Chapter 135 Escape

The towering tree appeared on the dry terracotta land like this, and the thick branches wound around towards the eight tails one by one.

In an instant, a large number of trees bound the body of the eight-tailed bull ghost tightly.


Hissing and roaring, Eight Tails struggled vigorously, its whole body burst out with huge power, and it directly collapsed the trees one by one.

The mouth opened, and the jet-black tailed beast jade roared and rushed towards Ise.

The latter jumped up and down again and again, dodging these tailed beast jades. Behind him, there were constant explosions on his side, and the impact of the air waves made his whole body tremble.

"The second-ranked tailed beast really has something."

Seeing in the woods in front of him, Hachio's figure jumping high and running towards him fiercely, Ise narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly.

Compared with Nine-Tails, Eight-Tails may not be as good, but it is not much worse.

At this moment, the Eight-Tails occupying Bulubi's body fully demonstrated the power of a tailed beast. His body is as huge as a mountain, and the majestic Chakra energy aura around him is mighty, shocking everything around him.

Even the void distributed around him is twisting and fluctuating at this moment.


Eight tails roared up to the sky, like a mad cow, launched an impact on Ise.

His most powerful method does not seem to be the Tailed Beast Jade, but the muscular and extremely powerful body.


With clenched fists, he descended from the sky and waved down towards Ise viciously.

The latter leaped high, and the strong wind blew in. His fist landed in front of him, and the strong wind became stronger. After turning him several somersaults, he landed on the ground, drawing a long trace .


Eight tails looked up to the sky, black and red particle energy was boiling around his body, and a large swath of sand was rolled up and suspended around his body.


Black and red tailed beast jade appeared one after another, and there were more than a dozen in the blink of an eye.

Ise grinned: "It's really not worth taking Chakra as money!"

Such a large amount of chakra and generous means are not something humans can do.Even for him, he had to enter the fairy mode to proceed.

Otherwise, in the normal state, a large number of large-scale spiral pill type ninjutsu can hollow out his body.

"Whirring whirring!"

The gust of wind howled, and the black-red tailed beast jade roared, driving the spinning trajectory and heading towards Ise head-on.

The three pitch-black hooked jades rotated rapidly, catching the trace of each tailed beast jade, and Ise's body flickered and twisted to an unbelievable degree.

Almost every tailed beast jade rubbed against the top of his head, whizzed past him, and then bombarded heavily on the ground in the distance, blasting up large pieces of sand and bursting into mushroom clouds.

The movement was not insignificant, and Dashewan frowned and became dignified.

On the battlefield, Yao came to Ise again, condescending, with his eight tails erected, bent, screaming and punching down at him fiercely.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Clouds of dust and smoke erupted on the ground, and large pits appeared. Ise jumped and retreated, still avoiding every attack accurately.

"It's really a beast-like attack style, without the slightest artistic sense!"

With a sneer, he jumped up high.

"Since you want to compete in strength, then I will satisfy you!"

"Woodun, the technique of the wooden man!"

In the next second, countless logs appeared in the void, and a Taoist with a figure as huge as eight tails appeared. During the creaking, countless vines and branches formed a wooden Taoist with a majestic face and countless hands growing out of his back.

Ise landed on the shoulder of the wooden figure, crossed his hands, and stared at Hachio with blood-colored eyes.

"You are exactly like that man!"

Eight tails roared.

He has seen this technique before, although it is slightly different, it does not affect him to distinguish it.

Half of the tail stretched straight for an instant, and the next moment, it went towards the opponent's fierce attack.

At the same time, Mu Taoist's countless arms stretched out from behind, clenched into fists, glaring, and took a step forward.


Countless fists swung out at this moment, colliding with Eight-tailed tail.

In an instant, a huge impact occurred, countless ripples spread out, and large pieces of sand collapsed and flew.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The huge impact sounded like thunder, shaking people's eardrums, and Orochimaru was stunned for a moment.

The eight tails of the eight tails only lasted for two breaths, and they were dented by all the blows, and then, countless fists hit the face of the eight tails.


With a scream, Hachio's face sank inward, and the entire huge body kept retreating, leaving a long trace.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

But Mu Taoist's fists were not over yet, they still fell on his face like a torrential rain, hitting him with stars in his eyes and screaming continuously.

It wasn't until the end that he was knocked backwards and pushed nearly a thousand meters before Mu Taoist stopped.

Eight tails' entire face was deformed, countless fist marks emerged, and large areas were sunken.But soon, as he roared, the black-red energy boiled, and he returned to his original appearance again.

"This kid is so powerful, he can even use the tricks of Senshou Zhujian!"

With twinkling eyes, Yao realized that if he continued to fight, he might not be the opponent of the opponent.

"What's the matter? Eight-tailed ox ghost? Do you want to escape?"

Ise stood on the shoulder of the wooden clone, and said lightly.

Among the treasures of the Qianshou Clan, there is the true meaning of the Wooden Dungeon. After reading it carefully and studying it, he naturally improved his own Wooden Dungeon again and made it even stronger.

The Wood Dun at this moment may not be as good as the Immortal Art, but it is by no means a simple ninjutsu, and it also has the power to destroy the world.

Compared with excessive use of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, my eyes will bleed, and I may even lose my voice. In this case, Mudun is more effective and safer.


The eight-tailed bull ghost didn't respond, but black and red particles emerged from his body, and more tailed beast jade appeared again.

"Such tricks are useless to us!"

Ise said coldly.

In the next second, the Tailed Beast Jade pierced through the void again and roared towards him.

But soon, the wooden avatar made a move. His countless arms stretched into the air, smashing every tailed beast jade into pieces.

In the sky during the day, countless fireworks seemed to explode.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Mu clone stepped forward and rushed towards Eight Tails.

As soon as the latter turned his eyes, his huge body jumped up high, turned around, and rushed towards the other side.

Ise was taken aback, and Orochimaru, who was watching from a distance, shrank his pupils even more.

"Stop him quickly, he wants to escape!"

This scene, no one expected.Eight tails, a tailed beast feared by countless ninjas, will one day escape.

"I saw it, but he couldn't escape my palm!"

Ise's figure floated up, and the wooden clone below quickly disintegrated and dissipated.

He was in the air, his black hair was floating, and a crack appeared on his forehead. At this moment, his whole body was also wrapped in inexplicable energy light particles, and he changed into a Taoist robe full of runes.

The body of nature, fairy mode!
In the next second, Yise's body broke through the sound barrier, roaring and chasing after him.

(End of this chapter)

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