Chapter 823 Plan
"Hey, take a look, is Mr. Feng interested in Qi Ruo?" The staff next to him looked at Feng Xu who was chatting with Qi Luo and asked.

The person he asked glanced in that direction and nodded, "It looks a bit similar to me, but our master is still here, so I guess he's out of action." The person looked at Ye Ming, who was filming. Look and say.

You know, these two people are simply a single dog's nightmare. If they can be cornered so easily, then they really don't want to believe in love anymore.

"Well, that's right," the staff member who asked the question nodded thoughtfully.

Their thoughts also represent the thoughts of most crew members at this time, but it does not rule out that there are a few people who want to watch the show.

"I didn't expect you to be in this drama," Feng Xu said with a smile to Qi Wei.

Qi Luo glanced at him suspiciously. As an investor, if he said that he didn't know who the actors were, Qi Luo would definitely not believe it.

But Qi Luo didn't say anything, just smiled, "I think Director Li's drama is very interesting, and I have been free for a while, so I should go out to work, and I can't just sit and eat at home."

As if he didn't understand the meaning of Qi Ruo's eyes, Feng Xu said with a smile, "I also feel that you haven't come out to act for a long time, and I heard that you broke the contract with Director Li after half of the filming. , It was a pity for a long time."

"Hey, the news in the circle is true or false. At that time, I just had a little personal matter and couldn't continue. The conflict between the two must be the most important, so I resigned from that play." Qi Luo smiled and said , she didn't tell a lie, but she didn't tell the whole story.

Naturally, Feng Xu could see what she was thinking, smiled, and didn't pursue the question any further, but just said, "Let's go out for a meal together when you have time, just happen to be with Ah Cheng."

Ah Cheng?Could it be Ning Zecheng?
Fuck, since when did the relationship between the two of them get so good, they can call each other like brothers and nicknames directly.

She remembered that the two of them didn't know each other when they met last time. What happened to this world?
Qi Luo glanced at him in surprise, and then heard Feng Xu say with a smile, "Later we met a few times, drank a few times, and gradually got to know each other."

"...", so the wine market is the best place to make friends?

Looking at Qi Ruo's appearance, Feng Xu suddenly thought of Ning Zecheng's reputation, although he felt that Ning Zecheng was not as romantic as the outside rumors, even though Qi Ruo is Ning Zecheng's biological sister, he should know his real appearance , but Feng Xu still felt that he should explain, he laughed dryly and said, "some things at work".

Qi Luo raised her eyebrows, thinking it was credible, after all, since the year before last, Mr. Ning has been forcing Ning Zecheng to get involved in some matters of the company.

"Wait until you have time," Qi Wei smiled, and said vaguely, she didn't explicitly refuse, but she didn't agree either. In fact, she wanted to refuse in her heart, but she thought about it, and it might be a bit awkward to refuse directly like this. Appropriate, so I decided to be more tactful.

After Qi Luo finished speaking, when he looked up, he saw Ye Ming, who had just finished filming a scene, walking over, his eyes lit up instantly, and he showed him a bright smile.

Ye Ming also saw her at this time, and the temperament around him immediately softened, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Feng Xu watched the interaction between the two, his eyes flickered.

"The relationship between you two is really good," he said enviously.

The smile on Qi Luo's face hadn't dissipated yet, she turned her head to look at Feng Xu, with the corners of her mouth raised, "That's natural."

"It is my honor to have him."

Feng Xu was startled for a moment, then smiled at Qi Wei and said, "It seems that the good things for you two are getting closer."

Qi Luo lowered her voice and said briskly, "I do have this plan."

"You have this plan?"

"Hush", Qi Luo put her index finger on her lips, and quickly glanced at Ye Ming who was about to approach, "He doesn't know yet."

Feng Xu was taken aback, then raised his eyes to look at Ye Ming.

At this time, Ye Ming had also arrived in front of them, happened to see Feng Xu's gaze, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong with Mr. Feng?"

"It's nothing." Feng Xu hurriedly returned to his senses, and replied with a smile, "I just feel that there are some things that we can't predict."

Ye Ming smiled slightly, "The world is unpredictable."

(End of this chapter)

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