Chapter 1034 How can this happen?
After panicking for a few seconds, she secretly told herself to be calm.

Jiang Caiyun thought, maybe she remembered it wrong, maybe she put the diamond ring in Lin Zitong's wallet?
After all, she was afraid of being discovered by others, so she quickly panicked when doing things.

Must have been confused.

So, she took the wallet out of the bag alone.

With trembling hands, she slowly opened the wallet.

The sound of nervous heartbeat and even breathing was exceptionally clear in the treacherous atmosphere.

As a result, there was nothing in the wallet except bank cards, various membership cards, ID cards, and banknotes.

No, there is a ring in the wallet.

However, the ring was inlaid with blue diamonds, obviously not the ring that Fan Youxian lost.

At this juncture, Su Shanshan interrupted at the right time: "That ring was given to Zi Tong by Mr. You. You are looking for this ring, isn't it?"

Jiang Caiyun had seen Fan Youxian's ring before, so naturally she didn't recognize this one.

She shook her head dejectedly.

Fan Youxian froze, frowning in frustration, the cold light in his eyes turned into two sharp swords, stabbing straight at Jiang Caiyun.

She is going to be killed by this idiot today.

Jin Yan was almost dazzled by the glittering diamonds, she recognized the ring.

It was the diamond ring that Lin Zitong wore before, which was given by You Haoze.

An unbearable sour feeling stirred in Jin Yan's heart, and she gritted her teeth jealously looking at the ring.

Jiang Caiyun was terrified and her face was very ugly.

She clearly remembered to put the ring in her bag, could the ring still walk by itself?

So, she rummaged through it several times in disbelief.

Where is the trace of that red diamond ring!

Fan Youxian was so angry that his lungs were going to explode, thinking of the Haikou he just boasted, he slapped himself when he couldn't find it.

She stepped forward and went through Lin Zitong's bag, including her wallet.

The result is the same.

How could this be?
Jiang Caiyun's legs were so weak that she almost couldn't stand still.

She obviously put it in. Does the ring have wings?
How did it disappear?
Jin Yan's eyes were gloomy, and she cursed secretly in her heart, 'It's not enough to succeed, but it's more than failure'.

When she looked up at Lin Zitong, she returned to normal.

Lin Zitong raised his eyebrows at them mysteriously and smiled, very straightforwardly: "Since you searched the bags, why not search me as well."

She is wearing a costume without a pocket, which is more recognizable than her bag.

At first glance, there is nothing hidden.

Fan Youxian's face turned pale, and he said reluctantly, "No need, I trust you."

Instead of searching Lin Zitong's body, it is better to think about that slap.

Lin Zitong was a little sloppy, and said in an annoying way: "Don't, Aunt Fan, let's do a search. That way there will be no dispute."

Sun Yuewen stood up: "Search, just search!"

Just like that, others didn't dare to do anything, and Sun Yuewen took the lead in searching Lin Zitong's body.

Got nothing.

Fan Youxian's expression suddenly turned flustered, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.


She really wants to slap herself?

Jin Yan had a cold face, at a time like this, she could only pretend to be dumb.

It is an indisputable fact that nothing can be found from Lin Zitong, no matter how good her eloquence is, it is useless.

It is impossible to turn black into white.

Jiang Caiyun was flustered, frightened and surprised, her face was extremely embarrassed, and her mind went blank.

Su Shanshan laughed, and clapped her hands while laughing: "Just now, I seem to have heard that if you can't find it, someone will beat yourself up?"

Fan Youxian's eyelids trembled, and his voice was crisp: "That's right, I'm willing to accept the bet!"

(End of this chapter)

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