Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1005 Quan Fangzi, I am your daughter!

Chapter 1005 Quan Fangzi, I am your daughter!
"Zi Tong is already divorced, unmarried and unmarried, why are we inappropriate? Besides, don't you think about your grandson? You have the heart to let your grandson have no father? Don't forget, Xin Ying is also your daughter."

Xin Jun was angry in his heart, but now he seemed to have been ignited by a fuse.

"Li Xinyou, I almost forgot if you didn't mention it. Is the child in Yinger's belly yours?"

"Uncle Xin, you ask this, you don't mean to match Xin Ying and me? Everyone knows that the child belongs to You Haoze, why would you doubt me?"

"It's better that this matter has nothing to do with you. If you mess up, I will definitely kill you!"

"Uncle Xin, I want to be with Zi Tong wholeheartedly. Xin Ying is Zi Tong's younger sister, so how could I harm Xin Ying?"

"Li Xinyou, Zi Tong and Hao Ze are in love, don't try to destroy their relationship."

"Back then, Zitong and I were also in love. If you hadn't sabotaged and forcibly separated us, Zitong and I would never have been separated."

"I didn't break you up."

"Isn't it? Hehe, maybe not. In the past, I had nothing, and I only wanted to realize my dreams by myself.

Now, I already have everything, and the conditions are no worse than You Haoze.I love Zitong as always, even if she has been with You Haoze, I don't care, I am willing to accept her unconditionally.

If I can be with Zi Tong, you are my father-in-law, and the past grievances between you and me will be wiped out. "

Xin Jun hesitated for a moment, almost brainwashed by Li Xinyou's words.

"Li Xinyou, if you really love her, then bless her generously."

"Uncle Xin, I still say the same thing, I want Zitong. If you marry Zitong to me, I can stop!"

"No matter what, I can't agree to you being with Zi Tong!"


Xin Ying answered the call from cousin Quan Lei and rushed to the set.

Having been here a few times before, Xin Ying was quite familiar with the set and found Lin Zitong very quickly.

She saw Lin Zitong sitting there chatting with her mother Quan Fangzi.

"Aunt Quan, I can't recognize him."

"Okay, if you don't admit it, don't admit it. Zi Tong, don't divorce Hao Ze, I will persuade Ying Er not to let her pester Hao Ze. As long as you live a good life with Hao Ze, as long as you can be happy. "

Lin Zitong was a little surprised: "You, why are you...?"

"After all, you are Xin Jun's biological daughter, and you are also my daughter. I should care about you."

Xin Ying stood there, watching the interaction between the two of them, completely stupefied.

Her father Xin Jun's words of admonition still echoed in her ears.

[Yinger, accept fate, we will raise the child by ourselves, don't pester Hao Ze any more. 】

【Dad, why is this? 】

【He is your brother-in-law! 】

[He is also the father of my child!If you choose Lin Zitong, you are only willing to help her, right?I'm going to find my mother, and I'm going to let her decide for me! 】

【It's useless even if you break your throat!My attitude is your mother's attitude! 】

【I do not believe! 】

However, now that Xin Ying heard what her mother Quan Fangzi said to Lin Zitong, she could believe it.

"Why? Why are you all protecting her? Quan Fangzi, I am your daughter!"

Lin Zitong was talking to Quan Fangzi, suddenly, a roar came from behind him.

Both of them were stunned on the spot.

The atmosphere is awkward!

Lin Zitong was slightly taken aback, and his lips curled up bitterly.

Xin Ying's attitude seemed to envy her, thinking that everyone was protecting her.

Little did she know that she was envious of Xin Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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