Chapter 1018 You Haoze hit the headlines!
Lin Zitong felt a headache when he thought of the monsters he had to face every day.

Ma Dan!

She finally figured out You Haoze's intentions, and just waited for her to cry and beg him!

He deliberately alienated her and hung her appetite, just to make her bow her head in front of him.

She took the initiative to see him, but he still avoided seeing her.

In fact, it's okay to let her bow her head and beg him to get back together, who made her love him so much.

The key problem is that she can't have children.

There is no future between them, she can only reluctantly give up.

In the next few days, Lin Zitong will continue filming as usual, the crew is already in a hurry, and she also wants to finish filming the drama as soon as possible.

On this day, when filming, Lin Zitong obviously felt that others looked at her strangely.

Some are sympathetic, some are pity, some are gloating, some are incredible, some are overjoyed...

All in all, all in all, almost everyone looked at her with strange eyes.

Lin Zitong felt uneasy, she had experienced many scenes like this, and she had accumulated experience.

Something bad must have happened.

The high probability event is that some black information about her has been exposed on the Internet.

However, Lin Zitong racked her brains and thought about it. She doesn't seem to have any scandals with any actor recently?

When there was a break in filming, she grabbed Su Shanshan and asked, "Sister Shanshan, what happened?"

Su Shanshan hesitated for a moment before making up her mind, and said: "Last night, someone posted a photo of Mr. You and Xin Ying sleeping together on the Internet, and also posted a photo of Xin Ying's big belly."

a bolt from the blue!

Lin Zitong's head froze, and his mood was as restless as a turbulent lake.

I feel more flustered than when I heard my black material was exposed.

Originally, she had been worried that this matter would be exposed one day, but she did not expect it to be exposed.

I don't know who poked this out?
Li Xinyou?
Zhong Shaoqing?
Could it be Xin Ying?
When this name popped up in his mind, Lin Zitong thought of Xin Ying's cruel words that day at noon.

【Lin Zitong, just wait and see, you are the one to see! 】

So, under the influence of jealousy, Xin Ying lost her mind and broke the news?

After all, the Xin couple seemed to be on her side. They didn't know that she had divorced You Haoze, so they kept persuading them to break up.

What are you talking about, the child in Xin Ying's womb is raised by the Xin family.

It is not surprising that people will lose their temper and do something irrational when they are treated unfairly.

Xin Ying must be annoyed by her parents for not being close to her, so she broke the can and threw everything out.

Taking a deep breath, she asked Su Shanshan: "How is the situation now?"

Su Shanshan made a long story short and gave the general situation.

During this period of time, the marriage of Lin Zitong and You Haoze has attracted much attention and has always been a hot topic in the entertainment industry.

Last night, a group photo of You Haoze and Xin Ying sleeping together was exposed on the Internet, which once again pushed the marriage of You Haoze and Lin Zitong to the top of the entertainment topic.

As soon as this matter was exposed, You Haoze made headlines!

He is not surprised to be in the headlines, after all, he is already a popular Internet celebrity all over the Internet.

Surprisingly, it was because of the headlines on the track that he was out of marriage.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air...

You Haoze has always been a good husband in the hearts of many fans, a typical image of a good man.

He defends Lin Zitong everywhere, protects her with all his strength, fears that she will be hurt in any way, and can reveal his love from every detail.

(End of this chapter)

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