Chapter 1044 I'm Not Blind!

Geng Junchen, Jiang Caiyun, and Du Jingjing turned their heads at the same time, looking at the person who came by in surprise.

Lin Zitong raised his eyes, his eyes flicked between them, and he looked not far away, and his eyes couldn't move for a moment.

God, she actually saw the person she most wanted to see.

You Haoze was wearing a black suit, tall and slender, with a cold and indifferent face, walking towards her who was stunned like a god.

I haven't seen him for so many days, but he still looks handsome and handsome.

It's just that the cold light in a pair of black eyes is fixed on her body, and the eyes are complicated and unpredictable.

It's over, he must have misunderstood, is there something between her and Geng Junchen?

The two haven't seen each other for a long time, and they never thought that meeting again would be such a bloody and funny scene.

It's all Geng Junchen's fault, what are you doing holding her hand?

Geng Junchen was startled by the prickly gaze, and let go of Lin Zitong's hand in time.

You Haoze's complexion was a little ugly, his dark eyes stared straight at them, and there was a gloomy look in the bottom of his eyes.

What he saw just now was that she didn't dodge at all, and readily accepted Geng Junchen's intimacy.

In the weather of October, Lin Zitong seemed to have sensed that a strong wind was about to blow, and the surrounding temperature dropped for no reason.

She felt cold.

She was anxious, but she remained calm on the face, not wanting to be seen as strange.

You Haoze's eyes were deep, and he stared at her for a moment, neither moving nor speaking.

Jiang Caiyun and Du Jingjing were not only burning with anger, but also burning with gossip.

The three stalemate for a long time, Geng Junchen stammered: "Aze, I..."

He wanted to explain that there was nothing between himself and Lin Zitong, he was just deliberately getting close to Lin Zitong in front of Jiang Caiyun and Du Jingjing.

However, it didn't seem very good to say this in front of those two women.

Don't talk about it, I'm worried that You Haoze's jealous jar will be overturned.

So confused!
Having said that, this is the 21st century, and it's not an ancient feudal society. It's not surprising that men and women hold hands.

Even in western countries, regardless of men and women, they kiss each other on the cheek as a greeting.

You Haoze's expression became more and more serious: "What can I explain? I'm not blind!"

This is a bit too hurtful.

Lin Zitong felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water all over his body, and the coldness spread from the top of his head to his toes.

"Boss You, it's not what you think."

You Haoze glanced at her faintly, with a cold light in his eyes: "What is that?"

Lin Zitong opened his mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

The next moment, she changed her mind, they were already divorced, even if she and Geng Junchen really had something, there was no need to explain it to him.

She is already Xin Ying's fiancé!
Jiang Caiyun and Du Jingjing watched for a long time and touched some doorways.

Seeing You Haoze like that, he really had a rift with Lin Zitong, the two looked at each other and exchanged eyes.

Afterwards, Du Jingjing explained everything that happened before, emphasizing that Lin Zitong slapped them outrageously, and added more details to describe Geng Junchen and Lin Zitong's ambiguous behavior.

Hearing that You Haoze's face was as black as iron, he looked at Lin Zitong unkindly, and said in a gloomy tone, "Come here!"

Lin Zitong was startled suddenly, his mind exploded with a 'boom'.

He wouldn't really settle accounts with her in public, would he?

She seemed to be frozen all over, and she didn't move at all.

Watching You Haoze walking towards her step by step, with a cold expression, her calf was weak, and she wanted to escape from here in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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