Chapter 198 Rise
"He's getting stronger and stronger, Master Madara, maybe we shouldn't give him too much time to grow?"

The man with half black and white body said in a deep voice.

Mentioning that man, there was fear and a little fear on his face.

They have been hiding since that battle.But he never gave up on the investigation of that man, and he also knew many secrets about the man that the outside world did not know.

But the more he knew, the greater the pressure in Jue's heart.The strength of the opponent is simply beyond common sense!
As time passed, the opponent became stronger and more mysterious.

Even after the third ninja world war started, the opponent's actions were obviously aimed at them.

It's like a chase, sniping!

"At my peak, I will not lose to him!"

"So now, I need to get our plan going!"

"This kid will become the spokesperson for me to walk in the world in the future!"

Uchiha Madara mentioned Obito and said slowly.

"As for the moment, we have to avoid the edge for now!"

Saying that, he turned to leave.

At the same time, Ise, who was speeding through the jungle, changed his complexion and sharpened his eyes.

"Has it finally appeared?"

With his perception, he naturally and clearly detected two shadows under the location of the Kannabi Bridge.

But this also means that the other party has already learned of his existence.

"Want to escape?"

After discovering the other party's actions, Ise smiled coldly.

Uchiha Madara and Zetsu moved quickly, but when they realized that the other party was biting hard, Jue paused and stopped.

"Madara, I'll stay and stop him!"

If the two walk together, with the other party's perception, I'm afraid there is no way to get rid of it.The strength of this man is beyond imagination.

"it is good!"

Uchiha Madara just nodded, and immediately disappeared with Obito.

Seeing Madara's decisiveness, he absolutely didn't care. He just turned around, with a weird smile on his face, and looked towards the jungle ahead.

After a dozen breaths, a figure appeared.

"Senju Ise!"

Never spoke.

"I'm not surprised that you are in the sewer!"

"But a guy like Madara can also hide in XZ, like a mouse, which surprised me!"

Ise stopped and said lightly.

Looking around, there was a rustling sound in the jungle, and countless white figures were climbing and rushing towards him.

"When he returns in his heyday, you will naturally compete with him face to face!"

"But at this time, do you, Qianshou Yise, want to bear the infamy of bullying the elderly?"

Absolutely said with a sneer.

In the jungle, countless white bodies rushed towards Ise like a flood.

The latter bent his knees and leaped high, his eyes suddenly changed, and a new pattern was outlined in the blood red.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!


Looking down, Ise sputtered coldly.

Silently, a pitch-black flame blazed up, and a large number of black flames let out screams. They were burned by the black flame and turned into ashes in a blink of an eye.

In just a few short breaths, the ground was cleared up.

"You don't seem to have made any progress!"

"I'm tired of seeing these old methods!"


Ise's figure suddenly disappeared, and he was already in front of Jue's eyes.


Waving the long knife in his hand, it turned into a knife shadow. The latter was like lightning, and his body twisted into a weird shape, quickly avoiding these attacks.

The figures of the two kept changing, turning into light and shadow.

After dozens of rounds, there were more than a dozen knife marks on Jue's body, and he was slashed and flew away.

"Such an injury is nothing to me!"

Said softly, the knife marks on Jue's body healed quickly.

"is it?"

"It seems that something more powerful is needed!"

Ise's eyes widened, and a blue-purple electric current suddenly oscillated.

In the next second, the huge skeleton propped up, enveloping him in the blink of an eye.


Holding a long knife and wearing armor, the complete Susano appeared in front of Jue, causing his pupils to constrict, and his face was extremely shocked.

"This is Madara's trick! You can do it too!"

Ise embraced her with both hands, expressionless.

"I can do more than you can imagine!"

Afterwards, Susano stepped forward, brandishing a big knife and slashing towards Jue Yidao.

The latter's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly resisted, but under the frontal collision, he was still sent flying by the huge force, drawing a long distance on the ground before stopping.

"His strength is unfathomable!"

Jue stood up again, and hurriedly ran to transfer.

Sure enough, Susano raised his big foot and stepped on it hard, causing the ground to shake wildly, and a huge footprint appeared.

Afterwards, Susano leaped high and rushed towards Jue.

"I'm not his opponent!"

"This kid is far from using his full strength!"

"It's powerful enough to rival Madara's perfect period!"

My heart was shaking one after another, and I was absolutely terrified to the extreme.

He collided with the opponent several times afterwards, but the powerful force was beyond his ability to resist, and his body was seriously injured in a short period of time.

"Madara has left my range of perception!"

"Thousand-handed Ise shouldn't be able to perceive it either!"


Jue decisively made a decision, turned around and ran wildly.

"Want to run?"

Ise sneered, Susano stepped forward and was about to give chase.

But at this time.

"Spore art!"

"Ten thousand avatars!"

In an instant, Jue who ran out was divided into thousands, and each clone went in a different direction, and disappeared before his eyes in a blink of an eye.

Ise's eyes narrowed, and in perception, these clones turned out to be the main body, and it was difficult to tell who was the real Jue.

He strode wildly, grabbed four or five clones, trampled them to death, and crushed them to death, but he couldn't catch the other's real body.

"Did he escape?"

"It's worthy of leaving something for that woman."

Said softly, Ise released Susano's state.

He perceived Uchiha Madara's state again, but didn't gain anything.


"However, we will meet again in the future!"

"Should be fun!"

With a smile on his face, Ise disappeared here in a flash.

Because he participated in the changes of this world, many things have changed, but many things have not changed.

Such as the death of Obito, such as the rise of Namikaze Minato.

The third ninja world war still took place on a small scale for a period of time afterwards, but there were no more big battles.

After this battle, the reputation of Namikaze Minato's golden glitter has become extremely huge, and there are countless supporters in the village.

The five major powers have also begun to communicate with each other, preparing to sign an armistice agreement.

At the same time the other side.

"Have you taken them all?"

"This time, my kingdom of birds is rising!"

"No one can stop it!"

Sheng Shu stood up from the desk and laughed.

On the map, the territory of the Kingdom of Birds includes many small countries around it, which is unprecedentedly huge!

(End of this chapter)

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