Chapter 819 I miss you
"Hey, did you hear that? The company is willing to give me an assistant. I didn't expect that my brother would give me an assistant, hehe." During the short journey from the place where he said goodbye to Amo and returned home, Qi Wei said Li has been talking about this good news that she likes to hear.

Ye Ming smiled helplessly. Although he thought it was normal, he didn't say anything, but he didn't want to spoil her interest.

Back home, Qi Wei smiled and poked Ye Ming who was walking in front with his finger, "Look, I'll be like you soon, I'm also a potential stock."

Ye Ming stopped and turned around to face Qi Wei.

Qi Luo, who was walking behind him, naturally didn't expect him to do this, and bumped straight into his chest.

Qi Wei rubbed her nose and was about to raise her head to speak when Ye Ming hugged her.

Qi Wei was stunned by this sudden hug, and then came back to her senses. Her side face was pressed against Ye Ming's chest, feeling his warm body temperature, listening to his heartbeat like a drum, and suddenly felt I feel very relieved, as if the suffering I suffered a few days ago is nothing at all.

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, revealing a silent smile, beautiful and peaceful.

Ye Ming looked at her pitch-black hair and sighed helplessly, "Have you had a hard time these two days?"

There was deep concern in his tone, and this unexpected question seemed to touch Qi Luo's softest heart, making her want to cry.

In fact, the past two days were not as simple as she said. Some things are always easy to say, but it is a bit difficult to experience them.

She always smiles when facing others, and never shows low emotions, so she makes others think that she thinks these things are easy.

It's not that she wanted to pretend to be coercive if she didn't say it. After all, everyone felt a little tired in that environment at that time. Naturally, she couldn't say anything to add to everyone's burden. She could only pretend to be nonchalant and make jokes. Do more.

But in front of Ye Ming, she said everything and spit out all the slots, but all these slots were said in the form of a joke, as if she was joking.

The second hand of the quartz clock in the room was ticking. After a long time, Qi Wei said hesitantly, with a muffled voice, "Actually...a little bit".

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Ye Ming's face enlarged in front of her, blinking at him.

The two people put their foreheads together and looked at each other.

From the bottom of Ye Ming's eyes, Qi Luo saw distress, pity, love, all kinds of emotions intertwined, complicated and warm, and Qi Luo couldn't help but slowly fell into it.

She heard Ye Ming's voice in her ears, low and soft, "We won't participate in this kind of program in the future, huh?"

Qi Luo bit her lip, looked at Ye Ming, and hesitated a bit, "I..."

It's just that before she could say anything, she was blocked by a soft lip. When her lips and teeth intersected, Qi Luo felt as if her whole body was surrounded by a warm and sweet breath.

The room was very quiet, the two could only hear each other's breathing.

"Don't be so brave in the future, okay?" Ye Ming broke the calm, "At least don't be so brave in front of me."

Qi Luo raised her eyes to look at him, her big black and white eyes were unblinking, as if she wanted to engrave his current face into her heart.

"But it's useless to tell you." Qi Luo blinked suddenly, and said with a smile, "I've already signed the contract, so I can't let you go for me."

Ye Ming was a little helpless, raised his hand and patted her on the head, sighed and said, "You are always like this."

Qi Luo froze for a moment, knowing that he had misunderstood.

She thought about her behavior, and sometimes she was a little alienated. It's not that she doesn't love Ye Ming, it's just that some habits haven't changed yet.

She embraced Ye Ming, resting her head on his chest, her tone was soft, but it was very quiet at this time, so her voice was extraordinarily clear, "I know that you feel that I am suffering because you love me, actually At that time, the five of us were all about the same, and I didn’t suffer too much, since others can persist in things, then I can also persist.”

"I always knew you were always behind me, always knew," she said.

Ye Ming was slightly shocked, and only heard her continue, "Actually, I don't feel anything about the bitterness and tiredness in the mountains, but I always miss you very much when the night is quiet."

 In a certain year, after counting, Wenwen is finally coming to an end (*/ω\*).

  The more I write, the more I get stuck/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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