Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1048 Why Don't You Believe Your Husband?

Chapter 1048 Why Don't You Believe Your Husband?

However, it is not so easy to acquire a listed company.

There are many intermediary interests involved, and it is very likely to fail, and what's more, it will shake the foundation of You Group.

As a result, the You Group really hurt its roots.

"I hated you very much before, and hoped that Aze would separate from you and reconcile with Ying Er.

However, seeing Aze looking for life and death for you, I feel sorry for him.

There is one thing that I think Aze must have not told you, Tianbao Entertainment is not used by him to make a deal, I have a lot of shares, Aze is the major shareholder of Tianbao Entertainment, he took my shares, and bought some at a low price.

Because he said that he wanted to enter the entertainment industry, I transferred my shares to him. "

"At first I thought he was doing it to deal with Zhong Shaoqing, but I didn't expect that he was doing it to make you popular."

"In order to make you famous, he even puts up with you and your rival. He really has deep affection for you."

Lin Zitong questioned: "Zhong Shaoqing told me that the two of them made a deal."

"Why do you believe what other people say? You trust people so easily, why don't you trust your husband? I'm really worthless for Aze."

Lin Zitong asked: "Mr. Geng, what do you mean by that? Shaoqing is also your friend. Could it be that what he said is not credible?"

"Shaoqing also loves you very much. For you, she lied a lot and did whatever she could."

Next, in order to prove what he said, and to prove that Zhong Shaoqing was lying, Geng Junchen explained in detail what happened a few months ago.

That day, at the Imperial Capital International Hotel, Zhong Shaoqing and Lin Zitong were photographed intimately by reporters in the lobby and exposed.

Among them, the reporter who took the photo was called Chen Zhigang, who was brought by Zhong Shaoqing.

That photo was requested by Zhong Shaoqing.

In addition, that night in the capital of music, Lin Zitong encountered that salty pig hand named Jiang Beikang.

Jiang Beikang was instructed by Zhong Shaoqing to go to the Capital of Geshang to make trouble.

Everything was planned by Zhong Shaoqing behind the scenes.

The reason why Geng Junchen knew the inside story was because he was present when these two incidents happened.

Later, Geng Junchen went with You Haoze to listen to Jiang Beikang's confession.

After listening to Geng Junchen's words, Lin Zitong realized how wrong he had been all along.

She was deceived by Zhong Shaoqing and wronged You Haoze.

She went through what happened in the past from beginning to end in her mind, and she found some clues.

I remember that one day, You Haoze questioned Jin Yan in front of her in the office.

You Haoze: [Yesterday, did reporters sneak in in the hotel? 】

Jin Yan: 【Yesterday, the security guards checked all the people in the hotel. There should be no reporters. 】

You Haoze: [Are you sure? 】

Jin Yan: [The people brought by Zhong Shaoqing did not interrogate. 】

You Haoze: [Why didn't you check him? 】

At that time, You Haoze was very angry and scolded Jin Yan bloody, almost made her cry.

So until now, Lin Zitong is still deeply impressed.

If, at that time, she had been more vigilant, it would not have been difficult to find out that the photographer who took the photo was instructed by Zhong Shaoqing.

The hateful thing is that Zhong Shaoqing didn't tell her the truth before.

Zhong Shaoqing said that he confessed to her on a whim.

In the end, it was a well-planned farce.

It was this move that triggered a series of chain reactions that followed.

Zhong Shaoqing is really a thief calling for a thief.

Lin Zitong: [Mr. Meng asked us to participate in a love variety show. The time is set for three days during the Dragon Boat Festival. Do you have time to participate? 】

Zhong Shaoqing: [I'm very busy and don't have time.If that's what you mean, then I can consider pushing other things. 】

 Notice: Two days off at the end of the month, update will resume on the 1st!
(End of this chapter)

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