Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

C1026 Why don't you call him yourself and ask him?

Chapter 1026 Why don't you call him yourself and ask him?

You Haoze, who was sitting next to him, felt that his smile was so weird, it was very inexplicable.

"Junchen, are you in a relationship?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's a message from your wife."

As soon as he finished speaking, You Haoze quickly snatched his mobile phone, and couldn't wait to find out the text message.

[Mr. Geng, Mr. You, is he alright? 】

He was surprised, what's so funny about this message?

The more You Haoze watched, the more annoyed she became, this woman is really stubborn, she would rather inquire about the news with others than give him a call to care about her.

In my impression, she took the initiative to call him, usually to find him for something.

He couldn't figure it out. Is it that difficult to make a phone call to care about him?
He just wants her to bow her head, is it that difficult?
Geng Junchen glanced at him, a little puzzled: "What's that expression on your face? Your wife cares about you and asks me about your situation. Can you be jealous?"

Who is jealous? !
He is angry, okay?
However, Geng Junchen seemed to be right. His wife asked him about it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

You Haoze didn't reply to Geng Junchen's words, but just typed silently.

Geng Junchen really wanted to complain to him: Hey, let go of it, that's my phone!

Oh, forget it, it's pitiful to see him like that.

Who let their sympathy overflow, let the young couple communicate with each other.

Over there, Lin Zitong was lying on the bed after taking a shower, always thinking about You Haoze.

She was worried about him, and she didn't want to take the initiative to call him.

I want to ask about Geng Junchen's situation. It's past eleven o'clock at night, and I'm afraid I'll disturb him.

After struggling for a long time, I finally sent a text message to Geng Junchen.

There was no other way, she was worried about You Haoze, and she couldn't sleep peacefully without knowing the situation.

As a result, the message was sent, and after waiting for a while, a reply came back.

[Brother and sister, why don't you call and ask him yourself? 】

When Lin Zitong saw this message, his head was numb for a moment, and his cheeks were slightly hot.

Yes, why didn't she call You Haoze herself?

It doesn't seem good to bother others so much.

However, after a few seconds of embarrassment and shame, she gradually came to her senses, what seemed wrong?

How could Geng Junchen answer her like this?
This is not like what Geng Junchen would say, it feels too out of harmony.

However, the title "brother and sister" is indeed the exclusive title given to her by Geng Junchen.

Lin Zitong looked and looked, it was Geng Junchen's number that was correct.

Perhaps, some people are like this, with two faces in front of others.

It seems that Geng Junchen will not tell her about You Haoze's situation, and she is too embarrassed to pester him to ask. If she wants to know the situation, she can only ask herself.

So, she dialed You Haoze's mobile phone number.

After the bell rang for more than ten seconds, it was hung up, and a mechanical female voice came.

[Hello, the number you dialed is currently in use, please try again later. 】

what's the situation?
You Haoze hung up her phone?

What does this mean?

Lin Zitong was stunned for a while before making a second call.

Not surprisingly, it was hung up again.

This guy, it's clear that he just doesn't want to talk to her.

When he was upset, Geng Junchen sent a message.

【Sister and sister, I hung up the phone. He drank too much tonight and has already fallen asleep.you should go to bed soon too. 】

Lin Zitong stared at the message and read it several times.

I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what is wrong.

Maybe it's my own overthinking.

Knowing that he was asleep, a small stone fell from her heart.

Just sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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