Chapter 815 Idol
Amo gritted his teeth and glanced at Qi Luo, but because of Ye Ming's presence, he couldn't get angry, so he had to show a stiff smile, but this smile was just as weird as it looked.

"..." Looking at Amo's appearance, Qi Luo also knew that what he had done just now had deeply hurt his glassy heart.

She was silent, then raised her hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said very sincerely, "Then what, I will work hard in the future, I will not let you bother, and try to let you and your wife have honeymoon more than a few times a year."

Do you think that you can make up for the hurt soul of others by working hard?Do you think saying this will fix the mistakes you made earlier?
It’s just...

Amo held back, stared at Qi Luo for two seconds, and asked, "Are you serious?!"


"Of course it's true," Qi Luo nodded and said with conviction, "When did my words count? Let me tell you, I've always said what I said."

Amo looked at Qi Luo suspiciously, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"...", she suddenly felt unsure now =_=.

Qi Luo was silent for a while, and said resignedly, "Well, even if I break my promise once in a while...".

"Correct me, it's not accidental," Amo interrupted her, glanced at her and couldn't help complaining.

"...", didn't they agree to be each other's little angels?Why does the boat of friendship capsize?Qi Luo stared at him, but said nothing.

"Okay, if you go on your honeymoon next time, Qi Wei, I'll watch for you." Ye Ming watched them bicker for a while, then interrupted them with a smile. Some things about Amo and his wife Ye Ming I also know that, to be honest, he sometimes envies the relationship between the two of them.

"..." Qi Wei was silent, saying, is she really so unreliable?

Amo glanced at Ye Ming who was smiling slightly, and looked at Qi Ruo with warm and soft eyes, as if she was the only one to see in the world.

Fuck, if Ye Ming were to look at Qi Wei, wouldn't that be the opposite? !
"Hello", at this moment, Yang Li came over and greeted Ye Ming with a smile.

Qi Luo looked at him in surprise, and after spending two days together, she could tell that Yang Li was not a talkative person, on the contrary, he was a little taciturn. Qi Luo reckoned that if it wasn't on the show, he There were even fewer things to say, so it was quite surprising that he came to Qi Luo so proactively.

Ye Ming glanced at him.

He remembered this person, Xiao Xianrou, who has become popular recently, was filming a reality show with Qi Ruo these two days. He had never worked with this person before, but because of Qi Luo's reality show, he got to know him a little bit. This person's reputation is not bad.

Ye Ming turned his head and glanced at Qi Wei, then smiled at Yang Li and said, "Hello".

After getting Ye Ming's response, the smile on Yang Li's face became wider, and the light in his eyes shone even more dazzlingly. Such a sunny appearance almost blinded Qi Ruo's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

Qi Luo looked at Ye Ming, then at Yang Li, as if she understood something.

I saw Yang Li took out a notebook from the bag he was carrying, then handed it to Ye Ming with a bright smile on his face, and said quickly, "Can you sign for me? I have liked you for many years, I grew up watching your movies, I have seen all of your movies, it is no exaggeration to say that I entered the entertainment industry because of your influence."

(End of this chapter)

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