Chapter 85
"That," Qi Wei gritted her teeth, looked cruelly at Ye Ming again, and explained, "You said earlier that you wanted to play against each other, but I saw you fell asleep just now, and I didn't have the nerve to disturb you."

Ye Ming had already reacted when she was struggling, and gradually withdrew his sharp gaze. Now that Qi Wei spoke, he didn't say anything.

"Well", he nodded expressionlessly, his expression was calm, as always, Qi Wei couldn't see his emotions, so he could only feel uneasy in his heart.

At this time, Qi Ruo has the urge to look up to the sky and cry, thinking that she has been in power for 20 years, is it really going to be uploaded here in the end?

She caught a glimpse of Ye Ming stretching out his slender fingers to pick up the glass on the table, took a sip of the boiled water, and put the glass on the table again. He crossed his hands on his lap, and his movements were very casual, but they were everywhere. An air of elegance.

Qi Luo looked at his slow movements, but her mind was spinning fast, thinking about how to start this way to look just right and not rude. During the process, she thought of several plans, but they were ruthlessly passed by in her deliberation. After thinking about it, it was not appropriate to say anything, but in the end she decided to give up.

"This time I really thank you," she said.

Ye Ming glanced at her, without showing any credit for it. Qi Luo guessed that in his opinion, this was just a little effort when his heart suddenly became kind. Since it was a little effort, it was not a big deal to him, let alone It is necessary to invite credit or something, and there is no reward anyway.

Qi Wei didn't think anything of his indifference attitude, anyway, she was saved in the end, anyway, she got a result that satisfied her, and she suffered from neglect and so on, given her position in this circle, how could she suffer less? up?

"Actually, I have a question." Ye Ming looked at Qi Wei with a cold face, and said proactively.

Hearing his voice, Qi Wei raised her head and looked at him, she didn't speak, just waiting for his next question, but she bumped into those ancient well-free eyes without any surprise, like a deep pool His eyes reflected the light sprinkled from the ceiling, shining like stars.

Seeing her gaze, Ye Ming paused, seemed to think about it before he said, "If I don't help you tonight, what are you going to do?"

Qi Wei was startled, only a little bit, as if she was not unusual, she looked at Ye Ming with a smile, and said flatteringly, "Didn't you help me? So I said, thank you so much up".

She didn't change the topic to Gao Ming. Obviously, Ye Ming didn't like her, "Oh?" Ye Ming raised his eyebrows, and asked with a half-smile, "Don't tell me you didn't know the foresight. If you knew it earlier, I would help you." you?"

Unless she is deaf, Qi Wei will definitely not fail to hear this unabashed sarcasm. She paused for a while, it's not easy to answer, if you say yes, you use him, if you say no, it's quite offending Yes, it's not flattering inside and out.

But I can't say nothing, I saw her rubbing her hands, hehe twice, and said cautiously, "Well, of course I didn't have any foresight before, but I think you are so kind-hearted, and your heart must be just like yours. I didn’t expect it to be so, you are really a kind person, good-looking, and very successful, you are really a model of successful people.”

Although she didn't know what to say, but she knew that there was nothing wrong with saying good things, so she opened her mouth and put a high hat on his head, hoping to numb his mind.

What a joke, is it so easy for a person like Ye Ming to be mentally paralyzed?Facts have proved that Qi Luo is still too naive.

(End of this chapter)

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