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Chapter 195 Rise of Great Powers

Chapter 195 Rise of Great Powers
"The method of sand concealing puppetry?"

Namikaze Minato froze for a moment, then his eyes brightened.

The two walked side by side. Minato naturally had a lot of doubts about Fei Leishen's question, so he sincerely asked each other for advice.

To his surprise, and even more admiration, Senior Ise did not show the slightest stinginess, and answered him one by one.

This kind of communication made Namikaze Minato feel that his thinking was constantly being inspired, and at the same time, he also realized the personality charm of the man in front of him.

He has never met such a senior, even his teacher Ji Lai would hide something while teaching.

"Minato, you are an excellent junior. If I can see you rising in the future, I should be very pleased."

Ise said with a smile.

After Namikaze Minato knew his identity, he put his junior's attitude very low, especially when he discussed with him the issue of Flying Raijin ninjutsu, he showed considerable respect.

The most important thing is that this junior is really like a little sun in daily communication, which really makes him feel warm.

Very comfortable, very smooth feeling.

"Senior Ise's magnanimity and generosity are what Minato should admire."

"I will also study hard from my seniors!"

Minato bowed deeply, expressing his respect.

"Ha ha!"

Ise smiled and patted the other person on the shoulder.

"This war should end soon, but before that, you seem to be in charge of Konoha's front?"

"Yes! Senior Ise, you also participated in the battle. With your help, we will definitely win this battle soon!"

Namikaze Minato said.

"The purpose of my coming here, to be honest, is not just for this war!"

Ise said softly.

"Compared to this war, I have something more in my heart!"

A puzzled expression appeared on Namikaze Minato's face: "Senior Ise, what do you care about?"

Ise shook her head: "Minato, you just need to fight this battle well, you don't need to worry too much!"

"Leave the deeper things hidden behind the scenes to me!"

After a pause, he took a few steps forward and said again.

"I believe that in the next war, you will definitely perform better."

"So farewell, Minato!"

Namikaze Minato was stunned: "Senior Ise, won't you go back with me? Your disciple, Yixi, I hope they are not far from here."

"They naturally have their own things to do!"

Ise waved his hand, his figure twisted slightly, and disappeared in front of Minato.

Watching his back disappear, Namikaze Minato's eyes showed reverence.

"I saw with my own eyes that Senior Ise is more powerful and unfathomable than the legend!"

"The evaluation of Ninja World seriously underestimated him!"

Sighing slightly, he remembered what the other party said just now.

"Hiding behind the scenes, something deeper?"

"What is Senior Ise referring to?"

There was a puzzled expression on his face, but Minato Namikaze quickly left here.It was still a time of war, and he had more things to deal with.

Ise, who was walking between the battlefields, had a very clear goal this time.

He went straight to where Yun Yin was, and he was not in a hurry along the way.Two days later, a piece of silence emerged from the forest.

"Although villages in various countries are called villages, there are not many ninjas at all!"

Hidden on the tree trunk, Ise observed the large army of Yunyin in front of him, his eyes flickered.

At a glance, the number of ninjas gathered here is about five or six hundred.Among them, it naturally contains a lot of ninja cannon fodder, but there is also no shortage of middle ninja and upper ninja.

"Just by myself, it seems to be very troublesome."

Frowning slightly, Ise hesitated.

His purpose is not fixed, walking between the battlefields can only be said to be willful.The reason is only Uchiha Madara who is hiding in the dark now.

Of course, he had been to Shenwu Biqiao before, but he didn't notice the other party's trace.

However, Ise can be sure that Uchiha Madara will definitely take the lead in this war.The other party's time is running out, so they will definitely make arrangements early.

He doesn't remember very clearly the wars that took place during the Third World War, and because of the rise of the Bird Kingdom, the appearance of the Bird Hidden Village, the combination of Rope Tree and Konoha, and a series of butterfly effects.

Many things have actually changed.

"If you want to arrange the future, this battle is the best time for Madara!"

"But where will it be?"

Thoughts swirled in Ise's mind.

I vaguely remember that Uchiha Obito had an accident, and Kakashi's Sharingan happened in the battle of Kannabi Bridge.

However, it is indeed a bit difficult to find an Obito in this large battlefield.

Moreover, not long ago, he also received news from Shisui, and now he is with Obito and the others.

Under such circumstances, it seems a bit difficult to think of something wrong.

After contemplating for a moment, Ise glanced at the Yunyin base camp not far away, and stepped back quietly.

In the end, he let go of the idea of ​​solving this group of people in his heart.

Today's war forces are already in a balanced stage.It is difficult to say whether a major war will break out.

"I need an introduction to lead Madara out!"

Time passed and the war continued.

The pressure on the side of Niaoyin Village weakened unknowingly.This also made the sensitive Yixi and the others aware that Yan Yin seemed to be shifting his troops.

"What are they going to do? Are they retreating?"

"I don't know, Yanyin's defenses are very strict, and our people can't go in to get information."

"Do you know where they went?"

"It's not clear yet!"

Yixi frowned, her eyes flickering.

"Sandai Tsuchikage is a cunning guy!"

"Maybe, he will launch a surprise attack on Konoha!"

Thinking of this, Yixi immediately spoke up.

"Remind Konoha that Yan Yin and Yun Yin may gather together and attack them!"


Ninja Torigakushi immediately turned and left.

"Over the rope tree, the progress is very fast!"

"Our people have taken down three nearby small countries."

Qi said softly.

"Well, compared to us, they will be less stressed."

Yixi nodded.

Then, he looked at the map in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Soon, our country of birds will become a new big country alongside the five big countries!"

Qi also seemed very excited: "Yes, the distance to such a fact is already very fast!"

On the map, the area covered by the Kingdom of Birds has grown rapidly during this period of time, fully doubling compared to before.

And this will mean that the population, land, and resources have all reached an unprecedented moment!
As time goes by, the ninjas and national strength of Bird Country will become stronger!

"When the Great Powers Rise!"

Yi Xi said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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