Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1016 Whose is the child in Xin Ying's stomach?

Chapter 1016 Whose is the child in Xin Ying's stomach?

"Why do I have to dream of you every night, but Lin Zitong can take it for granted to sleep beside you?!"

You Haoze clenched his fingers unconsciously, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Only today did he see the true face of this woman.

It was enough to make him sick!

Lin Zitong is his wife, isn't it human nature to sleep beside him?

I really don't know how this woman can say such unrighteous and shameless words?
"Jin Yan, I don't want to hear your nonsense. I want to know, whose child is in Xin Ying's belly?"

"Don't you already know? You don't need to ask me!"

You Haoze frowned, but did not refute.

Seeing that he was silent, Jin Yan continued to speak.

A gap in the heart opens, and there is no way to escape it, only to accept it or fill it.

Because of him, she really hurt herself.

Emotions that have been suppressed for too long need to be vented.

"You Haoze, I hate you!

You are so unfeeling to me!
The first time I offered to resign, you refused to approve it, not because you appreciated and affirmed my ability, but because you wanted to use me.

You shouldn't treat me like that, you use me to stimulate Lin Zitong, is this fair to me?
Where am I worse than her?

That day, Lin Zitong asked me why I resigned to become an actor?Why?Why do you say I am?
Of course I am for you!You love Lin Zitong so much, isn't it because she can act?I can also act, I am an actor, I can sing and dance, will you give me a second look? "

The man gouged her out with cold black eyes, and said to her indifferently: "I love my wife, and it has nothing to do with her career. Even if she knows nothing and is nothing, I love her just the same.

You don't have to do this for me, it doesn't change anything.In this life, Lin Zitong is the only woman in my heart. "

It was as if Jin Yan had been poured with a ladle of cold water, it was extremely cold from head to toe.

"Unfortunately, you and Lin Zitong are destined not to be together!"

"You don't need to worry about these things. Jin Yan, bribed the doctor to trick her into infertility, got someone to push her into the water, and tampered with the props of the crew. I will remember everything for you. Those two slaps were just Interest, I will get back the account with interest in the future."

Jin Yan was straightforward: "The lighting steel pipe fell down, it was just an accident, I recognize the others."

The matter has come to this point, so what if you don't admit it?
You Haoze's voice was cold and ruthless: "Whether it was an accident, you know it in your heart! I'll warn you for the last time, if you dare to touch my wife, today's Huang Wei will be your fate tomorrow!"

Originally, he thought she had made great contributions to the You Group, and tolerated her time and time again.

However, giri can run out!
She knew he was not scaremongering, this man is really not easy to mess with.

Jin Yan's heart trembled fiercely, her voice was a little hoarse: "You Haoze, since you know that my entry into the film crew may be bad for Lin Zitong, why did you let me in?"

"I let you and Fan Youxian into the filming crew to let my wife experience. Appropriate collisions make people grow, but if someone dares to hurt her, I will definitely not sit idly by.

If you bring your words to Fan Youxian, you'd better not be cruel. If you dare to hurt my wife, I will definitely repay you a hundred times and a thousand times! "

Did this mean to warn her and beat Fan Youxian together?
Lin Zitong was fine, but she was scolded badly.

If something really happened to Lin Zitong, how could You Haoze let it go?
Jin Yan laughed foolishly, tears welling up in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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