Chapter 1001 love but not

Seeing that he has no children and nowhere to rely on, he sympathized with him, so he gave the child to him to raise.

Jin Haitao adopted the child, named him Jin Yan, treated her like a granddaughter, and raised her alone.

Although the family conditions are very poor, Jin Yan is very competitive and smart. With her own efforts, she receives scholarships every year and is admitted to a prestigious university.

After graduation, he joined You's Group to work.

With excellent work ability and good communication skills, she was quickly promoted from an unknown employee to assistant business manager.

By chance, she was lucky enough to get to know the president of You Group, You Haoze.

Love at first sight, crazy obsession!
Li Xinyou listened to her patiently, and kindly persuaded her: "Don't be delusional about You Haoze, you two can't do it. Quan Lei treats you well. Although the Quan family has fallen, the family background is not bad. You won't suffer by following him."

Jin Yan's eyes trembled violently: "You said that I am delusional about You Haoze, but I think you are also delusional about Lin Zitong."

The man's eyes swept across her face, his demeanor was calm: "I'm different from you."

"What's the difference? Isn't it all the same and you can't love it!"

"At least we were better off."

"So what?" Jin Yan pointed out straight to the point: "Lin Zitong dumped you a few years ago, you can't live on memories for the rest of your life."

Before, You Haoze specifically consulted the old doctor who prescribes traditional Chinese medicine. Those traditional Chinese medicines are healthy and have little side effects on the human body.

During the special period of women, you can still take it with confidence.

Therefore, every day, someone would bring Lin Zitong cooked chicken soup, and Quan Lei and the driver took turns delivering it.

At noon that day, it was time for dinner, but the driver hadn't delivered the meal and chicken soup yet.

Lin Zitong guessed that today was Quan Lei who gave the chicken soup again.

When she was about to get a boxed lunch, Zhong Shaoqing stopped her and handed her a boxed lunch and a steaming soup.

"I asked my assistant to buy it outside, and bought an extra copy for you."

"Thank you."

Lin Zitong opened the food box containing the soup, and the delicious aroma came over his face.

The snow-white soup has a layer of gold-colored oil beads floating on it, which is unique to native chickens.

So, this soup is authentic chicken soup?
In an instant, she had already realized Zhong Shaoqing's intentions.

She froze for a moment, then closed the food box and pushed it to him: "Shaoqing, you can keep this chicken soup for yourself. Someone will bring me the soup later."

"A while ago, I wanted to tell you, how can you drink that dark soup? This is the real chicken soup."

She pursed her lips and smiled calmly: "That's what Boss You ordered to be stewed for me. I don't want to disappoint him."

Zhong Shaoqing was speechless, she didn't want to let others down, but her own.

Seeing the dim eyes of the man, Lin Zitong felt a little sorry, and felt a little embarrassed to think that he had been rubbing his food all the time recently.

"Shaoqing, do you have time next weekend? I would like to treat you to a meal."

"If you want to invite me to dinner, there must be time." Zhong Shaoqing frowned slightly, and changed his tone: "It's just..."

Halfway through the speech, he paused and did not continue.

She subconsciously asked, "Just what?"

As soon as she asked what she said, she understood it.

The last time she invited Zhong Shaoqing to dinner, it turned out that You Haoze messed up the situation. Zhong Shaoqing must have had a very unpleasant meal.

"I'm sorry about what happened last time, but it shouldn't happen this time."

(End of this chapter)

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