Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1021 Geng Junchen seems to have had an affair with Lin Zitong.

Chapter 1021 Geng Junchen seems to have a feud with Lin Zitong.

"Lin Zitong, at the You Group's press conference earlier, you swore that you were not divorced. When did you get divorced?"

Some paparazzi reacted quickly, quickly recovered from their stupefaction, and pointed out the loopholes in her words.

Lin Zitong told a white lie: "I got divorced a few months ago."

In order to protect You Haoze and prevent others from calling him a scumbag, she also took great pains.

A paparazzi immediately scolded: "Lin Zitong, why are you lying? Before, when You Xinyi exposed you, you still denied the divorce."

Lin Zitong didn't feel guilty at all, and turned back calmly: "Madam, please go back and take a good look at that press conference. I never admitted that we didn't divorce. Wearing the diamond ring is just out of habit. The father-in-law and the former mother-in-law didn't know about it, and tried their best to protect our marriage."

Since she planned to face these reporters, she must have prepared a countermeasure in her heart, how could she be led into the pit so easily.

The paparazzi is not a vegetarian either, and pointed out sharply: "Since you are divorced, why did you see you showing affection with President You Da some time ago?"

"In the law, is there an express stipulation that divorced couples should never communicate with each other?" Lin Zitong smiled and suppressed his temper: "I'm surprised, we can't be together after divorce?"

"Do you still plan to remarry?"

"This is a private matter, no comment."

"Lin Zitong, why did you divorce President You Da? Because he cheated on your sister?"

"This is a private matter, no comment."

"President Xin Jun of Xin Group, isn't he your biological father?"

"This is a private matter, no comment."


Lin Zitong answered patiently at the beginning, but later said, "This is a private matter and I have no comment." 'Prevarication.

If she doesn't cooperate, the paparazzi can't do anything about her.

Lin Zitong apologized after holding the posture for too long, "I'm sorry, I have to rush to filming. If you have any questions, please ask my manager Su Shanshan. She will answer your questions for me .”

Just like that, Lin Zitong dumped the blame on Su Shanshan.

Next, there will be a few scenes with Lin Zitong, she remains calm as usual, as if nothing happened, doing whatever she should.

The news of this incident seems to be unable to cause any major harm to her.

She doesn't care about the way others look at her.

In the past, she found it difficult to bear, but now she is used to it.

It's just moving from the shadows to the table.

However, everyone is still in a state of confusion.

You Haoze and Lin Zitong looked at such a loving couple, but they didn't expect to be separated!
Then, they make up their own brains.

Especially Jiang Caiyun.

Yesterday, when she saw You Haoze coming to the set, she thought he was looking for Lin Zitong, but she didn't expect it was Jin Yan.

Everyone from You Haoze came, but they left without even looking at Lin Zitong.

Moreover, Geng Junchen who came with You Haoze seemed to have a feud with Lin Zitong.

The two quarreled, and Lin Zitong chased Geng Junchen to beat him.

In order to confirm her own thoughts, Jiang Caiyun also asked someone to investigate Geng Junchen.

The result was that Lin Zitong and Geng Junchen were at odds with each other, and their auras were in conflict. Geng Junchen had always been particularly displeased with Lin Zitong.

Finally, having found a man who hated Lin Zitong, Jiang Caiyun felt a sense of accomplishment.

Watching the scene where Lin Zitong answered the paparazzi's question, Jiang Caiyun felt more and more that the relationship between Lin Zitong and You Haoze existed in name only.

If You Haoze really loved her that much, it would be impossible for Fan Youxian and Li Xinyou to join the crew.

(End of this chapter)

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