surprise in his tone.

Qi Luo chuckled twice, and said, "Actually, I didn't know how to do it before."

It's just that when I was free, I made two dishes with Ye Mingxue, but I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

Although her movements were still very jerky, she was still much better than the other four.

"..." Based on Li Yichen's understanding of Qi Wei, seeing her swaying appearance, he didn't ask any further questions.

Why do single dogs always suffer [-] points of damage? /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
"Then what happened now?" Li Yichen didn't ask, someone would always ask, no, Yue Qi next to him asked directly.

"The people at home taught me that his cooking is much more delicious than mine." Qi Luo smiled slightly, but said it very implicitly.

"Your family members still teach these things, your family must be very harmonious."

"Yeah," Qi Luo lowered her head and smiled sweetly. She took a sip of the fish soup, sighed suddenly, and said, "I suddenly miss my family."


Several people dawdled until it was close to three o'clock before continuing on their way.

"It's a bumpy journey again," Li Yichen sighed, and said, "I suddenly feel a little regretful, I want to change to the past, if I didn't make a movie, I guess I'm still sleeping at home at this time/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ ".

I knew this reality show would be bitter, but I didn't expect it to be so bitter. The show crew was so unkind, they didn't even give QAQ a lighter.

"You should think like this," Qi Luo glanced at him, and answered his words, "If there is a biochemical crisis in the future, your chances of surviving will be much greater than others."

"...", what the hell is Resident Evil?

"Seriously, you think too much."

"People think in the long run," Qi Luo patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.


After walking for about three or four hours, they finally arrived at the cabin.

The wooden house is not big, and it is definitely not as good as living in their house, but everyone's eyes are much brighter.

"Emma, ​​I've never been so cheerful as I am now," Li Yichen said with a smile, laughing out the lines in the corners of his eyes.

"You can skip meals for a few days in the future, and I guess you will be as happy as you are now when you see the food at that time," Qi Luo joked with a smile.

Li Yichen thought for a while, then nodded, "That's right, but I still don't want to abuse myself like this."

"You will stay in this cabin for the next two days. There are two rooms in the cabin, and you can allocate them freely. Let's take a rest today and continue the task tomorrow," the director said while looking at them.

"Two rooms, just right, one for men and one for women," Li Yichen said.

Everyone definitely has no objections to this plan. After running around for a day, it is already six or seven o'clock in the evening. It is already late spring and early summer, and it is getting dark late, but everyone is also very tired, so they all go back to their rooms. Packed up and went to rest.

There are many mosquitoes on the mountain, and the sound of swatting mosquitoes can be heard in the room one night.

"Fortunately, I'm well prepared," said Qi Luo, getting up to look through her bag, and took out a bottle of mosquito repellent and mosquito coil with a smile.

Mo Xiao asked in surprise, "How did you come up with this thing?"

Qi Yu scratched her hair with a smile, and said, "Actually, I didn't expect it at first. Ye Ming asked me to take it. He said that spring and summer on the mountain will definitely need this thing."

It may be that at night, people are more sentimental, Mo Xiao sighed, "Ye Ming is so kind to you."



(End of this chapter)

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