Chapter 150 Dou Hat
Time passed quietly, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

The situation on the border between the Country of Birds and the Country of Rain has become increasingly tense.Even this tense atmosphere has spread to other countries.

No one can predict whether the two countries will go to war again the next day.

It is only a few years since the Second Ninja World War.This short-lived peace, in the eyes of many people, seems to be broken again at any time.

"Thousand Ise, do you want to choose to go to war?"

"So, how will you perform in the next battlefield?"

In Konoha Hokage's office, surrounded by smoke, the Third Hokage murmured.

As for the recent increasingly violent friction between these two countries, he naturally sees it in his eyes. In fact, under the detailed report of Konoha's intelligence system, he still needs to know more.

On the table, there are records about the number of ninjas in the country of birds and their combat readiness.Naturally, the Kingdom of Rain also has it. After comparison, for this war that has not yet happened, in fact, the shadows of the major countries have already been expected in their hearts.

"The outcome of the war is almost predictable."

"However, what is even more worrying is that because of this war, a demon imprisoned in the bird dragon was awakened here!"

The Third Hokage said softly, his eyes became deep.

There is almost no doubt that Senju Ise will become a stronger character compared to the original Hokage Senju Hashirama.

At that time, the Senju Clan and Uchiha joined forces to end the chaotic era of the Warring States Period and establish the current situation based on the Five Great Nations.

So, will the rise of the man Qianshou Yise turn this situation upside down?Let the whole world enter a new era again.

In other words, it will end the situation of the five major powers.

Smoking on a cigarette, Sandai Hokage's eyes flickered a little.

The battle of small countries will also have an impact on large countries.What will happen in the future, no one can judge.

"Will certain big countries participate in it?"

"Could the third ninja world war be started through Senju Ise's hand!"

Thinking lightly in his heart, Sandai Hokage narrowed his eyes.

And for the unknown situation, he had to prepare early.

The Country of Thunder, the Country of Wind, and Konoha are all big countries that surround the Country of Birds and the Country of Rain.If war starts, they may not be able to avoid it.

Time continued to pass, and the eyes of the major powers were now focused on these two small countries.

The situation on the border between the country of birds and the country of rain is becoming more and more tense.

A large number of troops between the two countries have already concentrated here, facing each other across a small river.

"Everyone cheer up and focus your attention!"

"War may start at any time!"

The leader of the bird country ninja, named Chuanma, has a serious face and a strong momentum.

He was the first batch of wandering ninjas recruited, and now he has settled in the country of birds, and his strength is completely different from before.

The ninja school in the country of birds, the process of training ninjas and the ninjutsu taught are no worse than Konoha.

"Captain, are we going to wait like this forever?"

someone asked softly.

The Nation of Birds prepares for battles all the year round, and most of today's ninjas are young people, full of enthusiasm, and their combat effectiveness is also very good.

It can be said that in today's Niaoyin Village, the main combat faction almost occupies an overwhelming trend.The biggest leader among them is their shadow!

That man named Senju Ise!
"Wait quietly, do you think that you will be smarter than our Niaoying lord?"

Chuan Ma turned his head and said something with a faint smile.

The ninja who made the sound heheed in embarrassment.

"It should be soon."

At this time, Chuan Ma said again.

The ninjas of Niaoyin Village who heard it all trembled, and their eyes shone with light.

"Captain, is what you said true?"

Chuan Ma nodded: "Master Niaoying, since yesterday, you have not been in Niaoyin Village!"

Having said that, his eyes froze for a moment, and he scanned the crowd again.

"I don't want to hear about this matter from anyone else."

The rest of the team nodded their heads heavily, and their expressions became excited: "Mmm!"

At the same time, doubts emerged in their hearts.

Lord Niaoying has not been in Niaoyin Village since yesterday, so where did he go?
at the same time.

Orochimaru jumped in from the window of Niaoying's office, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the person sitting on the chair.

"Where's Ise-kun?"

The person sitting on the chair was not Ise, but the agent Niaoyingquexian.

"Oshemaru-sama, Niaoying-sama has left Tiaoyin Village since yesterday morning."

Que first shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Leaving Niaoyin Village? Where did he go?"

Orochimaru wondered.

He came here precisely to share a good news with the other party.Regarding Qianshou's scientific research project, it is coming to an end, and I believe that real human experiments will begin soon.

And once the human experiment is successful again, and the technology is mature enough, a wooden escape army will be built.

This will be a groundbreaking change for the entire ninja world.

"Master Niaoying said that he is going to the Land of Rain!"

Quexian didn't hide anything, and said frankly.

"The Land of Rain!"

Orochimaru froze for a moment, then narrowed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This guy, is he going to single-handedly challenge the entire Yuyin Village?"

"It's really a good spirit!"

At the same time, the country of rain.

The sky was overcast, and it was raining lightly.

Looking up at the top of the head, it seems that there is a giant beast, looking down, covering the whole space.

"Sunny days here are really rare!"

The murmuring sound was accompanied by the sound of wind and rain. A figure wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat walked away on the muddy path.

The figure walked slowly all the way, seemingly not in a hurry, but its speed was faster than ordinary people.

But in a short while, they had already arrived at the gate of Yuyin Village.

Compared with usual times, this place is now heavily guarded, and the two gatekeepers, Yuren, immediately looked at him suspiciously and warily.

The figure in the bamboo hat continued to walk, under the hazy rain and fog, his face could not be seen in the distance, until he was about ten steps away from the two Urenin.

"Stop! Who are you?"

Urenin drank loudly, with a serious and dignified expression.

"A nostalgic place."

With a voice of exclamation, the visitor slowly raised his head.

The blood-red eyes instantly met the eyes of the two Yuren, and their bodies froze for a moment, and the brilliance in their eyes became slack.

The figure of the bamboo hat pressed down on the bamboo hat, strode past the two rain ninjas, and the latter did not respond at all.

"If a place like this is to be destroyed."

"I really feel a little bit reluctant!"

After a pause, the figure gradually disappeared in the rain and fog.

(End of this chapter)

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